under new management


Motor City Marauders
Established Member
Oct 19, 2003
Motor City
bigdogjim said:
Now Dave how did your MCM crew pull off MV-III if not for .Net? Not a site to promote activies and events? How many regional forums are on .Net?

What about MV-I, MV-II & MV-IV?

That wasnt a jab towards, rather pointing out additional features of to some other members. I think I said it above, that is the single best source of information and planning for events. Lets not start a fued where one doesnt belong. None of the MV events would have happened without the National Forum. I was responding to folks dissing on as being the second best site, not the first best site. Everyone is welcome at Motor City, irregaurdless of their opinions or preferences. You were welcomed to our site without reservation. I think maybe you misunderstood what I posted, I was merely refering to the MCM website, not forum, that we can, had have used for promoting and posting pictures of events. Agreed?


Simlply Complicated
Established Member
Oct 14, 2003
Lawrence Twp.,NJ
Dave I did misunderstand your post, so sorry.

And guess what? I am going to join your site sign me up.

See it can work. Thanks.

By the way the Star Wars party sounds like a blast.

May the force be with you.


Motor City Marauders
Established Member
Oct 19, 2003
Motor City
bigdogjim said:
Dave I did misunderstand your post, so sorry.

And guess what? I am going to join your site sign me up.

See it can work. Thanks.

By the way the Star Wars party sounds like a blast.

May the force be with you.

Thanks Jim, there was no intent to compare to I think a lot of the concern you may be picking up on here speaks to how important we think is as both an informational and social resource. That is why Mike and I were prepaired to purchase the site when first notified months ago this year. I can only guess as to why Logan snuffed us and ignored our reasonable offer. You are of course welcome at our site.


Simlply Complicated
Established Member
Oct 14, 2003
Lawrence Twp.,NJ
Cool Dave it not a competition to me there is room for all. Glad you posted about Logan's intent to shut it down.

See folks errors can be corrected without a fight.

Thanks again Dave!!


Effin Marauder ownr
Established Member
Nov 21, 2004
Jim Jones said:
You know If I didn't like what people were saying about me buying a site and dividing it amongst my budides, I'd just shut the hell up.

Yeah, thats what a smart man would do.

Booya unknown user.:idea:



New Member
Established Member
Oct 22, 2005
Windy City
Jim Jones said:
You know If I didn't like what people were saying about me buying a site and dividing it amongst my budides, I'd just shut the hell up.

Yeah, thats what a smart man would do.
Yep...That's true.

I guess if folks didn't post questions, there would ne no answers offered up. Likewise, if folks didn't post incorrect facts, there would be no need to correct them. And, if folks didn't take the time and put forth the effort to chop up a reply, there wouldn't be any likewise chopping in rebuttal.

Yep, you are one smart man, gotta give you that. I like this new idea, care to be a trend setter yourself? I would be inclined to follow your lead.


Say "When"...
Established Member
Nov 16, 2004
Venice, Florida
SergntMac said:
Care to post what you know?

I'd be more than happy to. I just figured the purchase price of the site falls into the "none of my damn business" category, and didn't feel making it public would be appropriate.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 22, 2005
Windy City
It really is no one's business what the final agreement was, but if something is not confidential, eithr in substance or by request, I will share the truth as I understand it.

I don't understand why some folks have to act they way they have up there. I'm only sharing what I know and from that we all learn what I don't know. Thanks to Dave's eloquent explanation, we all now understand more, now you can ask him stuff too. I don't think neither Dave or I can answer for Logan.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 14, 2003
Farmington michigan
I guess the only thing that bothers me is that it was never posted on the public forums. It seems only the moderators had the right to the sale. This in itself is not right. I have been a contributing member since day one and feel that we should have been let in on the sale of the site.

Don't get me wrong, I'm gald that the site is still around. I just feel that the sale could have been handle better.


My Wiener's Covered
Established Member
Mar 7, 2004
Other Side of the Tracks
Some of younz are so thick in the head you can't see what others are really getting at. The deal was done behind closed doors and that leads to speculation of shananigans. Not take an offer because someone didn't buy a truck and then "give" the site to a group of people who "claim to be the saviors". While younz might be "the saviors" of by buying it, I think the sale was more of a default 'cause noone else knew about the sale. To me the "sale" stinks of 6 week old road kill in the Texas sun.


Trilogy Twin Screwed #004
Established Member
Oct 22, 2006
tallboy said:

I never got an invite...but then Dad taught me when I was young that "if you hang around $hit long start smellin' like it" I'm glad to have never been invited.


