Die piggy die


Logic and Reason
Established Member
Feb 10, 2005
Under the bed
I recently read that their reproduction rates are bat-shit crazy.

That's why they're pretty much free range. I knew a few good ol boys that made a business out of clearing hogs out of farmers' land in fla panhandle, GA, AL

I don’t think I want to hunt things at such close range, if that thing can gore me.

That's what well trained dogs are for

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Here’s KingBlack
Established Member
Sep 4, 2015
View attachment 1664158 Who is into hunting hogs? A business associate of mine has a 2,500 acre quail ranch in west TX. We hunt quail all day and predators and hogs at night. He has full time bird guy that lives in a house on the property that manages the birds and dogs. It is on the market for $17M if anyone is interested.

We hunt hogs with curs, pit bulls and kill with a knife. Here is how we do it:

First we let the curs out. For those that are not familiar, these are kind of like a sturdy pointer. They find and chase the hogs and corner for the hunter. They are sturdier than a pointer because they have to fight pigs as they corner it. If it is a small hog the curs will shred it before you get to it. This happened on a couple of occasions. We have a pack of 15 curs and trust me a pack of 15 dogs will **** up whatever they tear into. There was nothing left of the two hogs that they shredded before we got to them. The curs have GPS collars on which we track. When we see all the dots converge we know that they are on the hog. They are trained to only bay when they are on the hog so if you hear baying you know that they are on a hog.

Once we hear baying we drive our dog truck up to where they are at and grab the pitbulls. We use two pits that we release on the hog, which they grab by the ears. The pits have Kevlar vests on them to protect them from the tusks of the hogs. A good size hog is 250 lbs + and is strong as ****. They will gore the dogs and even with the Kevlar vests will sometimes succeed. My friend lost a pitbull/great dane mix the week before when a hog got him in the neck underneath the vest. The pits are fearless and love nothing more than grabbing pigs. When not grabbing pigs they are the sweetest dogs in the world.

Once the pit grabs the hog it is not getting away. These ****ers lock on and are like robots. With the pits on the hog, the hunter moves in and stabs the hog in the heart with a Kabar. It is crazy intense as you can imagine. In this instance, we heard the curs and ran through a shitload of cactus. I was bellycrawling through cactus and came face to face with the hog with two pitbulls on it. Here are some pics and a super short video. The phone got dropped as the hog was getting stabbed.

View attachment 1664159 View attachment 1664160

Helicopter hunting here in Texas. Been talking to a couple guys about going. Needs to be 6 or more to get good rates

Edit forgot to tag @gimmie11s


Here’s KingBlack
Established Member
Sep 4, 2015
Good* eating from what I understand

*edit* - typo

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The young ones taste the beat. The older huge ones can taste like shit. We only hunt and eat them when it’s cold cause the spoil so quickly


N2S come get some
Established Member
May 12, 2003
Put some coyote work in tonight



Don't Care
Established Member
Malt Liquor Mafia
Mar 12, 2008
IDK but it seems like candyass shit to chase them down with gps dogs then mame them with pitbulls then stab them with a KABAR. I'm all for taking them out to protect your land but that's just a bit sadistic. My neighbor shoots them with an AR-10 out of a helicopter. Goes every year, loves it. What OP is describing is just terrorizing and torturing animals. And thta's just ****ed up.


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
I'm all for shooting hogs on your land to protect your property and animals, but that's a bit much for me.

We don't have hogs out here, but coyotes are bad around here. I hear farmers knocking them off daily in the wee hours of the early morning.


Here’s KingBlack
Established Member
Sep 4, 2015
IDK but it seems like candyass shit to chase them down with gps dogs then mame them with pitbulls then stab them with a KABAR. I'm all for taking them out to protect your land but that's just a bit sadistic. My neighbor shoots them with an AR-10 out of a helicopter. Goes every year, loves it. What OP is describing is just terrorizing and torturing animals. And thta's just ****ed up.

Got a cousin who hunts with dogs like that, but the dogs just bay the hogs. They use a gun on them. His dogs wear the vests in case the hog gets ahold of them. They do their best to kill them quickly and humanely.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
Got a cousin who hunts with dogs like that, but the dogs just bay the hogs. They use a gun on them. His dogs wear the vests in case the hog gets ahold of them. They do their best to kill them quickly and humanely.

Awesome, man. Many people out there do this honorably. Do it out of necessity instead of the “thrill of kill”. Protecting their dogs and as quick and clean of a kill as possible. Unfortunately some others do not.


