A Soldier's View...


2003 Cobra & 1990 Notch
Established Member
Jan 30, 2003
Americans respect the right of Americans to disagree with the foreign policy of the President even during a time of war. I can support american troops and honor their sacrifice without agreeing that the War in Iraq was a great idea. I feel the management of the war has been substandard. Our troops deserve armored humvees, and personal armor that works! We should have had enough troops to prevent looting and the insurgency destroying the electricity and water for the populace. The disbanding of the Iraq army was a classic bonehead move. Destroying a group that could have policed the country and leaving restless trained armed men to join the insurgency. Being a proud American does not require stupidity or blind devotion to George W. Bush. A majority of Americans do not support the way the war is being fought or the reasons for the Iraq war.


approaching ancient
Established Member
Dec 7, 2003
Oklahoma hills
RU NAZT said:

Noted, I shall read some of your posts in particular "Dear Ms Sheehan".

Thank you for the safe return...

Well now. After scanning your posts and noting dates, I don't think you're even in the service... much less in Iraq. I think you're just a punk, wannabe lurker using the internet for self-gratification in your little make-believe world.


Established Member
Nov 12, 2004
Warner Robins, GA

Punk I am not...

My posts have nothing to do with where I am. Today's technology does allow those of us whom have computers to use them outside of our own homes.

I am in the United States Air Force and have been since 1990. I am currently in the Middle East AOR and have been since June 05 and will remain here until June or July of 06. At no time did I say I was in Iraq, might want to go back and read what I wrote. There are more places to serve in the Middle East, besides Iraq. Self-gratificatoin is not what this is about, if so this would be a totally different thread. My job does provide valuable intel for those serving in Iraq, but at NO time did I ask for your blessing.

Just as you warned me, be mindful of what you don't know. You may have served before I was bown, but I serve now. I will not disrepect the service you have provided, and continue to provide for our great nation. On the same token I would ask that you don't disrespect the manner in which I serve now.


Mar 20, 2005
Baltimore, MD
red03cobra said:
Americans respect the right of Americans to disagree with the foreign policy of the President even during a time of war. I can support american troops and honor their sacrifice without agreeing that the War in Iraq was a great idea. I feel the management of the war has been substandard. Our troops deserve armored humvees, and personal armor that works! We should have had enough troops to prevent looting and the insurgency destroying the electricity and water for the populace. The disbanding of the Iraq army was a classic bonehead move. Destroying a group that could have policed the country and leaving restless trained armed men to join the insurgency. Being a proud American does not require stupidity or blind devotion to George W. Bush. A majority of Americans do not support the way the war is being fought or the reasons for the Iraq war.

well said


Established Member
Apr 6, 2004
Funny how this has turned into a d*ck measuring contest. "Too close for missles. I'm switching to guns."


Stockishly Slow
Established Member
Jan 21, 2003
That was an awesome letter. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. I sit here and think how my problems, while big to me, have little to no significance to what it means for you all to be in a place where every day, you go out, with no gaurantee youll come back alive. God bless everyone of you.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 1, 2005
Norfolk, VA
red03cobra said:
Americans respect the right of Americans to disagree with the foreign policy of the President even during a time of war. I can support american troops and honor their sacrifice without agreeing that the War in Iraq was a great idea. I feel the management of the war has been substandard. Our troops deserve armored humvees, and personal armor that works! We should have had enough troops to prevent looting and the insurgency destroying the electricity and water for the populace. The disbanding of the Iraq army was a classic bonehead move. Destroying a group that could have policed the country and leaving restless trained armed men to join the insurgency. Being a proud American does not require stupidity or blind devotion to George W. Bush. A majority of Americans do not support the way the war is being fought or the reasons for the Iraq war.

Like it or not Bush is the strongest man in the world, he also represents America. If you respect America you will stand behind Bush if you don't you can get the hell out. Disbanding the army was a bonehead move? So your saying you would rather want novice trained guys that are probably still loyal to sadam to police a state that your just liberated from sadam. Tell you one thing I would want that is a policed state trained by U.S. soldiers and that support new Iraq.


