California WTF

knight 64

SVT Power
Established Member
Jan 11, 2013
White Hall
I thought that nothing much shocked me these days, then I read this article (#2). The words Trans Sexual did not exist in my vocabulary until I read this. I can remember High School P.E. my old Gym teacher would check us off and hand us a towel to make sure we all showered after class. It was a good thing, you did not want to sit next to someone in class that smelled like a Skunks ass. The swinging dick and a dude pissing on your back while you shampooed were classic (not). If I were a kid today in California, I would have told my P.E teacher that I felt like a woman (transsexual) and showered with the ladies (C.F Law) If I were to sport a woody, I would have received the emotional support needed. My boss and young folks in the office could not understand why this puzzled me.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A 15-year-old transgender student in California who claimed to have been beaten and sexually assaulted in a school bathroom recanted after a police investigation failed to back up his story.
The reversal left open the possibility the teen could be charged with making a false criminal report, said Connie Van Putten, a police department spokeswoman.
The student, who is biologically female but identifies as male, had told officers he was leaving a boy's bathroom on Monday morning when three other boys he did not know pushed him inside a large stall and attacked him.
But officers could not substantiate certain elements of his statement, including the time frame, and he lacked any physical injuries to his head, face and hands, police said.

The student acknowledged he had made up the story during the follow-up interview, Van Putten said. She would not speculate on why he had lied.
The incident came as school districts across California are bringing their policies into compliance with a law that took effect Jan. 1 guaranteeing students the right to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match the gender with which they identify.
Advocates who fought to get the law through the Legislature last year said the fact that the Hercules teen's story appeared to be untrue does not minimize the harassment that transgender students routinely face.
Mario Trujillo, spokesman for the West Contra Costa Unified School District, said school officials are less concerned with punishing the student than making sure he gets the support he needs.
Since November, Hercules High has been dealing with the fallout from an on-campus fight involving another transgender student and three girls that was captured in a cellphone video. Jewlyes Gutierrez, a biological male who identifies as female, was charged with misdemeanor assault and said she had repeatedly complained about being harassed at school before she fought back.
The West Contra Costa Unified School District also has been responding to criticism over its handling of sexual harassment involving students. The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights launched an investigation of the district after a female student was gang-raped outside a homecoming dance at another high school in 2009, the year after another girl at a third high school was raped in a classroom by two classmates.


# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
I reread your post three times and still don't understand what you're getting at.

Wherever White Hall is located, they suck at teaching grammar.

Are you angry that in CA some stupid rule lets transgenders use the facilities of their liking? Or that ****tard people are fighting them? Or that they're filing false reports.


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
I reread your post three times and still don't understand what you're getting at.

Wherever White Hall is located, they suck at teaching grammar.

Are you angry that in CA some stupid rule lets transgenders use the facilities of their liking? Or that ****tard people are fighting them? Or that they're filing false reports.


or just bitter these laws didn't exist when you were in school?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 16, 2012
I think he his pointing out this whole law is pretty rediculous. If you are born a male you shouldn't be allowed to shower with females at school. Any smart guy would say "I feel like a female" just so he could. Only a matter of time until someones daughter gets rapped

Anyone have a problem with guy showering with your daughter at school?


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 13, 2007
I reread your post three times and still don't understand what you're getting at.

Wherever White Hall is located, they suck at teaching grammar.

Are you angry that in CA some stupid rule lets transgenders use the facilities of their liking? Or that ****tard people are fighting them? Or that they're filing false reports.

dis part

The incident came as school districts across California are bringing their policies into compliance with a law that took effect Jan. 1 guaranteeing students the right to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match the gender with which they identify.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 1, 2009
The States

men who identify as men = men's room.
Women who identify as women = women's room
Men who identify as women = women's room?
Women who identify as men = men's room?

This all gets confusing, as gender identity is independent of sexual orientation. A born-male, can identify as a woman, but still find women sexual attractive. (Similar to Planter's situation) Which bathroom/shower should this sort of individual use? Would natural born women be comfortable with a she-he that, while identifying and living as a woman, still wants to bone them, using the same facilities as them? Would men feel comfortable with a man living as a woman in their facilities?

I think the easiest ways to get around this whole issue is to just make all bathrooms and showers coed, or start labeling some separate trans gender/trans sexual bathrooms/showers... With the Men/women segregated facilities and today's plethora of sexual and gender identities, someone or some group is always bound to be offended and cause issues.


Bike or Cobra?
Established Member
Apr 3, 2004
Mountain View, CA
tl:dr for op's post.
If it has to do with multiple gender people, ive been to a couple of targets where there was three bathrooms. male, female and both i guess or male/female bathroom.
I've never had to go but i just thought that was crazy, three bathrooms!


