Everyone thinks they are a tough guy until....


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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
Their lower back decides to shiv itself and put you on the ground.


Like I've fractured an ankle and kept riding, I've gashed my hand open, tossed a rag on it and drove a manual mustang to the ER with my left hand to get +30 stitches, had a dirt bike land on my head, flipped a Harley trying to wheelie, broke a tooth and the filling went right into the nerve (electric bolt). Plenty of bruns, on and a bunch of shrapnel to the right eye.

Always able to calming yell "****" and take care of shit.

Lower Back Spasms are a bitch. Growing up I was always thinking "Sissy" assuming it was a throbbing soar type pain. Nope, electric jolt to the spine that leaves you unable to move going "WTF".


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
Spinal erector muscles need to be stretched often or u will damage them especially as u grow older. Once they are damaged they tend to shrink and pull. U have a crazy amount of nerve endings in ur spinal erectors.

Friend went to tie his shoes a couple months ago. Has been in debilitating pain ever since in fact he owns a repair garage and his son had to come help him cause he just cant do shit. Like almost ALL back pain its muscle related usually.

That doesnt always mean the muscle itself is irritated. The spinal erectors once they get damaged tend to atrophy and then pull on the muscles near the spine thinking one has spinal issues. U do, its just originating from the spinal erectors.

There is a Dr. in NY city who I visited many years ago. He breaks up the bound up muscle from injury with a needle after numbing the area that has been damaged and therefore gotten smaller and returns oxygen supplied blood back to the muscle.

It completely released the tention in my lower back have not had back problems since. Life went back to normal. I was dealing with back issues for 2 straight years. Couldnt lay down, sit, walk etc.... smfh.

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Tweeker by trade
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Jul 25, 2010
North East OH
Cupping worked wonders for my neck, similar to what Gnbrett described but without needles. Youre gonna be covered in hickeys though, that was fun to explain when my wife got home lol. Was covered from my deltoid to my earlobe on the left side since they moved them all around and didnt just make designer crop circle hickeys to show off to ****.


Cant say "bundle of sticks" here??? How about gayboys, will that be ok???


Established Member
Jan 27, 2012
Born and raised Brockton. Living in Naples.
If you lived close to me I could show you how to strengthen your lower back muscles in the gym with stretches and strength training.

I train my back every 5 days and do abs/core everyday. The midsection of the human body, the area of the belly button and around is the weakest part. You are only as strong as this. As you age it’s vital to keep this area healthy.

If I were you I’d start out with alive/advil etc no Tylenol it does shit and ice. And I’d start going for daily walks as brisk as you can and at least 2 miles. Walking is great for the back.

I’m not going into the exercises etc you should do without seeing you in person so get a local respected personal trainer if you need one.


Trilogy Twin Screwed #004
Established Member
Oct 22, 2006
OP you are CORRECT...although in MY case...my Doc says my "back issues" are closely "related to my front (stomach) issues"...which he may have a point.

But those lower back pains that shoot down your legs...I'd rather be covered in honey and shoved into a bear cage...at least THERE...you MAY have a fighting chance.


N2S come get some
Established Member
May 12, 2003
I hurt my back bad last year loading my by boat...i slipped and bang holy shit
All i could i could was sit upright or lay down...i could barely walk to the house when i got home...its happened to me a few times...horrible.

Dental pain and back pain are the worst...and ive broke lots of shit and that wasnt nearly as bad imo


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
I hurt my back bad last year loading my by boat...i slipped and bang holy shit
All i could i could was sit upright or lay down...i could barely walk to the house when i got home...its happened to me a few times...horrible.

