why i rock these sweet kicks

05 windveil blu

yes ignorance is bliss
Established Member
Mar 28, 2005
well this is a long and boring story, but i need some legal advice. on the 13th of januray i got arrested for reckless driving and wen tto jail for 8hrs until i posted 500 bucks bail. they sent me a ticket on the 13th of feburary and charged me for reckless driving(separate ticket sent one week ago today) and speeding 43 in 25 via SMS or w/e that radar gun is, then a no stop and a no signal.

anywho the legal part is i went in for arraignment today at 845am and i plead innocent to just the reckless part. and i have a trial date on teh 16th of may. on the 13th of april i go to court for the rest of the crap and i have contested the hearing and hiring tim cogan or how ever you spell his name to fight the ticket for me. he said he could do the reckless driving ticket as well for 1000 bucks!

any advice for legal help or past experiences?

and yes i already know dont tell me i need to drive diffrently or not get caught.
thanks, Greg


Its Fast
Established Member
Jul 16, 2003
Arlington, WA
Quit driving like Joey....

Sorry, I dont have much info for you, you should check in the Donut Shop maybe...


05 windveil blu

yes ignorance is bliss
Established Member
Mar 28, 2005
team23jordan said:
and you drive V6 mustang? jk

hope everything works out fine

no...DROVE... but i mean the 6 wasnt a slouch tho, not sayin it was fast tho either.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 18, 2004
Marysville, Wa
RickSvt said:
Quit driving like Joey....

Sorry, I dont have much info for you, you should check in the Donut Shop maybe...


Thanks Rick. I dont have a reckless or am in jail lol.

C Weil

New Member
Established Member
Aug 3, 2004
Woodinville, WA
05 windveil blu said:
any advice for legal help or past experiences?

and yes i already know dont tell me i need to drive diffrently or not get caught.
thanks, Greg

Didn't you just get a ticket or two not too long ago? I assume you also lost your license, both legally and from your dad? He's the only guy on the board I've met, and he definitely seemed like a sensible guy, so I'm imagining he did. And rightfully so.

I know you don't want to hear it, and I don't mean to sound "old" or "experienced, which I'm not, so I'll spare you the details, but basically at this point you are stuck. You're going to get it, and it's going to be what you deserve. That sounds rough or mean, but think about it from someone else's viewpoint: does it sound like very intelligent or safe driving? If I saw someone doing that, I would definitely keep my distance, and probably get pretty angry at their lack of sense.

I don't care if anyone in your situation says "yeah, but I'm a good driver, I can hold it all together, I can keep it on the road, I was being safe because I know how to handle a car." Truth is, you DON'T. Even if you did, which you don't, nobody else does, and it only takes one screw up (you or them) to get serious injuries involved. Would you rather be in court for reckless driving or vehicular manslaughter? Don't feel alone in that- I think pretty much everyone is a shitty driver, as driving at speed limits gives people a false sense of control and ability. Nobody really realizes they don't know shit until they've been taught properly and had rediculous amounts of practice, and only then do you realize that that kind of driving has no place on the street. So don't drive like your racing, as you're only racing your car right back into your parents' garage; locked up, no keys.

So, at this point, asking for legal advice and refusing to change your driving habits is ignorant to the point of irresponsibility- it's showing you are completely missing the point. The point is you should've changed your driving ability when you got previous tickets and warnings, yet you decided not to for whatever reason. You didn't heed the warnings, and you got caught doing something stupid. Tough break, but it's not the legal system's fault, so trying to get out of it with technicalitys and legal BS just shows that you really aren't trying to learn your lesson. It wasn't done TO you, you did it to everyone else.

I'm sorry, I probably sound 45, but I just really don't understand the mentality. At all. First time, learn your lesson, forgive, move on. More than that, refusing to change, and I just don't understand the amount of tolerance towards it.

Yeah, maybe I sound like a dick, but I'm just saying what most sensible people are thinking.