Here’s KingBlack
Established Member
Sep 4, 2015
Awesome, man. Many people out there do this honorably. Do it out of necessity instead of the “thrill of kill”. Protecting their dogs and as quick and clean of a kill as possible. Unfortunately some others do not.

They eat what they kill or donate the meat.


Well-Known Member
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Premium Member
Jan 18, 2018
LOL at the guys that are too delicate for pig baiting (pitbulls grabbing the animal is known as "baiting".) Pigs are 200 lb cockroaches, **** em.

Any other animal and I agree but if there is an animal that is tailor made for this it is the pig. I have passed on hunting mountain lion with dogs because it seems disrespectful to the animal.

BTW baiting is as old as the hills. It is why there are pitbulls, bulldogs, corsa canos, mastiff, rottweilers, etc. etc. American bulldogs were bred to bait runaway slaves which is crazy (I always wonder what to think when I see a black guy with an American bulldog).

IDK but it seems like candyass shit to chase them down with gps dogs then mame them with pitbulls then stab them with a KABAR.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 17, 2018
AB, Canada
I was up a tree one day bowhunting whitetail when up walks a moose. I didn't have a moose tag. I hung my bow out of reach so I wouldn't succumb to temptation.

The moose proceeded to graze for 45 minutes around 15 to 25 yards away just to screw me over. Ever watch a moose feed? They drop down onto their front knees and gobble alfalfa. Really cool. As it left it rubbed its back on the tree I was in!

I decided that was too much. Went and got a moose tag. Then my brother and I made a heavy spear. I was going to take it with the spear the old fashioned way.

On a whim I called Fish and Wildlife to make sure my plan was okay. Yup, you guessed it. Hunting moose with a spear is illegal. Can you believe it?

So I had to arrow it instead. Oh, well.

James Snover

The Ill-Advised Physics Amplification Co
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 23, 2008
I recently read that their reproduction rates are bat-shit crazy.

I don’t think I want to hunt things at such close range, if that thing can gore me.

I used to hunt pigs all the time. For eating, you only want them under 100 pounds. If it's a male, and it's over 75 pounds, we just left it for the ants and buzzards, because the meat is terrible.

Pigs breed like mice, they're tough as Hell, and they're smart, and they are omnivores. They've got a sense of smell better than a dog, and equally good hearing. A fifty pound pig can kill a man. Over a hundred pounds, if it catches you with no weapons or backup, you're a goner. Though usually they'd rather avoid you. But a sow with piglets is pure Hell and will come after you. They can move through dense brush and thorns with absolute quiet.

I once saw a sow get shot in the head with a .22 Long Rifle. My buddy was a damn good shot, and it was all we had with us, and it was within fifty feet, so he figured one shot to the middle of the forehead ought to do the job. He got it. Dead-center in the forehead. It dropped to it's knees, then sprang up, screamed, and went running straight for the brush, piglets running after it. At first it looked like a freight train came off the tracks, brush shaking like mad. Then ... complete silence. TOTAL silence, not a bit of brush moving.

We figured it had fallen dead at that point. We go hacking into the brush to retrieve it and we never found it. We found a small blood trail, but we never did find that pig.

I never hunted pig with anything less than a 180-grain .308. Great times.

I'd never try it like the OP does, my hat's off to you on that. I always wanted distance and firepower.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
LOL at the guys that are too delicate for pig baiting (pitbulls grabbing the animal is known as "baiting".) Pigs are 200 lb cockroaches, **** em.

Any other animal and I agree but if there is an animal that is tailor made for this it is the pig. I have passed on hunting mountain lion with dogs because it seems disrespectful to the animal.

BTW baiting is as old as the hills. It is why there are pitbulls, bulldogs, corsa canos, mastiff, rottweilers, etc. etc. American bulldogs were bred to bait runaway slaves which is crazy (I always wonder what to think when I see a black guy with an American bulldog).

Don’t think he was being delicate. Instead, he noted that hunting them like that, is more just a solution to their over population instead of being hardcore. You might be stabbing them with a knife, but the dogs are doing ALL the dirty work.

Nothing wrong with that, but far from badass.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 18, 2018
Nothing wrong with that, but far from badass.

Hilarious. You have no idea what you are talking about. Trust me, killing a pig with dogs and a knife is bad AF. They can shake the dogs, they are squirming around in the brush. You will get seriously ****ed up if the pits miss the pig and he comes at you. Ask anyone that has experience with, this is the exact opposite of being a pussy.

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