Whats the best way to win a bid on Ebay


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 3, 2007
Without overspending ofcourse.

I'm having serious Mudstain withdrawals as I've been DD them for years, and need to find another car I can afford to do a swap with my Cobra with.

Looking at this one with a flood title with no reserve, but ofcourse I don't know what the high bid is. Should I wait until the last minute to place a high bid? If I win will I only have to pay the price of the high bid I just beat or the price of the high bid I beat? I bidded the next highest amount it said to bid, and was instantly out bidded.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 17, 2005
Greenville, SC
I always wait until the last minute to place a bid. Just figure out what the most u wanna spend is and bid that price right before the end. And u only have to pay whatever bid u beat. Say ur looking at something that the price is $50 and u can put ur max bid at $100 and eBay will bid for u up to ur max bid. But if the next highest bidder stopped at say $75, then they would bid $76 for u and that's what you'd pay. Hope that helps man GL with the swap


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 3, 2007

That's very helpful as it answers all my questions. :beer:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 17, 2005
Greenville, SC
Your welcome sir. Sorry to hear about ur car being wrecked I still miss my blue cobra to this day. Shoulda never let my friend drive it and ended up totalling it :fm::fm:


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I highly recommend that you establish ahead of time how much you are willing to pay. In other words, set your maximum bid. Then place your max high bid. Hopefully nobody will outbid you. If they do, resist exceeding the max bid you had established. Otherwise you could end up paying more than you really wanted to. JMO.


Detective John Spartan
Established Member
Apr 26, 2005
San Angeles
Wow, lots of horrible advice in here.. but don't listen to me. I've only been running multiple ebay stores and buying everything off ebay since '98. What do I know :shrug:


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 20, 2010
I too wait till the last minute, give yourself enough time though to where you can submit again in case internet crashes or something. On a car, I may wait till the last 2 minutes! Like said previously, people who bid and then sit wait are just driving up the price.. Kind of ruins it for the smart people who wait till the last minute.

Its the one the time procrastinating pays off!


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 3, 2007
One time I was the lead bidder on a Maisto SB Cobra and was outbidding in the last two minutes.

Thats why I'm asking for advices.

Thanks y'all.


Detective John Spartan
Established Member
Apr 26, 2005
San Angeles
So show us the light then O wise one...

Well, it's common sense really.

1. Hey I wanna buy this _______
2. I wonder what I could get one for on ebay?
3. Search completed listings for said _____ and sort by price
4. Hmm, If I wait long enough, I could get one for xx.xx but if I want it now I'll have to probably pay xx.xx
5. Search current and sort by price
6. Damn, no cheap buy it nows
7. Sort by date ending and check out the auctions
8. Okay cool found one. I'll let all the other dumbasses bid away and drive up the price for no reason.
9. Okay 1min left. Log into ebay, enter a price you're willing to pay and hit place bid. DO NOT CONFIRM on the next page.
10. Open said listing in new tab so you can watch the count down.
11. Oh good, these dumbasses who bid with 3 days left aren't bidding at all.
12. Tab over and hit confirm with 2-10 seconds left depending on how ballsy you are and how bad you want said _____
13. Oh look, I won.


Detective John Spartan
Established Member
Apr 26, 2005
San Angeles
When I bought my cobra on ebay I bid with like 3 seconds left. This was back when they didn't scramble the high bidder names. I got a few FU messages and this 1 guy demanded I let him get the car because I cheated LOLOLOLOLOL. Dude cussed me out and threatened me in like 4 different messages.


Established Member
May 2, 2007
Los Angeles
^^What he said... But with out all the mumbo jumbo:

Open up two tabs of the same window. On one place a bid but DON'T confirm it YET.

The other tab is for you to keep refreshing (or to watch the timer go down if that's how it shows up on your computer) and when there is like 10 seconds left (with practice you can get it down to about 2 seconds) click confirm bid in the other tab and voila! You won! (9/10 times)

To do it faster open up two windows and make both of them small enough to fit side by side on the screen so all you have to do is move the cursor over and click instead of choosing the next tab and THEN clicking confirm.

This is the ONLY way to do it quickly and efficiently.


I am the Red Cyclone
Established Member
Oct 18, 2003
So Cal
Disagree. Anyone who bids before the last few minute of the auction is just driving up the price for themselves.

I too wait till the last minute, give yourself enough time though to where you can submit again in case internet crashes or something. On a car, I may wait till the last 2 minutes! Like said previously, people who bid and then sit wait are just driving up the price.. Kind of ruins it for the smart people who wait till the last minute.

Its the one the time procrastinating pays off!

Well, it's common sense really.

