Bush Resume <-- is this true?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 12, 2000
Originally posted by callmecobra96
So you still cant answer my original question?

Read the link I have provided.


That is my answer to you, and it answers your question reasonably.

Asking me to go point by point, copy and paste answer after answer, is neither sound nor prudent for the operations of SVTPerformance.com's forums (read: would have a 111,000 character forum post, which eats up alot of database space, the same database that steve just rebuilt!)


New Member
Feb 9, 2004
the page is something you wrote personally....so its your word against someone elses....we could battle all day, and we will acheive nothing. i could go make a page, and get facts about how the resume is true. and then tell you to read it. but i wouldnt expect for you to read something that you didnt believe, hence why im not going to read yours.


Established Member
Aug 26, 2003
Phoenix, AZ
Wow... I hate to say how shocked I am by the people doing the bashing here. While angled at humor... you'd have to be completely blind to not see the point the resume made. Politics is a sticky subject, I know that... but resorting to bashing people on the other side.... that level of ignorance shows several things about those people.

1. Why they cannot see the truth to the above message.
2. Why they voted for Bush.
3. Why Bush won the last election (the schools of America must truely be lacking).

When Bush was asked what he would do if he lost this election, he responded by say, "Same thing I did last time."


New Member
Established Member
Oct 30, 2003
Tampa, FL

The way I look at it, if there is a document like that and one part is wrong, the whole thing loses credibility. It is a fact he was not AWOL as there are records from his dentist to prove this fact. Now some people might say that the document is fake but where is the proof for the AWOL? It's sad that people are quick to put out stories like that because even though we live in America where you are innocent until proven guilty, alot of the times it seems the opposite and innocent people have to try and prove their innocents. Just my two cents worth. :coolman:


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2002
In the race shop
Originally posted by Darcsun
2. Why they voted for Bush.

Bwwwwwaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't you remember that moron he ran against?!?!??:loser: :kaboom: :burn: :bash:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 12, 2000
Originally posted by callmecobra96
the page is something you wrote personally....

Nope. I take no credit for authoring that piece. its merely a google cache of the link listed on snopes that i decided to host on my site. So, you are wrong.... again!

so its your word against someone elses....we could battle all day, and we will acheive nothing.

Nope, its someone elses word (with references!) against someones word (with no references) see the difference?

i could go make a page, and get facts about how the resume is true. and then tell you to read it. but i wouldnt expect for you to read something that you didnt believe, hence why im not going to read yours. [/B]

You won't read mine because it utterly destroys your baseless argument :D Last word is yours, continue living in your own ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 12, 2000
Originally posted by Darcsun
you'd have to be completely blind to not see the point the resume made.

The only point the resume makes is any asshat can post something on the internet without credible (any?) references and have it believed to be true by the general public. Look at the thread title " is this true? "

Politics is a sticky subject, I know that... but resorting to bashing people on the other side.... that level of ignorance shows several things about those people.

Politics is a sucky subject. But it sure is fun killing people with logic.

1. Why they cannot see the truth to the above message.

What truth?

2. Why they voted for Bush.

Because Gore was a pussy. And annoyed me. -2 for him.

3. Why Bush won the last election (the schools of America must truely be lacking).

Because he got the electoral vote, which I learned in school elected Presidents, which isn't the popular vote. TRULY we have a crisis here! Oh no!!!

When Bush was asked what he would do if he lost this election, he responded by say, "Same thing I did last time."

When I was asked about what I would do if Bush lost this election I replied "not give more than 2 shits to the subject, but I wouldn't be an asshat and post a Kerry resume that is nothing but shit information"


Speeding bullet!!
Established Member
Jun 28, 2002
Anthem, AZ
Originally posted by Aaron_01
Did you find that in Road & Track OhMy?

Here he goes again ....magazine racing ..... When will it end.

Liberal ... Democrats ..... :rollseyes


My shit don't stink
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, AZ...hot sun, hotter girls
I really don't understand all of you claiming Republican/Conservative in this thread.

I come from a conservative household, and I was a strong supporter of Sen. John McCain as the Republican Presidential candidate until this bumbling moron got the nomination just because he had the money to win the Presidency for the GOP, and the name to go with it.