Effin Marauder ownr
Established Member
Nov 21, 2004
bigslim said:
That site was by invitation only. All the others are for everyone.

There was never an invitation only.
There was a requirement to be a financial supporter to be online.

Big Difference sir.

Even the MCM site has requirements to SEE the entire site.

Besides, even if .us was an open site, would you have joined?

You have nothing to offer but hatred.

I joined.
But I too have nothing to offer.

Blows your conspiracy out of the water.:dw:

Listen, this particular thread is about the new ownership at MM.NET.
Stay on topic if you can.

Nothing has has changed but the names. Get used to it....again.
When Dave was a mod over there, I ate his shit and sat in the corner as I was required. Did I complain on other forums about it....?

I promise to be just as much a crazy irritating ass as I ever was. I will stand up for the masses, and let the owners know how I feel. I will continue to be a thorn in EVERYONES side. A small thorn...but a thorn none the less.

I promise I will never disparage any of you over there. Particularly now.

Over here however....
You folks made the rules.

bigslim said:
I guess the only thing that bothers me is that it was never posted on the public forums.

So blame Logan!!!!!!!
All you angry hurt feeling SOB'S need to understand, Logan did offer it, unfortunately he did so in the ADMIN forum. I didn't see it either. Only Dave, Mary, and perhaps one or two others saw the post. I'd love to post his original fact...I am about ready to, just set you cry babies straight. We weren't told because obviously we weren't chosen or 'worthy' in Logan's eyes. MCM...and the loyal had your chance. Why didn't you dive on it like some one else did? Did Dave even tell you?

STLR FN said:
The deal was done behind closed doors and that leads to speculation of shananigans.
Dave...speculate the fact that this fellow wasn't on YOUR list as well.
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Effin Marauder ownr
Established Member
Nov 21, 2004
JB said:
NOTE, this is a very free and open forum but as in Life, Freedom is never absolute.... ;-)

True. I respect your site.
I meant freedom to speak to some as I won't elsewhere.
It would be deleted.:rolleyes:

Ok...I was warned a long time ago about posting quotes from particular people...but the tides have changed.....

This posted in April 2006.
"If anyone on the admin forums knows of someone who might be seriously interested in, pls send them my way."

If your name wasn't submitted...and you are still complaining...blame someone else. Please!!!
Btw: I wasn't even CLOSE to being on the list.
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New Member
Established Member
Oct 22, 2005
Windy City
STLR FN said:
Some of younz are so thick in the head you can't see what others are really getting at. The deal was done behind closed doors and that leads to speculation of shananigans. Not take an offer because someone didn't buy a truck and then "give" the site to a group of people who "claim to be the saviors". While younz might be "the saviors" of by buying it, I think the sale was more of a default 'cause noone else knew about the sale. To me the "sale" stinks of 6 week old road kill in the Texas sun.
This is a much better respons that your last comments, thank you.

What has taken place in the sale of MM.Net should be obvious to all. We never meant to hide anything away from other eyes. Seems that Logan either has his preferrence for buyers, or, felt an auction may better fit his needs. Simply said, when the offer included me, I got on board. I learned that other deal may be pending, and I decided to keep my mouth shut on it until it was over, why jack the price any higher with competitive bids?

I am pleased to see that other were given a chance at it, and it all seems to be the luck of the draw after that. I do wonder DJ, if you were informed of any plans from the MCM to buy the site, or did you just catch on with the rest of us? That's neither my business, or concern, but there may have been one other back room filled with cigar smoke and private handshakes, that has not been given equal time here.

Dave said, "he and Mike" responded to the offer, but it seems to me that many MCM members had no knowledge of the sale until Logan announced it. Other have said that they too did not now anything until it was too late, and I respect that statement. However, we were not the only group to keep mum on the offer, it suited our neeeds at the time, and it's unfair to say one group cheated, and ignore the other's deed.

Let's be fair on it all, and let's move on.

With regard to the privacy of the .US site, it's that way because 53 members have paid a subscription to keep it that way. It has been reviewed a few times, and the vote to keep it private has passed by a majority rule. Likewise, member are invited in by popular vote/approval off current members. If you didn't get an invite yet, we may not have gotten to your name on that list yet. OTOH, we may have passed on it.

As one voice has pointed out here, ïf you hang with sh!t you will absord the smell. That's the kind of thinking 53 folks at .US don't want to hear about, and really...It works both ways, and the air is fine at .US.

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