Search results

  1. M

    Ok, maybe Logan is right!

    I always thought Logan was a bit too heavy handed on the board, and I have told him so. After cruising this board for a while, I think maybe his quick trigger finger is not such a bad thing. Thanks, Logan for creating a board where if I do a search to get real information, I am not...
  2. M

    ProCharger Kit Questions

    Although I own and love a Trilogy-equipped Marauder, and one kit is all I will ever buy (or, more correctly, be allowed to buy)---I am interested in some technical aspects of the ProCharger kit. That a centrifugal blower is more efficient than a roots blower is well established. Is that why...
  3. M

    Other SCT, OBD-II, and LM-1 users

    Anyone else on this board use the SCT Pro Racer software? I would be very intersted in discussing your tune versus mine--how much spark, tranny settings, spark mod tables for air temp, spark retard after tip-in, etc........ Also, I use the OBD-II software and find it to be very good, but...
