Help lower fuel prices!!!


Eat more POTATOES!!!
Established Member
Dec 4, 2003
Center, CO
Tell people to stop producing ethanol from corn. That would ease demand a little, not just fuel demand but fertilizer. Corn can drink that fert like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 24, 2006
how many threads have been posted like this?


New Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2006
New Mexico
I was asked to post this up for you guys.

Exxon/mobile had the highest ever recorded earnings this last year and this upcoming year is looking just as good for investors,
shit Im even watching the trading charts for them so I can get in on the trading action
which means they made money off of this whole crude oil dilema that the nation is in
so if you put gas at one of their stations you are only helping to fuel the fire
and help them to raise our gas prices
and some of these dimwits think that its good to raise gas prices so they can own the roads,as if they are the elite
but what these ignorant people dont know is that when oil prices go up our whole economy falls
our dollear is almost completely based on the crude oil trade, its not based on gold
so if prices go up everything goes up including food, trash, and even water
different gas and oil companies do import their own oil
but when you have a major player that is backed by the wealthiest people in the world (the true ELITE)
it causes a monopooly that trickles downand affects the upperclass all the way down to the lowest class
I will repeat do not put diesel or gas or even buy oil from exxon/moblie
do your own research
find out who is buying what and from where
then you can help do your part to make america as great as it once was


Bleeding Blue
Established Member
Jun 3, 2007
I was asked to post this up for you guys.

Exxon/mobile had the highest ever recorded earnings this last year and this upcoming year is looking just as good for investors,
shit Im even watching the trading charts for them so I can get in on the trading action
which means they made money off of this whole crude oil dilema that the nation is in
so if you put gas at one of their stations you are only helping to fuel the fire
and help them to raise our gas prices
and some of these dimwits think that its good to raise gas prices so they can own the roads,as if they are the elite
but what these ignorant people dont know is that when oil prices go up our whole economy falls
our dollear is almost completely based on the crude oil trade, its not based on gold
so if prices go up everything goes up including food, trash, and even water
different gas and oil companies do import their own oil
but when you have a major player that is backed by the wealthiest people in the world (the true ELITE)
it causes a monopooly that trickles downand affects the upperclass all the way down to the lowest class
I will repeat do not put diesel or gas or even buy oil from exxon/moblie
do your own research
find out who is buying what and from where
then you can help do your part to make america as great as it once was

+1, you guys are stupid, do you think people are going to stop driving to save gas?? Thats good reasoning, lets not go to work so we can save gas money.. it may affect SOME people but for most all its going to do it crash our economy, and screw us and our kids
Sep 11, 2007
Spring Hill, TN
300 million people don't have email either. some are children and babies, some are deaf and blind, some are elderly and don't even know what a computer is much less how to turn it on. some are mentally disabled.

whoever wrote that wasted a good hour out of their day. how naive.


Superduty = Superman
Established Member
Jan 11, 2008
Knoxville, Tennessee
:bored: You know at one time I thought we were a Super Power.:bored: But now these 3rd world countries have brought us to our knees almost. I know it sounds barbaric and retarded but why not go over to their countries and wipe them off the face of the planet. Problem solved. Screw the UN and all of BS of rules and litigations. This country has become jaded and to many friggin tree huggers are running things now. They say, 'No, Now we dont need to just take it from them, War doesnt solve anything.' But it did when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor. The Jap leader said they had made a mistake of waking up a mighty giant. Well now they are in the Mighty Giants wallet. Im on the road alot delivering Cars across the US and I've talked to a lot of these truckers, ALOT!. The owner/operators are breaking even. So are they supposed to drive for their health? Of course not, But You and I will begin to suffer when the food and clothes dont make it to the shelves at our stores. And I have seen the stores here lately with a mild shortage in some goods and the store clerks complaining of no shipments coming in. The majority of you guys on here dont see and hear what I see and hear out there. These truckers are beginning to park there rigs and walk away. So whats the answers here? The Government is not doing anything about it. There in it to get whats theirs. I would bet if you were to ask any congressman or senator how much a loaf of bread costs, They would not know. But they know the $$$ of the campaign they're running. If we dont let up on these truckers with these diesel prices, America will soon come to a grinding hault. Then famon will strike the land. I do know the answer to all of our problems, And many of you on here will flame me for saying so, But Im not worried about that. When we took God out of our schools and society he said he would not bless the land that turned there backs on him. Think about it. This country has been on the decline since. Everything is really coming to pass huh. Thats my .02 for the day.:read:


Super Moderator
Apr 5, 2003
South Louisiana
Do some of you not understand that just because the sign says Exxon that the gas there comes from a Exxon refinery? I have a Motiva (Texaco/shell) Refinery right by me, and 60miles away an Exxon/mobil refinery. I watch Exxon, Mobile, citgo and other trucks pull out of there all the time. You will not hurt them this way. There is only 1 way to hurt them and it will never happen.


Super Moderator
Apr 5, 2003
South Louisiana
: Im on the road alot delivering Cars across the US and I've talked to a lot of these truckers, ALOT!. The owner/operators are breaking even. So are they supposed to drive for their health?

. These truckers are beginning to park there rigs and walk away.

If we dont let up on these truckers with these diesel prices, America will soon come to a grinding hault. :

1. Break even? I was breaking even for the last 3yrs. Now It is "In the hole".

2. I want to but I would lose everything. Went see a lawyer this morning, I have no choice but to try to stick it out.

3.:beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:I hope so. Shutting down for a few days may open some eyes.


Superduty = Superman
Established Member
Jan 11, 2008
Knoxville, Tennessee
Im afraid its going to get worse before it gets better. Not that it will ever get any better. But one can hope. Trucking is Americas lifeline period. I know we have our cars and things but we can ride a motorcycle or pedal power to work if we absolutely had too. Some have said we need to go back to our ways of the rail road but they have to unload the goods from the train onto a truck to go to the stores too.:??::nonono:


Mar 14, 2008
long beach

I was the one who forwarded the email to my cousin
I was also the one who responded to some of the morons who obviously have their heads up their asses
pull your head out
and wake up
If you dont buy they dont get no money(I have explained it so yu can understand)
exxon is different than shell
but shell would also do the same thing if they could
use different fueling stations or smaller truck stops
Lets help the little guy, help us


New Member
Established Member
Apr 12, 2004
Car pooling, biking things liike that are good, but there has to be something did about how the prices are rising.
We often hear blame put upon SUV Vehilces, Trucks, Sport vehilces ,but there is more to it than taht, it is just pure greed.
The groups taht are really benefiting don't give a hoot about us [ general public ]
These EPA Groups some of thier ideas are cool for saving the planet,but not all.
I remember not too long ago [ 80's ] it was just a few bucks to get your vehicle inspected, now because epa standards , it is a lot more. ... :??:

2004 Culebra

Established Member
Jan 23, 2004
communist CA
All this gas Sh1t pisses me off and there really isn't anything we can do unless we can afford some car that i snot powered by Gas...


Established Member
Jun 18, 2002
In your head, rent free
Crude oil is denominated in dollars. Right now the US dollar is very weak against the Euro and Yen. That is the reason for the recent run up in oil. It has nothing to do with demand. I believe we are on the high side of the 5 year average for supply. Until the dollar makes a comeback, oil will remain high.

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