Bush has made more UNconservative decisions and law-changes than any other Republican President I can research, yet you guys whine about the Liberals?

I suggest you guys watch this documentary by the BBC's Greg Palast:

Right-Click, Save As (38.7MB)

Although I doubt that the more rabid of you guys will be too happy about the vid. I also doubt if this video will ever have been made and produced in the US.

About the documentarian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Palast

C'mon guys, don't be blinded by party-lines. A crook is a chimpanzee, no matter what party he happens to represent.

(I can't wait to see you guy's reactions to the video...you guys will probably call me a flaming liberal because I even posted it...whatever.)


New Member
Established Member
May 12, 2003
st louis, mo
its is true!! how could any of you young people on this board even think about voting for this bum? doesnt social security mean anything to you guys? are do you all think your going to be millionaires someday,you had better let him know dont mess with ss,you will need it if and when you can ever retire.


Established Member
Mar 2, 2002
That resume, though not a real resume is sad but true.

And...for all you conservatives, republicans, etc. making quotes like "damn liberals, ****ing liberals, and such, I offer you this. "You're nothing but a bunch of stupid f**king republicans."


Established Member
Jun 30, 2003
So Cal
You Biblephobes!

Oh wrong thread. Some of it is true some is false. I credit him for having the balls to make a change in his life. Funny how Bush is making his past public. Clinton dodged the draft and twisted everything thrown at him. I did not have sexual relations with Monica I got a BJ. There is a difference between the two. Honesty & Integrity.

Carnutt- you are right but I voted for the lesser of 2 evils. Politics has changed over the years. Remember when Nixon lied, admited it, and resigned. That type of character doesn't exist in todays politicians or we would vote a president in and kick his ass out the next day.

I'm nicknaming Scoriox "The Owner" I have been fortunate enough not to be one of his ownees. Good info Scor.

NEVER BELIEVE WHAT YOU HEAR. Research it first. If I told you OHMY was an ass cheese would you believe me? Wait don't answer.


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2002
In the race shop
Any, I repeat, ANY ASSCLOWN that doesn't like Bush can put something like that together and start circulating it on the internet.

You should be able to see this thing for what it is?! Perhaps not?

:thumbsup: :coolman: :beer:


Established Member
Aug 26, 2003
Phoenix, AZ
Umm... for those who pointed out who Bush ran against... you have to remeber, Gore won the popular vote. Add in the amount of liberal/democratic minded votes that Nadar took, and the country voted far more democraticly minded then Repbulican.

I know politics is a heavily charged topic, but unfortunately Bush has done the majority of what this post shows. My own family (me aside) has voted Republican their entire lives... they are even registered as Republican. They have already chosen to vote Democratic in this election.

My own party affiliation aside, I would vote Republican if I believed the canidate running was the best for the position. I would choose a liberal (open) minded republican over a conservitive (close minded) democrat any day. And I'm not just talking president. I think the house and senate have far more impact then just the presidency. To many people only get into politics when only the president is concerned.. which is sad.

Want to attack my politics? Feel free. Just remeber, I do somethign about my politics. I volunteer for the Democratic party here in Colorado, and not just for the presidential elections. I volunteer as a special olympics coach for the ski/snow boarding team and the soccer teams. I volunteer at my local parks to clean and help build needed projects.... Feel free to talk smack when you can show that level of commitment to you're believes as well.


New Member
Established Member
Sep 23, 2002
Ocala, FL
Lets all vote democrat.

So we can go into another recession. That'll be fun!

The first thing kerry would do if he got president would probably be raise taxes. Bye bye recovery. :burn:

I don't like everything Bush has done, but I'd take him again over these particular democratic candidates. And screw Ralph Nader.


Established Member
Dec 2, 2003
piss of dems. Go Bush!!!!! How would Gore of handled 9/11?? First thing he would of done is stock up on vagisil. Shut the **** up liberals!!!

^ typical knee jerk reaction.

