Child support question and advise.


Established Member
Jan 21, 2012
Ok I'll start with I have no issue with paying it. Never have never will.

My issue is they have my work pull it from my checks. OK no problem. But by doing that it requires my work to mail out a check monthly. Again no problem.

Where the problem is that my work has on more than one occasion mailed it out late. ( at least 3 times) . well now the issue is that this causes me to get letters saying I'm late and in rears and will affect my credit. Driver lisc. And other things.

Out of the 12 years prior I never missed a payment when I mailed it out myself.

Any one know if it is possible to get this back to me mailing it so I know it's always in on time. .. I'm sure this also makes the ex made as she won't have it deposited on time. Making me look like a bad guy.

Where I work is a small company. Less then 7 employees. I don't blame them but sometimes things happens and cause this big issue I have that does not effect them. I've talked to them about it the last time happend and was told won't happen again.

Just upsetting knowing it's not my fault but the state can care less.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 26, 2011
Damn man thats brutal. I'd be interested to know if there is anything you can do. I'll try and do some digging but dealing with the state is almost always a lose/lose for you

big reg

Gets his shit pushed in
Established Member
May 25, 2004
Brunswick NY
Should have tried to work out an agreement outside of court. I have a buddy that did with a girl he got pregnant when he was in college years ago. Once the courts get involved its a shit show.

Stay in her good graces and they usually have no reason to drag you to court. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Established Member
Jan 21, 2012
Should have tried to work out an agreement outside of court. I have a buddy that did with a girl he got pregnant when he was in college years ago. Once the courts get involved its a shit show.

Stay in her good graces and they usually have no reason to drag you to court. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

I'm always in her good graces as we have a child together. No need to fight with her. And was no way to stay out of court as the brake up wasn't that smooth.

As far as what it hurts I only dislike the credit deal .. I'd image it be hard to do the lisc as that prolly requires more than 1 month at a time but 3 months straight.
I know that every month a rears is a hit on ur credit. (Had that when this all started) due to the state vs state taking their time and me being young and just sending cash .. should have know to leave a paper trail. But I've been 7 years out of rears and every month the state sends me a check for $0.75 because I just told work round up and not take a uneven amount.

I love my work and don't hate them.for this but it not even their problem I have to pay. Heck I'd even let the child support hit do a auto Draft once a month just to clear up any more issue.

I was always told once u let work take it out there is no going back. Just trying to find out if it's possiable. Heck I'll send them my weekly check stubs showing I paid and that it's not my fault but I bet they care less.


Established Member
Jan 21, 2012
Is there any way to do a direct deposit?

If their is I have no issue taking that option as long as I get emails telling me a day or so before and said amount. I don't need them sneaking in a payment when not needed . Also battle is state to state. Making it worse. As only her state email text and sends the message to my. My state don't ever send anything out. Heck they fought it out over my total of my rears when I paid it off. One state said more than what was really owed. Even the courts took almost years to settle this from begining.


New Member
Established Member
Dec 4, 2012
I'm sure it depends on the state family courts but if you get it ok'd with your ex as well as talking to someone from the courts, you can get something arranged. If your ex agrees to your arrangement, the courts eat that stuff up! At least in my case, I arranged everything, payment amounts, when I paid etc…Since she agreed to all of it, the courts had no problem signing off on everything. Civility goes a long way!


Established Member
Jan 21, 2012
I'm sure it depends on the state family courts but if you get it ok'd with your ex as well as talking to someone from the courts, you can get something arranged. If your ex agrees to your arrangement, the courts eat that stuff up! At least in my case, I arranged everything, payment amounts, when I paid etc…Since she agreed to all of it, the courts had no problem signing off on everything. Civility goes a long way!

I duno how all that works being ive been already paying for years. Id like to think me and her can agree to me paying her directly and skip the courts but i think that once u use the state u cant change even if u get back with that person. At least i know the current wifes dad broke up and got child support and years later when re married her again the state said "So" ..

All i want is to send the money my self. I hate middle men. I did a way better job than having to rely on hoping my boss rem to mail it..


Established Member
Oct 25, 2012
Dayton, OH
I believe Louisiana uses these services : Basically you set up payment, it goes to state, and they mail check out monthly. I had a troop at my last base go through this and I had to help him out with this process. Once its set up it comes out automatically. As you know this is who you should contact to start the process: Child Support Enforcement | Department of Children & Family Services | State of Louisiana

My troop basically found out he had a child years ago and the mother never told him until theythreatened to stop giving her support. n the end he was responsible from the time the state told him he was potentially the father. He had a pretty big arrears, about a years worth while the DNA testing was done and awaiting for the hearing. Well once the arrears was issued the state expected him to pay it all off at once. Since he was only an E-3 he could not afford that but he did make double payments monthly until he was caught up. Each month he took a hit on his credit since he had arrears and they viewed this as late. Child support is rough stuff, can really mess your credit up even if you try to do the right thing. I left my base there 5 years ago and I bet his credit still shows missed payments. Goodluck


Established Member
Jan 21, 2012
Hey rid I would have quoted but that alot. Thanks ill see what I can get done with the info u provided.