Mar 20, 2005
Baltimore, MD
FordGTGuy said:
Like it or not Bush is the strongest man in the world, he also represents America. If you respect America you will stand behind Bush if you don't you can get the hell out. Disbanding the army was a bonehead move? So your saying you would rather want novice trained guys that are probably still loyal to sadam to police a state that your just liberated from sadam. Tell you one thing I would want that is a policed state trained by U.S. soldiers and that support new Iraq.

so you are saying if we don't support the president we have to leave the country?? are you a communist or something?? you are a bush supporter i take it, so common sense would tell me you didn't like clinton. did you leave the country for the duration of his presidency??? :bash:

p.s. i also agree that having former saddam soldiers police the "new" iraq would be a bad idea.


approaching ancient
Established Member
Dec 7, 2003
Oklahoma hills
RU NAZT said:
Oldnfast if you feel the need to continue, PM me...

Nope, just testing. You passed with flying (no pun intended) colors. :bowdown:

Again, God bless & keep up the great work.

(edit) Keep in mind that I'm 'old school'. And I want to compliment you on your last post. Showed a lot of class for what I threw at you.
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Your everyday white pimp
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Bum****, Egypt.
I thank every veteran no matter who I am with all the time. The other day I met a vet that was in Vietnam. You know what he said to me. "You're the second person to ever say thank you". thank them anytime you can. Anyone that will die for my way of life has my respect. Thanks to all the respectable people in the military no matter when they served where they served or what branch it is.


Mar 20, 2005
Baltimore, MD
sharkall2003 said:
I thank every veteran no matter who I am with all the time. The other day I met a vet that was in Vietnam. You know what he said to me. "You're the second person to ever say thank you". thank them anytime you can. Anyone that will die for my way of life has my respect. Thanks to all the respectable people in the military no matter when they served where they served or what branch it is.

i wish there were more people like you. nicely put. :beer:

Avenging Angel

New Member
Established Member
Jul 13, 2002
I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read what I wrote, but more importantly for your continue support.

FordGTGuy said:
poor people w ehave been posting your letter like fire flys and look what ignorance some people can come up with.

Please relay my message to the gentleman that wrote the post below. I have post my response seperately three post below:

Maybe I'm cold-hearted for not sympathizing with this, but this man let blind pride and personal politics overcome him and leads a life with the same closed-minded faithfulness you would find in any religious extremist. I would find it more noble if he was selfless in his cause, but the fact that he wrote this pompous self-fallating drek proves he falls into the same mental archetype. He wants attention, and he's guilting those who don't have the same naive devotion to their country into thinking that they're worse people because of it. It's the same as people who have the fabulous "if you don't like this country then leave" argument (which, by the way, is about as strong of a statement as "i know you are but what am I".) I respect soldiers, and people for that matter, who do good honest deeds because they're good and honest people with a sincere love for helping out his fellow man. Unfortunately, most people...like this guy here...do what they do for their own selfish purposes, whether it be to make it into heaven, rub it in the face of liberals, experience the thrill and excitement of the kill, and so forth. So I thank and support all of the soldiers, civilians, and philanthropists who do good deeds because they're truly altruistic. Everyone else needs to stop kidding themselves, because while they may sap credibility out of the willfully ignorant, they're not fooling the rest of us into ignorantly obedient respect.
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Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
sharkall2003 said:
I thank every veteran no matter who I am with all the time. The other day I met a vet that was in Vietnam. You know what he said to me. "You're the second person to ever say thank you". thank them anytime you can. Anyone that will die for my way of life has my respect. Thanks to all the respectable people in the military no matter when they served where they served or what branch it is.
Got 5 bucks I can borrow? My car broke down the road a bit?

Avenging Angel

New Member
Established Member
Jul 13, 2002

You have every right to express your opinions as it is your right in this great nation. Now allow me to address your comments.

If believing in God & going to church on Sundays makes me a religious extremist, then so be it. You sir, can continue to place your faith in your golden calf & other idols as it is your right to do so according to our laws on freedom of religion & the law of God concerning free will.