05 windveil blu

yes ignorance is bliss
Established Member
Mar 28, 2005
^^i think you misunderstood what i meant chris, what i meant by saying "and yes i already know dont tell me i need to drive diffrently or not get caught" was that i ALREADY learned my lesson from this and i dont like hearing what i already know, i find it annoying. and "or not to get caught" was simpoly a joke, anyone who knows me well knows i crack jokes a lot no matter small or big jokes.

i couldnt help but think how hypocritical your response is; dont even try to tell me you havent driven like that on the streets,ever. getting off on "legal BS" and technicalities doesnt mean you don't learn a lesson. either way you are out money lawyer fee's, ticket fines,etc.. i have a job where i drive frequently everyday on and off the car lot and i drive some nice cars and its not easy to drive a new 2006 M roadster on a sunny day with the top down at the speed limit, but i do it cuz i know that its not worth it anymore what i went thru for doing a simple stunt.

by the way joey im not in jail anymore. i was in custody for 8 hours

C Weil

New Member
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Aug 3, 2004
Woodinville, WA
05 windveil blu said:
i couldnt help but think how hypocritical your response is; dont even try to tell me you havent driven like that on the streets,ever.

43 in a 25 (likely residential?)? Not signaling or stopping at a stop? No, I don't do those, or I would've said that I was guilty of it, too. I never said or claimed to be the world's most perfect driver, but there is definitely something to be said about responsibility when driving quick cars. Seems to be a lesson slowly learned for most teenagers, and boards like this definitely don't help foster it, that's for sure! It doesn't mean you have to drive like a grandma, but there are certain things you should definitely not do, no matter what you drive, and it seems that you've done some of those.

Doing stupid things on the street? Not since I was 16. Even then, it was very minor (read: wussy). I've never gotten a ticket, and only ever been pulled over for a broken turn signal (well, twice). One of the advantages of being at a racetrack every week, sometimes a couple times a week, is that I just don't have the desire to speed on the street because it's a big waste of time- extremely unsafe, not very fun comparatively, especially when you've only been driving for a couple years. And don't give the excuse that you can't be expected not to speed just because you can't go to a track very often- that's not the problem of the other drivers on the road, so don't make it theirs.

Lesson learned or not, only time will tell if it will actually sink in. I'm sorry if it sounds harsh, but sometimes coddling and sugar coating the real issue doesn't get the point across. Don't take it the wrong way- whether you want to hear it or not, I, like everyone else here, am only trying to help. I just don't think people take this sort of thing very seriously. I don't think you are alone in that.

Edit: Poor grammar. :rollseyes
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New Member
Established Member
Apr 23, 2004
how old are you? i am 34 ! i had 2 negs by the time i was 21! i was in a bad accident and did a bunch of other very stupid stuff ! i blamed everyone else but it was my fault! i have things that will haunt me for the rest of my life! i paid out the @ss in insurance! i just finally slowed down on the street! took it to the track! and i am very selective about were i go when i bang some gears on the street with the car so i dont hurt anyone or get a ticket! havent had a ticket in 10 + years! cops are 3 times as thick as they were 10 years ago! if you make big money then its no big deal! pay the fine! buying mods are better than paying tickets! and if you cause injury to some one else thats more than any money can buy! take your lumps and move on! going fast in a car isnt everthing! but its alot funner when you cant get in trouble! :thumbsup:
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05 windveil blu

yes ignorance is bliss
Established Member
Mar 28, 2005
chris i didnt mean exadctly what i did. what i did mean was that you have driven before in a manner that was not safe on the streets before.

by the way i am 18 for the guy who asked a few lines up

my speeding no stop and no signal ticket got dismissed this morning thanks to tim coogan.

C Weil

New Member
Established Member
Aug 3, 2004
Woodinville, WA
Greg, what I said was "Yes, I supoose I have, but not nearly the same way". There are varing degrees of guilt involved, here, and I don't think you care to see that- I have never, and will never, go almost twice the speed limit in a residential area. That's just mindless. I never said I'm a perfect driver, but my guilt doesn't somehow absolve you of yours nor make my point meaningless or empty.

Sigh. I still don't understand how the court system will allow guilty ticketed individuals to "go free". It just reinforces the idea that you should be able to drive however you want, because you can always have someone get you out of it.

In one ear, out the other.

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