Dental pain and back pain are the worst...and ive broke lots of shit and that wasnt nearly as bad imo
They both suck…. When I had my ACDF for C4-7 even the dilaudid was only just enough to take the edge off after surgery, at least enough to kinda fall asleep. The pain wasn’t at the surgical site, more in upper back and neck muscles from the fusion spacers put between vertebrae, thus raising them. Lol I probably gained half in inch in height back since removing the blowout discs etc.. I had a lot of trouble sleeping afterwards, no sharp shooting pain, but just that somewhat painful, dull discomfort that won’t let you get comfortable in any position. The back of the head/neck headaches were the worse part and it took muscle relaxers, lyrica to calm that… That said, dental pain is a whole other realm of misery.. nothing touches the pain if you have a bad abscess etc.
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Established Member
Jan 27, 2012
Born and raised Brockton. Living in Naples.
Yous guys with back issues look for a gym with this piece. It won’t be easy as it’s not very common but it will change your life.

And for those without back issues start strengthening your back. TODAY.

I can fix almost any problem with strength training even mental illness. Ded. Fkn. Srs.


Established Member
Aug 20, 2002
Driving the Cobra
Not all back pain is muscle related.

I discovered I have mild scoliosis (curvature of the spine) along with degenerative disk disease. That, in turn, causes a nerve in my back to be compressed between the vertebrae on one side.

Absolute shooting pain from my waist around to front of my thigh.

Meloxicam (super strength ibuprofen) has proven effective for me for now. There will be a point where I can't take it any more due to side effects/liver, etc.

Prior to it, on a pain scale of 1-10, I was a daily 2 with flareups hitting 7-8. With it, I'm now at a .5 or so, and have occasional twinges of 3-4 but nothing like the 8 that would put me to the ground.

Point being, until you get properly diagnosed (x rays and MRI) you really don't know what you have going on.

In my case, I can flex a specific muscle in my back and cause pain. The nerve is inflamed and muscle presses against it. For example, I have to brace myself to sneeze.

This likely all stems from a motorcycle crash I had when I was 15, which left me with one leg 3/8" shorter than the other. Over time, it has caused a shift in my hips, along with a corresponding curvature of my spine. I am now 51 and hope I don't have to have surgery one of these days. We shall see.

GET YOURSELF DIAGNOSED. Don't live with it 4-5 years like I did. Going to the gym has helped with flexibility and strength to support the problem areas, but I could be Mr Olympia and it would still have issues.


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
Their lower back decides to shiv itself and put you on the ground.


Like I've fractured an ankle and kept riding, I've gashed my hand open, tossed a rag on it and drove a manual mustang to the ER with my left hand to get +30 stitches, had a dirt bike land on my head, flipped a Harley trying to wheelie, broke a tooth and the filling went right into the nerve (electric bolt). Plenty of bruns, on and a bunch of shrapnel to the right eye.

Always able to calming yell "****" and take care of shit.

Lower Back Spasms are a bitch. Growing up I was always thinking "Sissy" assuming it was a throbbing soar type pain. Nope, electric jolt to the spine that leaves you unable to move going "WTF".
Yup. Had them before and they literally bring tears to your eyes. What are your treatment plans?

98 svt

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May 16, 2005
View attachment 1832196View attachment 1832197Yous guys with back issues look for a gym with this piece. It won’t be easy as it’s not very common but it will change your life.

And for those without back issues start strengthening your back. TODAY.

I can fix almost any problem with strength training even mental illness. Ded. Fkn. Srs.

I thought for sure you were gonna end that post with that pic of Goose.


I am the liquor
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Dec 24, 2007
I've gotten lower back spasms twice. The first time I swear I had to crawl into my truck and drive myself to urgent care. they gave me a back brace that actually works very well. It's always in the back of my mind whenever I bend down or move wrong. such a helpless and uncomfortable feeling.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 5, 2005
I hurt my back in the Navy and I remember more than once going to medical hunched over and holding the rails. The last guy that helped me iced me down and gave me some stretches. But I could always tell if I did something wrong I was going to be a mess of pain again. Since I started getting serious with the weights a couple years ago I made sure to start giving my core a good workout too. It's helped so much I don't have the worries or problems I used to have. Now when something hurts it really is because I'm old.


Luke 10:19
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Apr 25, 2020
North Carolina
Yep. Been there done that. It’s rare. But when it happens I’m definitely a little bitch that can’t move for shit. Lol

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