LMAS Busted on NLOC


Hopeless SVT Fan
Established Member
May 11, 2006
Laguna Hills, California
The hell w/ Big-D and NLOC. They've done the same shit to me on that site. As far as im concerned, if they'll harbor shitheads like that and delete/move legit threads such as yours (and mine in this case too).... He's no better than the scum he's protecting.

Thank you SVTP for being a better place ruled by moral standards and based around a community of good people.


Shake & Bake
Established Member
Jan 17, 2006
It's almost to bad that Lmas got banned, he could have made a "How-to get bitch slapped by the entire SVT community" thread.

I tried not to take any sides until he made some comments that rubbed me wrong and it really didn't seem like he cared at all about what was going down. Here or over there.

Like my new bike?


Established Member
Apr 14, 2004
ChuteboxeL03 said:
I cant access the site, so what happened, wat did he do?

This is how the whole thing started.11/28/2006
From LightningMas>>

"has anyone recieved there granatelli COPs from LFP lately?? Cause LFP hasnt still sent me my granatelli cops in 3 months.. ya 3 frickin months.. im getting pissed off. cause i cant even drive my truck.. i havent drove my baby in 3 months. cause im waiting on the COPS.. i think LFP is lying, cause i talked to MARK, and he said he would send me some after SEMA, but i still aint got them.. so i was wondering, if anyone recieved there COPS from LFP lately?


"If you need some bad, I can send you my set so you can replace your 3 broken ones and you can send them back to me when you get yours. All I did to mine, was trim 1/4" from the rubber boots so they can go in easier, but they are brand new and in working order. Let me know if I can help you out. Send pm."

i hope he comes thru and send them to me...

sent pm to bonestock

The date was 11-29-2006 From LightningMas>

"i would like to sincerly Thank bonestocksvt for his generous HELP.. He is giving me 3 of his granatelli coilpacks till i get mine from LFP.. i have been waiting 3 months for COPS and still aint got them.. i would not think anyone would do such a thing like this, espically on here.. All u Lightning guys are my Lightning Brothers!

all i want to say is bonestocksvt is da MAN!

Sorry, i just had to let everyone know.. "

And this was Bonestocksvt reply>>>

"Thanks guys... Believe me, I wasn't always this way. It took many years of mental maturity to get to this level of thinking. You can never go wrong when doing a good deed"

Now LightningMas is bragging about his bike and is like no big deal regarding the coil packs. It is a big deal! Bonestocksvt went out of his way to help you out and you are blowing it off like it is nothing..You would have alot more friends on here if you would have said in the begining that you were sorry and send them back to him with some cash.That would have been the right thing to do.

Fade 2 Black

Gen 2 Diehard
Established Member
Jun 13, 2001
McDonough, GA, USA
Many of you, you especially Bruce, can now understand my elation when I was asked to be a mod here. I was MORE than happy to give up the position I held on NLOC for this.

Sometimes we do need to be our brothers keeper and in the end almost everyone on here can work things out like adults.

It sux that this happened so such a standup guy like bonestock, his headaches possibly saved many others from a smilar or much worse fate. It makes being nice difficult and further goes to illustrate one of my favorite sayings:

No good deed goes unpunished.


New Member
Established Member
Sep 22, 2002
Valdosta, GA
I do sincerely believe that LMAS true colors have finally shown through as most of you have said. Yeah, he's 21, but that's no excuse. He's a grown adult and any of you have followed his post through the years, you understand he was one of the most immature bastages on this site. Maybe you recall when he was arrested for arrested or nearly arrested ( I can't remember exactly) for an altercation with a cop which he was bragging about. An then bragging about how he has ran from the police before on his gixxer 750. I say good riddance to bad rubbish and he's getting exactly what he deserves. Shame on him for crossing anyone in the SVT community.


Enjoy The Ride
Established Member
Sep 18, 2005
Bay Area, California
Fade 2 Black said:
The bad in him brought out the good in the rest of you. Lets move on, there's moddin' to do!

Very true! Since I started this thread, I for one wouldn't mind this thread fading to black, if you know what I mean................


Established Member
Oct 28, 2006
bonestocksvt said:
In fact, I think even thoug the issue wasn't resolved, the LMAS point was made here and on nloc. with that said, I think we should move on and concentrate on the better members in here. Let's start some new threads and forget about this jackass already. In the end, he has lost more than what he gained.

My personal thanks to everyone on this site who supported me. I think the point of all this was very clear and very well made. So now that we finally reached the end. DOES ANYONE NEED A SET OF GRANATELLI COPS?????





skeered to mod it
Established Member
Jul 19, 2002
Rhode Island
You guys need to chill out with me, i agree 100% with you!!!
brucewrs said:
Why?So now he can screw someone else..See I could understand if he was sincere and told Bonestocksvt that he will get them out to him right away and told him that he was very sorry.......But that is not the case.He seems like he could give two [email protected] just wants to show off his bike that he bought..Not cool!
MAT2CH said:
I'm not sure who that remark is directed at, but if it was to me, I didn't post a link over there to the thread here, I posted a link here about the thread over there. I figured people here would like to know that having to man-up was expected across the entire Lightning community...
bonestocksvt said:
Sorry that you feel that way, but he didn't seal your $400 cops, so it's a bit easier for you to make that comment. I was the one who got the shit end of the deal and hell yeah, I will expose him to the whole world if I could. In fact I'm a paid member over at nloc (not that it means anything) and I started a thread on this issue, lucky for him it disappeared almost immediately.

Mat2ch, your a good guy and your actions have been nothing but fair and appropriate. I appreciate you and every single member in here who continues to back me up.


Well atleast these two guys were paying attention, man some of you guys get the taste of blood and want to keep going.

2004SVTL said:
I think LightningMike is being sarcastic. Or atleast I hope he is.
nastynivek said:

Notice the smiley with the rolling eyes at the end of his post.

Fade 2 Black

Gen 2 Diehard
Established Member
Jun 13, 2001
McDonough, GA, USA
It was the rolley eyes that confused us all Mike. :fart:

Before this one's put to rest Juan, could you please state whether you got all your parts back and if they were in THE SAME CONDITION AS WHEN YOU SENT THEM, you can PM me if you like but I'd like to know for future reference.

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