False Summary Harassment Charge Options


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
what a drag. Sounds like it will turn into report wars where you both just keep calling the cops on one another. He probably was all happy that he "got you" with the latest one and look what it is...pain in the ass for both of you but nothing but a $35 ticket.

Bet if you call the cops the next time they'll cite him in the hopes that you both knock it off.

Sometimes you gotta just go talk to them as uncomfortable as it is and if that doesn't work just suck it up and move on with life.


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Dog barking? Record that and do any normal outdoor stuff. A dog barking over 10 minutes, report it and the dog becomes considered a nuisance animal.

Just do not end up bleeding to death from a pissy neighbor shooting.

Are you always this confused?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 18, 2014

Hearing was about a week ago, and lasted an hour! Long story short, they tried to lie and slander (wife even tried the old "pedo" card, WTF!!!) me in court, the cop continued his BS role in this (rookie cop, two years out of the academy), my lawyer tore their side a new a-hole, and the judge DISMISSED the charges! Talk about vindication, I couldn't be happier!!
I wasn't happy with the first lawyer, so I interviewed two more, and found a younger guy in his late 20's, who really believed in what was at stake here, and wasn't afraid of aggressively pursuing this. Those considering "pleading" or just "paying a fine", should reconsider because justice is priceless. The fee I paid my lawyer, was sooooo worth it to expose these idiots for the frauds that they are, and now they have to live with that shame, as the rest of the neighborhood knows. Yeah, I could have saved $800, and just paid the $50 fine, but I'm not willing to plead to something I didn't do, and was willing to "risk" a trial to see if the truth could come out.

No video was presented, and the neighbor said he had video, but NO SOUND, so showing the video was pointless. I even question if that is true, and he didn't bring the video (sound or no sound), because it would have only bolstered MY case. My lawyer had two main strategies: 1) tell my side of the story, in my own words, under direct testimony. This was a great move because I came across completely believable (as I WAS telling the whole truth). 2) Made a motion to separate the two witnesses (husband and wife) during each other's testimony, so they couldn't collaborate. They looked like petty fools on the stand. They introduced a 8 page "dossier" of evidence hoping to get something to stick. The judge asked them to point of specific examples of anything illegal, and they couldn't. After a few minutes of this farce, the judge was getting irritated with the husband. Loved it.

I couldn't have asked for a better judge. He didn't even get into the "he said she said" racket, as its the legal equivalent of pissing up a rope. In fact the whole reason the ticket was written (I supposedly said I would kill their dog), was not even a point of contention. I testified exactly what I said, and it was taken at face value by the judge. They lied and it didn't come across as believable. The judge said he gave both sides ample time to air out our grievances, and said he was not going to rule on this (guilty or not guilty), but rather completely dismiss the case, after an hour of court, which to me is even a sweeter victory.

Lessons Learned:

1) Record ALL interactions with LEO!! I cannot stress this enough. The Trooper flat out LIED in court, and would not have been so brazen, had I played the interview I gave him.

2) When you have low class scumbags as neighbors, you need to record both audio and video! Would have saved me a lot of trouble.

3) Never under-estimate what a good attorney can do. God forbid I'm ever in real trouble, but having a good lawyer on your side can help out any legal situation. So glad I fought this.

4) Can't stress #1 enough! I have given police the utmost respect, for years, and never felt the need to record my interactions. This is going to change. You can't deny reality when it's presented to your face as a video of what REALLY happened. Keeps everyone honest.

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but police should not fall for the classic "hysterical woman crying", when answering calls, or trying to determine if an arrest should be made. His wife is so good at crying, sobbing, and acting like a hysterical c-word, that she convinced this rookie cop that there was a reason to give me a ticket, and cost me a few Franklins in the process. She is a low down nasty.... (insert your favorite word here).

Finally, like they say, "Karma is a bitch". Their house already got hit by lightning, and their dogs have been sprayed twice by skunks!

Thanks for all the moral support.


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 23, 2008
Charleston, SC
Hire an attorney. Not only could you likely have your citation dismissed, but you can probably recover some costs that you incurred from the neighbor. Sounds like he's a great guy.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 18, 2014
I did some Christmas decorating, in full view of his security camera, that records my back yard....

Merry Justice Resize.jpg


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 21, 2014
Congrats! Justice IS sweet. I guarantee that trooper will be far less likely to take their side next time they call to complain. And they WILL call again.

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