1. Hey I wanna buy this _______
2. I wonder what I could get one for on ebay?
3. Search completed listings for said _____ and sort by price
4. Hmm, If I wait long enough, I could get one for xx.xx but if I want it now I'll have to probably pay xx.xx
5. Search current and sort by price
6. Damn, no cheap buy it nows
7. Sort by date ending and check out the auctions
8. Okay cool found one. I'll let all the other dumbasses bid away and drive up the price for no reason.
9. Okay 1min left. Log into ebay, enter a price you're willing to pay and hit place bid. DO NOT CONFIRM on the next page.
10. Open said listing in new tab so you can watch the count down.
11. Oh good, these dumbasses who bid with 3 days left aren't bidding at all.
12. Tab over and hit confirm with 2-10 seconds left depending on how ballsy you are and how bad you want said _____
13. Oh look, I won.

These guys speak the truth. :beer:


Detective John Spartan
Established Member
Apr 26, 2005
San Angeles
^^What he said... But with out all the mumbo jumbo:

Open up two tabs of the same window. On one place a bid but DON'T confirm it YET.

The other tab is for you to keep refreshing (or to watch the timer go down if that's how it shows up on your computer) and when there is like 10 seconds left (with practice you can get it down to about 2 seconds) click confirm bid in the other tab and voila! You won! (9/10 times)

To do it faster open up two windows and make both of them small enough to fit side by side on the screen so all you have to do is move the cursor over and click instead of choosing the next tab and THEN clicking confirm.

This is the ONLY way to do it quickly and efficiently.

Wow. Thanks for saying the same thing I did but in a noob way. What's the mumbo jumbo? I explained step by step. IDK what kind of POS computer you're on or what kind of learning disability you may have, but tabbing over is really not that difficult. If you wanna get technical, opening 2 copies of your browser will waste ram and technically slow your computer down... if you wanna get sorta technical. You need practice to watch a counter get down to 2 seconds? Sucks to be you. The whole point of 2-10 seconds is that there might be a njc0las about to bid with 2 seconds left but he might bid more than you. If it's something special you don't wanna mess up, you might wanna do it at 10 seconds to make sure the last bidder didn't outbid you already. You do that at 2 and you lost. I don't think you got the point.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2002
Well, it's common sense really.

1. Hey I wanna buy this _______
2. I wonder what I could get one for on ebay?
3. Search completed listings for said _____ and sort by price
4. Hmm, If I wait long enough, I could get one for xx.xx but if I want it now I'll have to probably pay xx.xx
5. Search current and sort by price
6. Damn, no cheap buy it nows
7. Sort by date ending and check out the auctions
8. Okay cool found one. I'll let all the other dumbasses bid away and drive up the price for no reason.
9. Okay 1min left. Log into ebay, enter a price you're willing to pay and hit place bid. DO NOT CONFIRM on the next page.
10. Open said listing in new tab so you can watch the count down.
11. Oh good, these dumbasses who bid with 3 days left aren't bidding at all.
12. Tab over and hit confirm with 2-10 seconds left depending on how ballsy you are and how bad you want said _____
13. Oh look, I won.

Bingo. I'm not quite that anal about it. I just find one that's ending soon that's within my price range. I enter my highest bid with a minute or two left and if all goes well I got one for a discount. If not, I didn't pay more than I wanted to.


Established Member
May 2, 2007
Los Angeles
When I bought my cobra on ebay I bid with like 3 seconds left. This was back when they didn't scramble the high bidder names. I got a few FU messages and this 1 guy demanded I let him get the car because I cheated LOLOLOLOLOL. Dude cussed me out and threatened me in like 4 different messages.

Hahahahaha!! Good shit!

One time I bid with like 10 seconds left and got outbid by like $5 (or whatever the increment was) and figured the guy had a really high max so I bid like $20 higher just to get him to pay more haha.


Established Member
May 2, 2007
Los Angeles
Wow. Thanks for saying the same thing I did but in a noob way. What's the mumbo jumbo? I explained step by step. IDK what kind of POS computer you're on or what kind of learning disability you may have, but tabbing over is really not that difficult. If you wanna get technical, opening 2 copies of your browser will waste ram and technically slow your computer down... if you wanna get sorta technical. You need practice to watch a counter get down to 2 seconds? Sucks to be you. The whole point of 2-10 seconds is that there might be a njc0las about to bid with 2 seconds left but he might bid more than you. If it's something special you don't wanna mess up, you might wanna do it at 10 seconds to make sure the last bidder didn't outbid you already. You do that at 2 and you lost. I don't think you got the point.

Damn I guess someone has sand in their vagina! :poke: Relax chief the interwebz r nOtZ that seriez.

Go 'ghost park' your car, that might make you feel better. :lol:


Detective John Spartan
Established Member
Apr 26, 2005
San Angeles
Hahahahaha!! Good shit!

One time I bid with like 10 seconds left and got outbid by like $5 (or whatever the increment was) and figured the guy had a really high max so I bid like $20 higher just to get him to pay more haha.

Yea at work for fun we used to bid on lambos and all kinds of crazy stuff we knew we wouldn't meet the reserve with. My friend and I went back and forth with a drive through strip club. We even made Japanese news haha. My friend ended up winning but not meeting the reserve and the dude called him every day and threatened him with legal action for like a month hahahahah.

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