Muffin is my spirit animal
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
tl:dr for op's post.
If it has to do with multiple gender people, ive been to a couple of targets where there was three bathrooms. male, female and both i guess or male/female bathroom.
I've never had to go but i just thought that was crazy, three bathrooms!

I'm fairly certain those are "family rooms" for parents with kids.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 6, 2008
OP you should get cable. That way you can keep up with these new fangled terms like
And just for shits and giggles:
Planter, is that you?


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal this kid going to female juevi then?

because that would be pretty badass when youre a teenage boy! :dancenana:

I am very, very confused....

no worries. you can now choose which bathroom you want to use :beer:


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 1, 2009
The States this kid going to female juevi then?

because that would be pretty badass when youre a teenage boy! :dancenana:

The teen is biologically female... Who identifies and lives as a male, and was using a Mens room at the time of her/him being allegedly attacked.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 9, 2012
Shit just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

So if a biological female, who identifies as a male, sucks my dink does that make it gay?

Mr. Mach-ete

Liberals Suck
Established Member
Apr 13, 2004
So all I need to say to shower with the ladies is "I'm Planter"? Damn, will the real Planter please stand up!


Active Member
Established Member
May 13, 2010
Miami Beach
I thought that nothing much shocked me these days, then I read this article (#2). The words Trans Sexual did not exist in my vocabulary until I read this. I can remember High School P.E. my old Gym teacher would check us off and hand us a towel to make sure we all showered after class. It was a good thing, you did not want to sit next to someone in class that smelled like a Skunks ass. The swinging dick and a dude pissing on your back while you shampooed were classic (not). If I were a kid today in California, I would have told my P.E teacher that I felt like a woman (transsexual) and showered with the ladies (C.F Law) If I were to sport a woody, I would have received the emotional support needed. My boss and young folks in the office could not understand why this puzzled me.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A 15-year-old transgender student in California who claimed to have been beaten and sexually assaulted in a school bathroom recanted after a police investigation failed to back up his story.
The reversal left open the possibility the teen could be charged with making a false criminal report, said Connie Van Putten, a police department spokeswoman.
The student, who is biologically female but identifies as male, had told officers he was leaving a boy's bathroom on Monday morning when three other boys he did not know pushed him inside a large stall and attacked him.
But officers could not substantiate certain elements of his statement, including the time frame, and he lacked any physical injuries to his head, face and hands, police said.

The student acknowledged he had made up the story during the follow-up interview, Van Putten said. She would not speculate on why he had lied.
The incident came as school districts across California are bringing their policies into compliance with a law that took effect Jan. 1 guaranteeing students the right to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match the gender with which they identify.
Advocates who fought to get the law through the Legislature last year said the fact that the Hercules teen's story appeared to be untrue does not minimize the harassment that transgender students routinely face.
Mario Trujillo, spokesman for the West Contra Costa Unified School District, said school officials are less concerned with punishing the student than making sure he gets the support he needs.
Since November, Hercules High has been dealing with the fallout from an on-campus fight involving another transgender student and three girls that was captured in a cellphone video. Jewlyes Gutierrez, a biological male who identifies as female, was charged with misdemeanor assault and said she had repeatedly complained about being harassed at school before she fought back.
The West Contra Costa Unified School District also has been responding to criticism over its handling of sexual harassment involving students. The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights launched an investigation of the district after a female student was gang-raped outside a homecoming dance at another high school in 2009, the year after another girl at a third high school was raped in a classroom by two classmates.

Did you even read what you just copied and pasted here and made a thread out of??:bored:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
this is why california is all fuked up. It's simple, common sense:

you have a dick, you stay in the mens room. even if you feel like a vagina.
you have a vigina, you stay in the ladies room, even if you feel like a dick.

but NOOOOO liberal commies in Kalifornia want everyone to be "equal" and do what they so choose

WTF CA is right !


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
The teen is biologically female... Who identifies and lives as a male, and was using a Mens room at the time of her/him being allegedly attacked.

well then she would be :dancenana:

unless she still likes boys, which would make the whole situation a little weird...

it goes beyond bathroom usage as well. if the trannie wants to play on a sports team theyre supposed to be able to now. so if some 6'4" dude is feeling feminine he can start dunking for girls varsity. then go celebrate in the shower with them after the game :dancenana:

Uncle Meat

Zircon Encrusted Tweezers
Established Member
Sep 22, 2002
Prattville, Alabama goes beyond bathroom usage as well. if the trannie wants to play on a sports team theyre supposed to be able to now. so if some 6'4" dude is feeling feminine he can start dunking for girls varsity. then go celebrate in the shower with them after the game :dancenana:
...and that's wrong as two boys ****in'. Oh wait a minute, that's acceptable behavior now too. :dw:

We are doomed as a country folks.


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