I am pretty SURE that Gore would NOT have invaded IRAQ to to distract the American people from realizing that we have not caught the people responsible for 911. But, I think Saddam is a VERY VERY bad person. Would I trade 500+ young American boys to remove him from power? Probably not. There are about 10 VERY VERY 'evil' dictators in the world. Should we invade all of them? Or just the ones with lot's of money in oil? At any rate, I FULLY support going after the scum who killed our families during 911. The Iraqi people and the Iraqi government are not these people.

The American public has been deceived by our 'War President' wrapping himself in the flag (and stealing our civil liberties that are in the constitution, via the Patriot Act, etc.). Please wake up America.

Repeat: Iraq had NOTHING to do with 911.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
Charlotte, NC
*rant on*

Let me give you sheeple a little dose of reality. G.W. is the product of a Republican party that has sold it's soul to play tag team with the Democrats. On more and more issues, both parties are slowly aligning themselves in one direction, just like the British labour and conservstive parties in the post-Thatcher era. There will never be any serious challange to either/the party/ies doctrines as they align, there will never be another major reversal of policy or affiliatoins within the parties as both have effectively found a way to spit power. The McCain-Fiengold Act will ensure that Citizen's groups (the lobbyists Dems so despised, such as the NRA) will be silenced as more of the Bill of Rights is raped. Both parties backed the passage of the Patriot Act with only a couple of dissenting votes and are in the process of jointly drafting Patriot II (I've read part of the draft, scared me s****less, I'll find the link in second). Appointees to the Supreme Court from presidents of both parties now wield dictatoral powers.
Starting to get it yet? The Republican and Democratic parties will strive to maintain the image of seperation on what the public percieves to be major issues (which are just a great sideshow) while working behind the scenes to harmonize thier interests and work as a tag team. 2 parties, 2 versions of the lie, same ultimate goals. As for Bush and Kerry, they are redundencies to each other as they are products of a political merger. As Gore Vidal said once, don't be fooled into believing that the President has much real power, the real desicions are made in the back rooms (committees and panels) of Congress, and always behind closed doors. Face it, we are headed rapidly into a virtual one party state. EXcept that people will never know it, and will continue to vote for who they believe is the lesser of the two evils. The Republic is almost over folks.

It's not Bush, it's his party.

*rant off*
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your momma likes it
Established Member
Aug 11, 2002
Originally posted by Maniac Mechanic
*rant on*

Let me give you sheeple a little dose of reality. G.W. is the product of a Republican party that has sold it's soul to play tag team with the Democrats. On more and more issues, both parties are slowly aligning themselves in one direction, just like the British labour and conservstive parties in the post-Thatcher era. There will never be any serious challange to either/the party/ies doctrines as they align, there will never be another major reversal of policy or affiliatoins within the parties as both have effectively found a way to spit power. The McCain-Fiengold Act will ensure that Citizen's groups (the lobbyists Dems so despised, such as the NRA) will be silenced as more of the Bill of Rights is raped. Both parties backed the passage of the Patriot Act with only a couple of dissenting votes and are in the process of jointly drafting Patriot II (I've read part of the draft, scared me s****less, I'll find the link in second). Appointees to the Supreme Court from presidents of both parties now wield dictatoral powers.
Starting to get it yet? The Republican and Democratic parties will strive to maintain the image of seperation on what the public percieves to be major issues (which are just a great sideshow) while working behind the scenes to harmonize thier interests and work as a tag team. 2 parties, 2 versions of the lie, same ultimate goals. As for Bush and Kerry, they are redundencies to each other as they are products of a political merger. As Gore Vidal said once, don't be fooled into believing that the President has much real power, the real desicions are made in the back rooms (committees and panels) of Congress, and always behind closed doors. Face it, we are headed rapidly into a virtual one party state. EXcept that people will never know it, and will continue to vote for who they believe is the lesser of the two evils. The Republic is almost over folks.

It's not Bush, it's his party.

*rant off*

Well said.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
Charlotte, NC
Now that I've finished my rant, here's somthing else for Bush's resume:

She said: "New members of Skull and Bones are assigned secret names, by which fellow Bonesmen will forever know them. George W was not assigned a name but invited to choose one. According to one report, nothing came to mind, so he was given the name Temporary, which, it is said, he never bothered to replace."

"Nothing came to mind" :lol:

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