fat burners


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Dec 8, 2007
Memphis, TN
ok so between last night and tonight ive on researching this stuff on bodybuilding.com, prices do seem better. but anyways, im not really sure what i should get. im only going to be buying one thing right now cuz of money. what would you recommend i get? i just ran out of whey protein so right now im not taking anything. what would be best for me to get right now until my next paycheck?

You will get alot of oppinions on that question. 1st and foremost you HAVE to make sure your diet is there & what I mean by that is the amount of protein & carbs you need daily. Remember supplements are just that. They will never take the place of real food.

Me personally, I would go with Monster Amino. As much as I have said that you would swear I'm sponsered by Cytosport lol. Man I wish. The reason why i chose this for you is that you can't go wrong with it. It has the waxy maize carb in there for your glycogen recovery and then it also has the full 5g does of BCAA that is very important you have. Protein shakes are important too.

If you decide to go with a protein powder I would recomend Myofusion by gaspari. Taste really good and it's also a blend of protein. Think of it as a 3 stage nitrous system lol. When the isoLate goes out the next one kicks in and so on but you can't go wrong with Nitro tech either.

Seriously though Branch Chain Amino Acids are THE most crucial building blocks of muscle tissue. Your body doesn't make these so you have to eat a whole lot of protein. Like I said earlier the Monster's are helping me recover so much faster after my workout which means they are doing there job at rebuilding the tissue back faster.

I blasted my legs today. Probably more so today than I usually do cause my strength was really high along with my energy. Usually once I get home and sit down for a while, try to stand up one of my quads will always try to lock up on me if not both. Hasn't happened tonight with my 2 drinks I always have.

Just do me a big favor. However much you weigh you need to be eating in grams of protein. Take your bodyweight times 1 and whatever it equals is how much protein you need to eat daily but if you drop your carbs really low say around 50-100 you need to kick up your protein so your body doesn't use the protein for fuel. Remember this, high carb day bring your protein down some and make sure you ingest very little fat on these days. High carb days your insulin will be spiked all day and with excess dietary fat your body will store it very easily.

You have to lose weight by eating. The whole purpose of losing fat is that. Losing the fat and not muscle. So you have to eat but eat the right foods at the right times

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