My newest Italian import was delivered...


Typical Vette Driver
Established Member
Apr 18, 2005
OC California
Holy crap I cant believe all the positive feedback on here! :beer:

Next time I'm out that way, I'll stop in for a pizza for sure!

Let me know when your business is good to go. I'll swing over n give it a try.

Thats ****in awesome, I bet some good ass pizza is going to be coming out of there.

Haha hell ya.

Let us know when you have the grand opening I'll get a few cobra's down there..

I'm also very interested in how the pizza taste. I use to work/manage a pizza spot 7yr's ago. We can talk expanding ;)

That would be awesome

Completely blown away by this OP. I saw a show not too long ago about pizzerias and they mentioned how extremely rare authentic pizza ovens are in the states.

Sounds like you are approaching this the right way. Best of luck with the business, but it looks like you are going to have no problem with your attitude.

Yes they are rare. As soon as we are opened, we are getting certified by an italian association called the VPN-Verace Pizza Napoletana (Real Neapolitan pizza.) Basically they certify we make the real thing using certain equipment and ingredients, and adhere to certain prep and cooking procedures.
They give us a spiffy new sign too haha.

sounds like its gonna be one hell of a pizza... next time I'm in the area I will stop by for sure.

Wow that's definitely the coolest pizza oven I've ever seen. :beer: I wonder how the pizza in Cali compares to ours.

Of course I'm obligated to say when my dad owned had his pizzeria in the Mission Viejo mall years ago, we were always always always (and still to this day) told it was the best NY pizza they had ever had. I've been to NY and NJ, had the pizza. The slices were a little bit bigger, but the taste was the same as dads. We used all the same east coast stuff. Some people say the water is different, ha what BS.

Vegas to Cali trip!!

I used to live in Vegas ;) My family had a pizza place in the fashion show mall for like 8 years, right in front of the stage.

Thats completely awesome man...why do you have to be on the West Coast :mj: Always looking for new/good places to eat and appreciate good food especially pizza...Ive been hooked on a coal fired place over here for a while. If I am ever out there I will be sure to stop by. Good luck with it and post some pics lol :beer:

Damn dude, that is soooo sick! who gets first pizza out of that thing haha

My dad and I will probably split it.

I'll be stopping by in April.

My gun store's Facebook page just liked your pizza shop's page! HA HA!

Hmmmm, pizza and guns, and both in Calif. Right on!


That's awesome! Congrats! Wish I was closer so I could stop in. :beer:

^ That would be awesome, haha.

Side note: Probably a bizarre stretch... one of my best friends is a Fuoco. If that's a family name, do you have family in Central PA? haha

Nope its not a family name. Fuoco means "Fire" in Italian.

Wow, now THAT is the right way to make pizza. Thanks for making me hungry...

That or a Ducati was my guess. Nice pizza oven though! Products of Italy are so nice.

Love it man, thats the best tasting pizza that can be made.

That oven is a dream



Typical Vette Driver
Established Member
Apr 18, 2005
OC California
I actually live in fullerton, AWESOME.

Nice! If you're ever in downtown on harbor and commonwealth and the doors are open, take a look inside!

Congrats buddy. Welcome to the club. Now change your SN to thepizz2. Lol.

Thanks guy. I was pretty much born in flour and raised in pizzerias, but this is the first wood burning pizzeria in the US for me. Grandpa taught my Dad how to make pizza when he was 12 living on a small island near naples, they had a few places there but after my parents got married they moved to the US in 1983.

I'll be thecalzone


OP is a good person
Established Member
Oct 12, 2009
North New Jersey
Nice! If you're ever in downtown on harbor and commonwealth and the doors are open, take a look inside!

Thanks guy. I was pretty much born in flour and raised in pizzerias, but this is the first wood burning pizzeria in the US for me. Grandpa taught my Dad how to make pizza when he was 12 living on a small island near naples, they had a few places there but after my parents got married they moved to the US in 1983.

I'll be thecalzone

I wish you good fortune and a net over 25% weekly. :beer:

Can't believe you never dropped a line before....I was born into this crazy biz too.


Slowest GT alive :)
Established Member
Jan 31, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Haha, they are both about the same price. But only one will actually make me money.

I am also importing the flour used for the pizza, the san marzano tomatoes for the sauce...

I am making Neapolitan pizza as it is made in Naples. The only way to do that is to use the right tools. Pizza was invented in Naples. The Ferrara family has been building these ovens, in Naples, for over 100 years. For me to make the best product, I need the best.

Ya...doesnt handle too well either. I was so nervous when they were getting it off the truck. Got a little wobbly over some bumps and my butt puckered up to about this size -------> o :eek:
Just buying the ingredients though wont make it the same. You need to have the same climate to get best results.


Typical Vette Driver
Established Member
Apr 18, 2005
OC California
haha me too !

so an oven in italian is Forini ? arabic origins , in Arabic its Forn

Forno is oven, forni is plural. Interesting about the arabic word, never knew that.

I wish you good fortune and a net over 25% weekly. :beer:

Can't believe you never dropped a line before....I was born into this crazy biz too.

Thanks man. You always seemed too busy SD :p

Yes, it sure is! I'd love to have this one setting on a nice patio in my back yard. That is one piece of art as well. :rockon:

It really is. My general contractor could not get over the quality of workmanship. Even the welded steel base had his attention for a few hours.

Just buying the ingredients though wont make it the same. You need to have the same climate to get best results.

You would be surprised how similar the socal climate is with southern Italy. But even if you have the exact same climate, if you try to let your dough rise in a kitchen with the AC on, you wont get the same results.
I often hand make dough at home using just a pinch of live yeast and a 12 hour rise. Took a little more yeast in the dry Vegas air when I lived there. Makes for a great pizza on the BBQ.

As for the restaurant dough we use a 24 hour rise. Dough we make this am we use for tomorrows lunch. Dough we make this evening we use for tomorrows dinner. Pizza Napoletana usually calls for very very little yeast, so a longer grow time is necessary.

Basically what I'm getting can have all the necessary tools and environment, but if you dont know what youre doing its all for naught.
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That Just Happened
Established Member
Mar 4, 2007
Dallas TX
That is really cool. Will definitely have to stop by next time we're in SoCal.


Typical Vette Driver
Established Member
Apr 18, 2005
OC California
wait, did i read that can cook a pizza in 90 seconds?

talk about volume!!

When the oven is close to 1000 degrees and the pizza is so close to the flame, its probably closer to 70-80 seconds. They are all individual sized, everyone gets their own.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 10, 2010
This is just badass. If I didn't live on the other side of the country I'd be all over your place on opening day. :(

Good luck with your future endeavor!


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Mar 28, 2010

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