At what point do you think you'll stop caring about having stuff?


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Apr 15, 2004
Central Fl
36, no kids, and basically at that point. I've become very tuned-in to clutter/junk/shit at my house. Example: To me, owning 3 cars and having a 3-car garage means they all go inside, not filling one or two stalls with crap. Basement...legitimately only store stuff on one side and that mostly consists of the woman's seasonal holiday crap. If stuff starts bleeding over to the other side, either I need to toss something or it better be worth hanging onto i.e. Cobra parts or winter wheels/tires for the Fiesta.

Still love the car, but I drive it less and less each year. Doesn't stop me from pumping cash into it, though.

My weakness, however, is audio equipment, specifically Cerwin-Vega gear. Hardly use my theater, but I keep accumulating more.

If this counts under the same umbrella...
My mother will be 73 on the 12th. She lives alone in a 2600sq ft house. Nothing wrong with her; she's Ms. Independent. She could make a killing if she unloaded the house right now, but alas no mention of even considering it. I know that one day she's gonna roll over and realize she should be in a condo. Because of that, I'd really like to get a big dumpster in her driveway so I can stop over and start clearing the place out proactively. Wayyyyy too much stuff in that house that she'll never touch again. And if I wait until she makes the decision or she kicks the bucket, I'll be doing most of the work myself anyway.

Maybe we should make a thread so we can show off the specific things we hoard...? lol

ugh, my mom has shit on every shelf, wall etc... I dread the thought of going through it all one day. The thing is some of it's actually pretty valuable and some of it is just cheap crap and trying to know which is which.

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