Another fort hood shooting


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2007
At least he took his own life. He bought this gun days prior..didn't just snap grab an available weapon and start shooting, he obviously thought about what he was going to do.

My cousin, he was 18-19 when he was forced to enlist..much better option to him then jail, those were his only two after stealing a ton of cash.

Thousands of teenagers running around with weapons doing whatever they want, degloving people, tearing up homes and possessions for fun, because they're kids. Make the national age limit for LEO and Military Combat positions 25.
Not that it would solve any problems, but at least IMO by 25, they will have a lot more life experience without a badge, f this OTJ training.


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Jun 6, 2007
IMO in many cases it is anger and rage. Blinding rage I call it. Think about road rage where a person "loses their temper" and seeks to harm another person or persons. I believe there are many out there filled with pent up anger and rage for any number of reasons. Left unchecked it ultimately can boil over and at that point the person, in their rage and anger, seeks to hurt as many people as possible. Logic is gone. Their only goal is to hurt, to harm, and even to kill. Usually people they know and dislike, but often complete strangers who become the scapegoats (objects identified with the anger and rage). JMO, but I don't believe I'm far off with this.

No you pretty much nailed it - he got into it with a few people earlier and the end result was this incident - UNREAL


Living the dream
Established Member
Dec 24, 2011
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
I should be ashamed? I'm sorry, did I just murder 3 innocents and drastically alter the lives of many others? Were he NOT a coward who shot himself, you could go give him a hug and tell him everything will be alright, and that it's not his fault, being the more empathetic individual than you are.

At any moment something could happen and I could snap? No.. I think not. You see, I'm not mentally unstable.

Now, onto the point of contention. In no way am I dismissing PTSD as a real issue for many people, even the elite. What I'm talking about is THIS incident. Don't even for a second tell me that this "perfectly well adjusted" individual was somehow transformed into a psychotic rage monster by the big bad military and it's leadership.

Dude was a shitbag that didn't deserve to wear the same uniform as those who have truly been scarred and damaged as a result of volunteering for their country.

And dont try and tell me that different things affect people differently, and that 4 months of driving supplies out of Iraq could do to some what seeing their buddies torn to shreds do to others. Get the hell out of here with that. I'm sorry if I have some level of expectation for a professional Soldier before he becomes a liability to innocents around him.

My point is that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and I can tell by what you are saying that you have no training on the said topic. So if I see my friend blown up, and you see your friend blown up, we will both react the same way? That makes no sense and there is no logic in what you just said. I guess all the money the Army has spent on training me, and all the special schools I have attended for MEDCOM, all the friends I have lost since 2003, and the 7 friends I have lost due to suicide and mental illness leaves me with an unclear understanding and view of the situation. I am speaking from experience and facts, where you are not my friend.

Question, have you ever served or are you currently in?
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2007
Legit question. Soldiers can't be armed when on base?

Military bases are gun free zones. It's easy to get a gun on Fort Hood tho if you've been in the gates before, and for a soldier it would be nothing.

I did a job on Ft Hood, if you aren't in fatigues the eyes are on you. They had fenced MY materials and locked it, so I just started walking around trying to find someone..didn't take long before an MP on a golf cart showed up wanting to kill me.


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Jun 14, 2013
My point is that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and I can tell by what you are saying that you have no training on the said topic. So if I see my friend blown up, and you see your friend blown up, we will both react the same way? That makes no sense and there is no logic in what you just said. I guess all the money the Army has spent on training me, and all the special schools I have attended for MEDCOM, all the friends I have lost since 2003, and the 7 friends I have lost due to suicide and mental illness leaves me with an unclear understanding and view of the situation. I am speaking from experience and facts, where you are not my friend.

Question, have you ever served or are you currently in?

Suck it

Dakota Meyer here is saying exactly what I've been trying to get across. The killer in this incident has more in common with the Naval yard shooter, Sandy Hook shooter, and Colorado theater shooter than any vet out there truly suffering from PTSD. He was a lunatic who just happen to be in the Army. Saying his deployment or the Army was the source of his issues is idiotic.


Living the dream
Established Member
Dec 24, 2011
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Suck it

Dakota Meyer here is saying exactly what I've been trying to get across. The killer in this incident has more in common with the Naval yard shooter, Sandy Hook shooter, and Colorado theater shooter than any vet out there truly suffering from PTSD. He was a lunatic who just happen to be in the Army. Saying his deployment or the Army was the source of his issues is idiotic.

It's obvious his issues extend past his military experience, what are you trying to say? Again, you are not providing any sufficient data to validate your reasoning and assumptions; therefore, they remain just that, assumptions.

Agree to disagree I suppose.


New Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2013
It's obvious his issues extend past his military experience, what are you trying to say? Again, you are not providing any sufficient data to validate your reasoning and assumptions; therefore, they remain just that, assumptions.

Agree to disagree I suppose.

It would take too much effort to continue with this. I just take exception to the fact when people say they "aren't surprised" when something like this happens. Dude was a nut, and in no way reflects the majority of those truly dealing/having dealt with PTSD. We don't have a bunch of unstable lunatics running around our bases one argument/family member death away from shooting up a bunch of innocents.

However, you do have a nice car. At least we can agree on that.


Living the dream
Established Member
Dec 24, 2011
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
It would take too much effort to continue with this. I just take exception to the fact when people say they "aren't surprised" when something like this happens. Dude was a nut, and in no way reflects the majority of those truly dealing/having dealt with PTSD. We don't have a bunch of unstable lunatics running around our bases one argument/family member death away from shooting up a bunch of innocents.

However, you do have a nice car. At least we can agree on that.

You are correct, not everything is combat related. There are those few that slip through the cracks that already suffer from mental health issues.

Thanks, I do love my car.


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May 13, 2010
Miami Beach
When I was a military cop back in the day I used to think being on the EST (Base Swat) team was pretty overboard for these boring quiet little military bases, until now where these type of rampages are becoming quite common.

The most I've responded to on a base was a bank robbery.
Its really sad our troops have to still feel they are in a warzone and watch thier backs on stateside bases.

Anyone at FT Hood?

Are the MPs/civilian LE implementing 100% full vehicle searches for weapons now at all the ECPs??

After these incidents I can def see a whole new rewrite of Installation LE/Security Policy across all four branches of bases worldwide.

Things will get even tighter, and more tedious security wise for entry and exit of our installations.
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Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
Close enough.
Hardly. Comments like that are causing a hell of a lot of political animosity and it's directed at the wrong party. Wrong year, wrong presidency. The news outlets can't even get the facts right on this one so no, close enough doesn't cut it IMO. Close enough reporting and logic is why the firearms community is unjustly on their heels right now.


Living the dream
Established Member
Dec 24, 2011
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Hardly. Comments like that are causing a hell of a lot of political animosity and it's directed at the wrong party. Wrong year, wrong presidency. The news outlets can't even get the facts right on this one so no, close enough doesn't cut it IMO. Close enough reporting and logic is why the firearms community is unjustly on their heels right now.

Uh, what? LOL. Close enough is fine. It's just a mistake in year that I stated.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
Uh, what? LOL. Close enough is fine. It's just a mistake in year that I stated.
The mistake in year means you're also blaming the wrong president thus making the entire statement a mistake from beginning to end.

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