Millenial Car Guys...ahem...Car Persons


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
I spend a lot of time on the internet, also, but its researching new builds / what people are doing / etc, so 'fun' stuff :) hahaha

I wish I did autocad though, I loved doing that shit in college, and was so relaxing. I designed an entire neighborhood from scratch, with sidewalk lines, etc etc

You gotta know your market.

I took autocad classes in college for fun. My degree typically doesn't require it. I ended up getting a job doing autocad stuff, and not what I went to school for lol.

I use autocad 14 and 2000. Not 2014 revision, but revision 14, i.e. pre-2000 lol.

Also have a newer program I haven't fully set up yet as its not fully compatible with our drill room yet. Still transfer data back to the old autocad for our custom add ons.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Do you know of any tutorials / classes / etc that I could find online to brush up on my skills? Feel free to PM me. :D


. . .
Established Member
Premium Member
Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
You gotta know your market.

I took autocad classes in college for fun. My degree typically doesn't require it. I ended up getting a job doing autocad stuff, and not what I went to school for lol.

I use autocad 14 and 2000. Not 2014 revision, but revision 14, i.e. pre-2000 lol.

Also have a newer program I haven't fully set up yet as its not fully compatible with our drill room yet. Still transfer data back to the old autocad for our custom add ons.

Sounds like our office

We have 2014 Civil 3d, well I do, and Acad 2014, but 90% of the time we rock Autocad 2004.

Like the old setup better and it's not like a newer Cad makes my work any easier. *Minus the Civil 3d, but too lazy to set up the parameters to use it to it's fullest.


Dumpster Baby
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
In a pineapple under the sea
Parents fault, that simple. I grew up helping my dad work on his own stuff because it was cheaper to do. He didn't ask me if I wanted to help, he told me I was going to help. Even if I was just standing there to hand him a wrench, I learned a lot and used that when I started working on my own cars.


Established Member
Mar 9, 2009
New Orleans, LA
Let's not forget something though, many people would sell their dignity in a heartbeat for fame & money...Also, idiocy & ignorance pays today. Sad but true.
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Muffin is my spirit animal
Established Member
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
Let's not forget something though, many people would sell their dignity in a heartbeat for fame & money...Also, idiocy & ignorance pays today. Sad but true.

We have a winner here! You could not be any more correct than you are with this statement.

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Fast Willy

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Oct 28, 2004
Bonita Springs, FL
I'm 29 with my first son on his way. My dad taught me to drive a stick shift when I was 11 and I had my first lesson on an oil change when I was 6 or 7. I've been in the garage ever since with him.

At this point hes with me in spirit while I'm in the garage but I know hes still with me and that's honestly the place I feel most comfortable in my entire house. No one touches my vehicles unless I'm completely unsure of myself on something. His motto was if you can take it apart, you can put it back together and it really is as simple as that.

I think it comes down to common sense not being so common any more. I have a very close/small group of friends and we keep to ourselves for the most part simply because we know what most people think about people of my generation and don't really care to be apart of it.

While I'm not fabricator I can be very dangerous with a wrench, even a welder from time to time and I can build plenty of things out of wood.

I have a college degree mainly because of my mom pushing it but I'm grateful for it as well. When it comes down to it though I prefer working with my hands over anything else. It truly is becoming a lost art. I wish more kids would go to trade school over college and learn something that is actually productive. I'd say close to 90% of these college professors are nothing but Libtards and that is not helping the situation.

Being part of this generation scares me as I have a deep concern for the future of this country, even the world at this point. But I will continue to focus on my family first and then whatever else may lay ahead.

I'm no puss when it comes to fighting either, I've gotten my ass kicked a few times, not afraid to admit it but I've done the same as well. It doesn't happen so much any more as I'm honestly afraid of a kids dad trying to sue me etc but that is what this world is turning into and its a sad sad thing.

Sorry to get off on a tangent.


Established Member
Oct 4, 2012
Brandon, MS
I'm 34 so technically I'm in the ball park. I've gotten a lil wrench time under my belt and never made a penny off any of it. I do it because I like building stuff.


Established Member
Apr 3, 2016
I'm 24 and never worked on cars until about 3 years ago when I got my Mustang. Ever since then I have done every part install myself. I don't personally feel like I am part of the millennial generation at all. I don't care about social media, I don't vote democrat, I want to get my hands dirty and I enjoy the feeling of doing something yourself. I also paid for my bachelors and master's degrees in full and didn't whine that it should be free. I am honestly embarrassed of my generation often.


Established Member
Apr 3, 2016
21 here, I did all the work on my cobra and made it go 10's and shooting for close to 9's next year. I enjoy working on my car, and feel privileged to have worked on cts-v's,TT ls swapped 65 impala, 1300hp chevelles, f2 foxbody, even cars upward of 2200hp. I find it fascinating, this will always be my hobby. Also 1 year away from getting my CPA, so not all of us suck.:D

Have you already taken the CPA exam and are just waiting on the hours or are you one year away from being eligible to sit?


Well-Known Member
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May 6, 2014
College Station, Texas

Millenials aren't car guys. The most badass cars are being built today.

The difference is that the cars were built by the owner's hands vs being built by the manufacturers. These days, all you have to do is have money to buy the car and it's pretty much a race car right from the factory.

That being said, I am clearly not one to complain about that. I love my Hellcat. I like that I have 707hp AND a warranty.
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apex svt

Established Member
Jun 29, 2012
Have you already taken the CPA exam and are just waiting on the hours or are you one year away from being eligible to sit?
A year from now I'll be eligible to sit. I don't like the 150 credit hour rule, when they don't even have to pertain to any sort of accounting material after you get the degree.


Established Member
Apr 3, 2016
A year from now I'll be eligible to sit. I don't like the 150 credit hour rule, when they don't even have to pertain to any sort of accounting material after you get the degree.

Yeah, it doesn't make much sense. I had an accounting and finance undergrad degrees so I just went ahead and got a MBA and certificate in data analytics to finish up my 150. I figured I might as well get something useful from it instead of just wasting money taking the easiest classes possible. Anyways, I just passed my second section this month and I will hopefully be finishing up in the next few months. I'm trying to finish the test before the test changes in April. As i'm sure you have heard, it is miserable. Best of luck to you though! If you have any questions about the test or process feel free to hit me up.


Muffin is my spirit animal
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
My mental image of Millennial Car People; can't say "guys" and assume gender anymore.

MCP: "Respect all builds!"
MCP: "Look at the glass dildo I took from my mom and made into an automatic shifter extension. I didn't wash it so it still reeks of disappointment."
MCP: "I do not understand the concept of functionality."
MCP: "Saying Street Racing assumes there is a winner and loser, it is about participation and making sure everyone feels like a winner."
MCP: "Want to go to the dick sucking competition after I buy some new Vape flavoring? We can go buy new flat billed hats and Volcom shirts after."

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