On the monthly credit is true. I hated it. But it removed it self from my credit the next month and 2 months later my score jumped from 680 to 740. I duno why so soon but it did. . Hope ur buddy happen the same.

Thanks again all who posted and Monday am I'm going to see what I can do to solve this problem. .


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Premium Member
Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
could be worse, you could live in NC. a mothers state. i paid CS, while the child lived with me.

over the years i paid $72,969

big reg

Gets his shit pushed in
Established Member
May 25, 2004
Brunswick NY
could be worse, you could live in NC. a mothers state. i paid CS, while the child lived with me.

over the years i paid $72,969

Good lord bud, murder would have crossed my mind. That is just crazy. Luckily courts are beginning to come around and realize that children being with the mother is not automatically the best choice regardless of circumstances.

Although any man better have a good lawyer and lots of evidence to destroy a woman's character as you will need it regardless. So sad.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Dec 31, 1969
Quad Cities
I don't have kids and have never had to deal with CS, so my experience is nothing more than hearing friends talk about it. Does not paying it, or paying it late, really affect your credit?


Established Member
Jan 21, 2012
I don't have kids and have never had to deal with CS, so my experience is nothing more than hearing friends talk about it. Does not paying it, or paying it late, really affect your credit?

Yes.. Alot.. It dont matter if u have arranged payment set for rears every month u behind even a dollor hits credit like a student loan= negative


Established Member
Feb 13, 2011
Ill give it my .02.. For starters, at least in CA, once it was in my employers hands it was their responsibility. They are required by law to take the payments out every month iirc. I'm sure that it probably still boils down to YOUR responsibility in the end if it's not being paid but that is a question for an attorney. Which btw, I would advise you retain and get everything over with now.

If there's one thing I learned it was to NEVER settle out of court because she can always go back and get paid retroactively, agreement or not. Get everything you can get done officially and as soon as you can. Believe me, my ex and I were cool as cucumbers when we split. Then she got a new bf/husb and magically wanted to take me back for as much money as she could get. PPL will talk in her ear and tell her "girl, you could be getting X amount!" And (in CA I don't know your states law) if you were married to this girl, she can get alimony in addition to child support, regardless of your bills, mortgage etc.

Bottom line, if you haven't retained an attorney, it would be in your best interest to do so asap. I wish I would've listened to the guys telling me this. But I like a lot of other guys thought to myself, "she wouldn't do that, we have a solid relationship". Keep your kid(s) close, and don't let any drama spill into their field of vision. Good luck brudduh.


Hobbyist Of Many Hobbies
Established Member
Feb 9, 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
It does show up on some credit reports. So it can affect your credit... Luckily I have only a year and a half left.


Established Member
Jul 22, 2012
south florida
I'm sure it depends on the state family courts but if you get it ok'd with your ex as well as talking to someone from the courts, you can get something arranged. If your ex agrees to your arrangement, the courts eat that stuff up! At least in my case, I arranged everything, payment amounts, when I paid etc…Since she agreed to all of it, the courts had no problem signing off on everything. Civility goes a long way!

This. Try having it changed to DD from an account of your choosing. I give certified checks just because I am anal and my alimony amount is 5x the child support :( I like the check receipt.

Your arrangement is bad for everyone involved.

- You have no control over if and when the check gets cut
- Your ex and the court need to spend time and money restructuring the deal if you change jobs
- Your employer needs to cut one more check per month that they would normally have to
- if you have to pay through the court or a service provider, they even take a cut for processing fees

If your ex just likes to be difficult, take it to court with evidence that your employer is putting you at risk with this and that you would like to remove that dependency. You are the one ultimately accountable. It sounds reasonable.
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Established Member
Jun 13, 2013
new berlin wi
i don't know your state laws regarding CS.

in wisconsin the employer HAS to deduct the $$$ from your check to send $$$ to the state to send the $$$ to your ex. this is the LAW and it is not negotiable.
your employer is allowed to charge you a small fee for sending the check, i think it was $5. if they are late, 5 business days, in sending the $$$ they can be fined by the state.

i paid 17% of my pay BEFORE taxes for 20 years.
the ex waited to started my son until he was older for school. and i had to pay CS until he graduated HS. ended up paying $130,000.
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