First ticket - 35mph in a 25 zone... wtf?


New Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2004
Vancouver Canada
for the record, I have only 1 ticket and that was dismissed in court - sea to sky highway in BC and I had a BMW riding my ass into West Vancouver. 2 cops with radar (one with radar and a few, like 3 or 4, pulling over people), me and the BMW were pulled over. I said in court quite matter of factly that "The BMW behind me was riding my ass in an area where there was no place to pull over and let him by, therefore I was speeding to try and keep him at a safe distance, although he would continue to tailgate me"
I was actually about to pull over to let him pass when I hit the radar.


Established Member
Sep 15, 2003
Edmonds, WA
i got a ticket when i was 16, the cop was a jerk about it but apperantly radared and got the guy infront of me (that means he was going faster than me) and i slowed down because my detector picked it up. He said he pulled me over because i was young and needed to be taught when i was still young. I thought it was messed up but he didnt have my speed so wrote failure to comply with street signs. IMO he should have gone with the guy in front of me because i was just cruisin with traffic... but oh well.. i faught it on the grounds that he was discriminating by age (as he even said) and got it thrown away, havent even been pulled over since. No radar detector anymore, cops like you more when you dont have one, and i dont speed that much anymore unless its the flow of traffic, then i stay in the right lane.

D a m i e n

New Member
Established Member
Apr 21, 2003
Originally posted by Vancouver83LTD
what a dumb shit :lol:

No shit they go after tourists. chances are they won't fight the ticket or go to court b/c they're just that - tourists.
In Nevada on the way to Reno from Squaw Valley California we were driving to pick someone up at the airport. cop got behind us, followed us for several miles. we put it in CC at the limit and were careful with our driving. He got bored after about 10 mins. and let us go. He knew he wasn't getting anything.
Shut up and pay the damn ticket. Larry is completely right that you better hope your dad is a better lawyer than he is a father. In fact you didn't even dispute that!

What a dork

There's a difference between being a tourist and living 10 minutes from the border :bash: Immature comments like yours aren't really worth responding to, but if we're going to judge parenting based on what someone writes on a car forum I'd say your father has a lot of improving to do before he could even be compared to mine.


straight boostin
Established Member
Nov 14, 2003
sorry to hear about your bad luck buddy. don't let anybody get to you. if you were polite and showed the cop respect and she still gave you that bullshit ticket than **** her. she prob drives a chevy

05 Roush

Established Member
Aug 7, 2003
Front Range
Don't even get me started with the PA LEO's. I would used to say "Why aren't you in your summer Gestapo outfits yet?" when I would get pulled over. 10 MPH over the speed limit is assinine. OH, like everyone here goes the speed limit in a 25 MPH zone. If you believe that I've got a crusty sh*t shovel for you. :p

Check this out:

I was a student driving a car registered in AZ in PA, which had a legal excemption for emissions and window tint. When I say legal, I mean a letter from the AZ DMV. No problem? Guess again.

When I was in PA, I was pulled over 27 (that's right), 27 times in this car in 4 years. OK, so my car was red, so does that mean I should get a failure to use a turn signal ticket for $90 at 3AM????? Or how about the 3 "illegal window tint" tickets that were thrown out all 3 times? Oh, and the 69 in a 65 was a classic. Going 65 and being pulled over because 2 empty semi's blew by me like I was standing still was an even better one.

I started to get so bad that I had to call the State Police stations to get them to stop harrassing me. I used to get followed at least once every 2 weeks to and from work. :nonono:

I was once "clocked" in Harrisburg going 66.5 MPH in a 35 MPH zone with bumper-to-bumper traffic. Huh? I never knew radar guns did half digits. I challenged the female officer to see the radar which mysteriously converted to Vascar and she said, "I've been running this beat for 11 years and know the judge. You can come to court if you like but you'll probably lose." No thanks. I'll pay the stupid fine.

Oh, and the fines are classic. Do they still have the CAT fund to replace the money that Spector stole from the state coffers like 30 years ago? ANY ticket starts at $90. WTF????

I have never had so much harrassment, so many obnoxious, so many rude LEO's in my entire life as I did in that God foresaken state. Since I've been here I've been left alone. 35 in a 25 would be thrown out or reduced to nothing here in most cases because just about every city, town, and state facility give +/- 10 MPH for equipment error right off the bat. School zones excluded.

It's good to be in AZ. :thumbsup:


I hate speedbumps
Established Member
Dec 31, 2002
Haha, they don't like out-of-state cars. My parents have a house in PA. They never get pulled over when driving the cars registered in PA, but driving the cars registered in NY, they always seem to. Go figure. :rollseyes


Legal gru
Established Member
Mar 9, 2004
Cherryville, NC
Pretty ironic if some ones dad is a lawyer and they don't know that most of the time you will not get ins points if it is under 10 over the limit. Call the magistrate, get it reduced to 30 in a 25 and pay the fine and court cost.


I hate speedbumps
Established Member
Dec 31, 2002
Originally posted by charged98cobra
Pretty ironic if some ones dad is a lawyer and they don't know that most of the time you will not get ins points if it is under 10 over the limit. Call the magistrate, get it reduced to 30 in a 25 and pay the fine and court cost.

It varies per state. I know that in NY, 1-10 mph is 3 pts.


Established Member
Feb 6, 2003
Miami, Fl
25mph speed limit? What is it some kind of school zone or something? That is under the unposted limit of 30mph. Sorry guys I think the cop is a bitch. Not appearing to the first hearing and getting it postponed is the right thing to do. I'm sure you will beat the ticket. Work's out nice that your father is an attorney. Goodluck to ya!!:beer:


New Member
Established Member
Oct 26, 2003
Originally posted by Juiced-03
If I was that cop, you would have received a citation from me as well. Even 1mph over the speed limit is considered speeding! Not that all cops are going to enforce it that way, but some do!

9 you're fine, 10 you're mine!

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