Owning multiple cars/toys


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Established Member
Nov 9, 2004
Where my shadow falls
I currently have an 04 Cobra and a 14 Raptor both that I bought new. I have been lusting after a new Hellcat Challenger lately. My question is how many of you have multiple cars/toys and is it even practical with all the maintenance and upkeep? Financially I can have the Raptor paid off by the end of the year and buy the Hellcat, but having a tough time deciding if I need all these toys. When I purchased the Cobra it was the first new car I have ever owned and it was top dog at the time. There are a ton of performance cars out there now that can beat it. When I bought the Raptor it was the first truck I had ever owned and was the top dog. On top of that I was under the assumption that after 2014 there wouldn't be anymore raptors made. Now here we are 3 years later and they're back in production. I have barely put 3000 miles on the cobra in the past three years, but when I do drive it, it puts a smile on my face. Is anybody else in the same shoes? I know insurance for my Cobra hasn't gone down since I've had it and between it and the Raptor I pay $200/month.


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
I take it you drive the Raptor most of the time then? If so, why is that? Why don't you drive the cobra more? What makes you think you would drive a hellcat more?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 9, 2004
Where my shadow falls
I take it you drive the Raptor most of the time then? If so, why is that? Why don't you drive the cobra more? What makes you think you would drive a hellcat more?
I drive the raptor and my dd which is a honda civic more. My oldest turns 16 in march so he's getting the civic. I work out of state alot and the last time I took the cobra it left me stranded in arizona. I'm kind of scared to take it out of state now. I shouldn't be working out of state after this year so I will be home more.


I make hits
Established Member
Mar 16, 2004
Evans, Colorado
I think this is fairly personal to each individual person. I have found over the years that owning and maintaining a fleet starts to suck, especially as some of them age. For me personally, when I had more than one toy I also found that one of them tended to get neglected over another, so there was no reason to keep them all.

If you're already not driving the Cobra much, but it still makes you smile, my advise would be to just keep the Cobra. Or if you need to keep up with the top dog in the car world, sell it for the hellcat. My advise would not be to add to the stable.

GT Premi

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Mar 15, 2011
So ditch the Cobra for the Hellcat. Speaking from experience, owning multiple toys is extremely wasteful from a financial standpoint. There's always going to be one (or more) that spend more time sitting than being driven. So you're wasting time, garage space, and money.


Established Member
Feb 9, 2012
Atlanta, GA
I recently sold my Z06 because I did not drive it enough. It often stayed in the garage and I drove a 2008 Grand Cherokee. The 08 Jeep is nice, but started to question why I had a $45k car that just sat in the garage except for nice days--even on those days I took it to work and not to mountain roads or the track. I finally decided to sell the Corvette and get a nice daily driver that is more practical to my everyday life. It's only been a few weeks, but I'm glad I made the decision.


I've been toying with the idea of restoring/building a fox body to satisfy my desire for a fun/toy car. The corvette was too nice for me to really enjoy--I was always worried about damaging the car, stacking on miles and generally trying to keep it pristine. I want something more affordable that I am not scared to thrash, break and stuff into a wall at the track.


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
I've done the "multiple toy" thing before. You only have so much time in a day, and the extra taxes suck. Maintenance isn't so much of an issue- instead of doing oil changes by mileage, you do it by duration. Tires don't wear as much if they're not rolling.

Unless you're Jay Leno and have a ton of money to burn or a giant garage, I'd recommend rolling funds and focusing on fewer at a time.

I'm doing the same thing with my firearm collection- selling off the ones I don't use to build up the ones I do.


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Oct 30, 2012
Fort Myers, FL
Personally, I thought multiply toys would be nice. Put I came to the point, where something was broken monthly. At that point, financially, the cars weren't a burden, but just wasn't worth the effort. I'd rather double up on investments/take a nice trip every year (Over seas) then own a second toy.


Established Member
Jun 21, 2003
if you have the space and the money, i say go for it! i know i would if i could afford it. but i love cars and driving/maintaining them is pretty much my only hobby


. . .
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Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
IMO comes down to how comfortable you are financially and if you still have a passion for your older car(s). For me, I couldn't justify having multiple "fun" cars even if the payments were low/one was paid off. I would just think about how that money could go to better use(a la investing) than slowly depreciating sitting in the garage.

I know of others who still love their cars they bought years ago and cab easily keep/upkeep them and buy new toys.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 23, 2010
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
I actually just paired down my fleet by selling my Cobra. I didn't drive it much. Yes it was paid off, but I was still paying insurance and registration for something that sat most of the time. In about 18 months, I plan to pair it down again when I turn in my Fusion (DD), sell my E55, and combine the 2 into a C63 as a DD. The Boss isn't going anywhere, so I'll still have a fun 2 door. I'm in good financial shape and there was no burden having the cars, but I'm not Jay Leno or Treynor. A fleet of even 4 cars (5 including my girl's) was tough, so for me pairing it down was the right call.

It really depends on your situation. My girl knows I love cars and wasn't going to ask me to sell something, even if it sat, but I know she is happier will the money from the Cobra going into our house remodel.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 12, 2014
For me it would depend on $$$. Cars are my only interest. So if money was no object Id have as many cars as I could. I find it nice to look out into the driveway and have a choice of what vehicle you feel like driving that day.


Active Member
Established Member
Oct 24, 2004
it is a blessing and a curse to owning a fleet. We have 8 with two drivers, two are daily drivers and 6 toys and two small children. I find that i usually drive just a few and the others sit most of the time. But they will not be sold since they have a bit of history in our life. And I have this vision that they will be passed down to our boys when they start driving.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Back when I had my Mustang GT I bought a Yukon to DD. Turned out I liked the comfort of the Yukon toooooo much. I didn't drive the Mustang for like 2 months, got in it one day to drive it and it wouldn't start. Needless to say the Yukon was gone not long thereafter. Once I buy a house I'll give the multiple car thing another try.


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
Back when I had my Mustang GT I bought a Yukon to DD. Turned out I liked the comfort of the Yukon toooooo much. I didn't drive the Mustang for like 2 months, got in it one day to drive it and it wouldn't start. Needless to say the Yukon was gone not long thereafter. Once I buy a house I'll give the multiple car thing another try.

I'm confused how you went from liking driving the yukon more than the mustang and the mustang being broken down, to "needless to say" you got rid of the yukon.

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