As it is written the Bible, “If you are not ashamed of Me before men, I so, will not be ashamed of you before My Father in Heaven.” So with that, let me say to you & all of those that read this, I vehemently believe in God & will stand behind my Lord, Jesus Christ.

You are also correct in stating that I fall into the same archetypical Patriotic American who would actually pick up a weapon & go into harm’s way to defend the rights of those such as you who criticize us behind a keyboard in the comforts of your home.

Prideful? You Betcha! When I look around me, not only am I Proud, but Honored to be in the company of such fine men & women. While men such as you loudly preach about peace (yet have neither the fortitude to do what it takes, nor the perseverance to see us through the course), men & women around this nation have stepped forward to stare our enemies in their eyes & assure them that they will not prevail. Yes, I am Proud. Guilty as charged!

I am also guilty of having a selfish agenda. The Secretary of Defense sent a memo to Commanders earlier this year stating that units are not to be deployed more than once every five years because of the strain of separation it takes on soldiers & their families.

Since my unit had recently returned from a deployment in Afghanistan just over two years ago, we are not eligible to be deployed again until 2007. Due to the shortage of Special Operations Forces in the Theater, SOCOM came to our Group for help. Subsequently when our Commander asked us to volunteer to go to Iraq, 92% of the unit stepped forward. The other 8% that choose to remain stateside, choose to do so because they are either in the SF pipeline, or cannot leave because they have other circumstances at home that they cannot be taken away from.

We take significant pay-cuts from our civilian jobs & leave our families to join our comrades in battle to defend our freedoms & to help give the citizens of Iraq a chance of a free life as well. If in doing so will help reserve a seat for me at the Lord’s table, then that is just gravy (because I already love what I do), but just make sure to call ahead to let them know that we need a big table because there are over 200 soldiers from my unit who share my views & we're all coming.

It’s funny how the protestors say that they want the troops home, when there are troops volunteering to go & stepping up to the call. We know damn well that if we leave Iraq prematurely, the efforts & sacrifices that have been made thus far would have been in vain. Thank you for your concern, but we’ll stay the course until we fulfill our mission. If that is your definition of selfishness, then again I am guilty as charged.

However, I am not one of those that will tell you to leave if you do not like this country because you have the right to your views & beliefs. As my previous post have stated, I am an immigrant, but America is where I pledge my allegiance & where I call my home. I am not one of those who expects special treatment, or affirmative action because I am a minority. Jesse Jackson & his band of hypocritical brothers do not speak for me, my views are expressed better by men like Bill Cosby who says, that no one race is out there to put you down, nor are they responsible for your situation. If you want something better for your life, then stop blaming other people, get off your ass, get an education & go after your dreams.

We are not brain-washed, blind followers of your so call "Bush-War-for-Oil Machine." We are men & women who would rather go see to it that the fight (that our enemies started) remains in their backyard. People like you & Cindy Sheehan can tour the country in Jane Fonda’s vegetable oil powered bus preaching your incoherent dreck. Just check the rear-view mirror because you might find celebrity patriots like Mel Gibson chasing you in his Nuclear-Powered Pro-War Bus to tell you that you’re wrong.

I must conclude my response to you because I know that nothing neither one of us can say will sway the other to change our stance, views or beliefs. So we find ourselves at a Stalemate. Unfortunately I do not have the time, nor the desire to continue our debate as I have to get my things in order at home in preparation for my deployment, but I will leave you with this:

Though I am out-ranked by an Armchair General such as you (as I am only a Junior Enlisted soldier), you sir, are out-classed by an Insurgent wearing not much more than a t-shirt, pants & some flip-flops because he is willing to die for what he believes.

Nick B. Tran
August 26, 2005
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Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Nick, I think i know you! While an atheist here I live my life by a simple code. I try not tp hurt or embarass my nation, my family nor my friends. Generally in that order and those that become my friends usually feel like family.
Plus I always hated the bully and this job suits me fine. Now if the weather and AF will get off their ass I can leave in the next few hours!


Mar 20, 2005
Baltimore, MD
well written. keep your head down, your mouth shut, and your bowels moving and come home safe.
i will agree to disagree on politics here, its like beating a dead horse.


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