Couture vs Lesnar.... Pathetic


Established Member
Jan 15, 2008
Las Vegas
I cant open the link. Is it official now or still in the making? If its official is it in the UFC?


I am the Red Cyclone
Established Member
Oct 18, 2003
So Cal
It’s Official: Couture vs. Lesnar on November 15 for the UFC Heavyweight Title

(Guess who’s coming to UFC 91.)

Captain America is back in the UFC, and he and Dana White are best buds once again. At least, that was the story from White’s end on today’s UFC conference call. You could practically hear the smile on his face as the UFC president announced that his heavyweight champ was back and would face Brock Lesnar in a five-round title fight at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on November 15. While White said the organization still plans to go to Portland, Oregon eventually — the rumored site of UFC 91 — he played down any notion that the event was ever really headed there. As for the intense legal battle with Couture, that’s all water under the bridge now, as far as White’s concerned, and there is no bad blood between them.

“Through this whole thing I never said anything really bad about Randy,” White said. “I think the worst thing I said about him was that he was confused. I like Randy. I always have.”

While both White and Couture repeatedly said they were thankful to have the legal dispute over, Couture sounded a slightly different note, suggesting at times that he’d simply been worn down by the lengthy process.

He described himself as “frustrated by our legal system” and said he was “tired of throwing money around with no end in sight.” He also seemed to have been persuaded by the fact of his own age and the prospect that he might not get to fight any time in the near future if not in the UFC.

“I’m forty-five, and I can’t sit around in courtrooms much longer,” said Couture.

White painted a picture of a more amicable dispute, suggesting that communication between Couture and the UFC never broke down.

“When you’re in a legal situation like we were in, you’re talking everyday. We never went to court. The furthest we got was depositions…We resolved it.”

Naturally, the talk turned to Fedor Emelianenko and the chances of making a bout with Couture happen inside the UFC. White certainly didn’t rule it out, but said that as long as the Russian was under contract with “another organization,” the UFC wouldn’t be actively pursuing him.

Asked whether the Fedor fight was essential to his legacy, Couture implied that it was more important to Fedor’s posterity than his own.

“If people are going to take him seriously and give him credit as the number one heavyweight in the world, he needs to come fight me.”

White said he wasn’t sure “if Fedor cares about his legacy,” but quoted Chuck Liddell in saying, “beating Randy Couture means something.”

Feeling a little left out in all this was Brock Lesnar, who blew up when asked whether he’d be interested in fighting Fedor.

“Who gives a shit about Fedor? I’m fighting Randy Couture, November 15…I don’t care about ****ing Fedor.”

Throughout the call Lesnar’s amateur wrestling credentials were trumpeted, as was his victory over Heath Herring. When asked how this lone UFC victory made Lesnar the number one contender for the UFC heavyweight strap, White remained non-committal.

“It’s not that he’s the number one contender, but he looked damn good against Heath Herring…The good thing about the UFC is we don’t have to deal with the boxing political bullshit…Couture versus Lesnar will be the biggest fight in UFC history.”

White proceeded to guarantee “over a million” pay-per-view buys for the event, and said the winner would face the winner of the next “Ultimate Fighter” coach showdown between Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Frank Mir. Those two will still fight for the interim title, White said, describing the situation as a “tournament” that would culminate in a “champion-versus-champion” match some time in 2009.

As for what he expected the Fedor situation to be like at that time, White said he would be “****ing horrified” if Affliction was still in the MMA business by then.


Thomas @
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
Asked whether the Fedor fight was essential to his legacy, Couture implied that it was more important to Fedor’s posterity than his own.

“If people are going to take him seriously and give him credit as the number one heavyweight in the world, he needs to come fight me.”

Couture is certainly a big name in the fight game, but uh... I think I can give Fedor huge credit without seeing him take on Randy.


Thomas @
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
Well, there's a lot of issues involved but controversy and ratings certainly are always good.

I'm not a big fan of the whole WWE/WWF fighters coming over and their "showmanship," which I think translates to shitty behavior in the ring and doesn't really encourage the professionalism the sport should be based on. That said, I'll throw my vote in now.

Lesnar will win.


Pie luver ;)
Established Member
Mar 12, 2004
yes, it will generate viewers, but how can you take MMA seriously with the current stars? Frank Mir beats Brock Lesnar, Brock Lesnar gets a shot at the HW title.... whaaa!? I must have missed something. Maybe because Mir is coaching this season of Ultimate fighter... i dunno.

And yeah, Brock was acting like an idiot after his first UFC win, not too unsual, but I'll accept it from a veteran like Ortiz, not some nub.

What value is there in a UFC title, if you just have to be semi-famous to get a shot at it? What happened to being the top fighter in your wieght class and earning it?


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
hmmm I'll have some of what he's smoking please :poke:

Well, when was Randy's last fight? There's a good chance Lesnar could overpower and beat him.

The arrogance of Lesnar and Cotoure both is pathetic. They're dissing on Fedor, the most accomplished man in the sport and they think he isn't what he's cracked up to be. I'd loved to see the look on their faces especially Lesnar's after one round in the ring with Fedor. If Lesnar thinks he's so bad that his size will be too much for Fedor to overcome than he should look at Fedor's record and who he's defeated because he's fought and beaten men much larger and higher skilled than Lesnar will ever be.

Just like EliteXC with Kimbo the UFC is shaping up to be the same joke with their nutswinging of Lesnar.

Go Dream!


RIP Gump
Established Member
Jan 18, 2005
East TX
hmmm I'll have some of what he's smoking please :poke:

Considering both Randy's and Lesnars strength is wrestling and Brock is bigger, stronger, and a better wrestler it's not hard to believe that Brock can win.

Unless Randy gets some power in his hands before the fight he'll have a tough time handling Lesnar.


New Member
Established Member
Mar 18, 2008
lol am i the only one who saw him fight Mir? He will not make it past the first round against Couture. On a side note I would love to see Lesner vs. Kimbo (Hype vs. Hype). anyone who thinks Couture will lose is insane. Not too long ago everyone was talking Couture Vs. Fedor as being the best fight ever and now people think Couture can't beat Lesner? Lol ok


Thomas @
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
hmmm I'll have some of what he's smoking please :poke:

That can be arranged! A toke a day keeps the doc away! :beer:

But seriously, while I do have the utmost respect for Randy's ability to formulate an effective game plan and adapt during a fight... He is in the twilight of his career, and as was already said, Brock is a great wrestler, there is no denying that. In addition, he's younger (maybe lack of experience will screw him?), stronger and faster. At least appears to be.

And I agree with svtfocus2cobra, the lack of respect for the #1 Heavyweight in the world is ridiculous. Especially with Fedor's last fight, I sure didn't see Randy tearing through Tim Sylvia like Fedor did.

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