What would you do?


CO No Mas
Established Member
Sep 12, 2007
Thought this was a thought provoking scenario.

This Couple's Incredible Love Story Will Make You Cry

Myself, I wouldn't marry. Just because someone suffers a tragic accident doesn't mean I should commit to a life of no sex and no adventure out of false guilt.

What false guilt? So people with disabilities cant marry someone without disabilities and it not be considered charity or doing it out of false guilt?

From that article it seemed she loved him very much before and after the accident. I think this speaks more about you than anything. Also, people with disabilities can find ways to be intimate and can certainly be adventerous.

If you want to talk about a real issue, lets talk about why weddings need to cost THOUSANDS of dollars and be this huge social event, where the only important thing is two people getting married. Take that $20k and pay your damn bills? $20k for a ****ing wedding? The government really has all of you by the balls I swear...


Fujiwara zone
Established Member
Nov 21, 2006
What false guilt? So people with disabilities cant marry someone without disabilities and it not be considered charity or doing it out of false guilt?

From that article it seemed she loved him very much before and after the accident. I think this speaks more about you than anything. Also, people with disabilities can find ways to be intimate and can certainly be adventerous.

+1 :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
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Jun 12, 2005
Central Florida
I'm confused. At the proposal he looked mentally handicap, not able to walk, etc. In the photos from Disney, he appears to be walking, standing, and looking normal?

First let me say that girl defines the term saint. If only more people could love as unconditionally as she does.

Myself, I'm a selfish asshole. No way would I put up with a wheelchair bound, drowning in debt, incapable of truly "living" person. Why? Because I look at is reversed. I would have wanted the plug pulled(if there was a time that question was asked) and no way would I want to be a bother to others.


High mileage R
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Jul 29, 2008
Nor Cal
Obviously it was true love for her, congrats to the both of them. If my wife became handicapped I would never consider leaving her, so just because they were not yet married she must have felt the same way.


My shit don't stink
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Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, AZ...hot sun, hotter girls
Myself, I wouldn't marry. Just because someone suffers a tragic accident doesn't mean I should commit to a life of no sex and no adventure out of false guilt.

Not everyone's as shallow and selfish as you.

Not trying to start an argument, as I personally would have the same debate in my head. She's a better person than both of us.

The girl even changed jobs and worked at his rehab facility to be there for him and to help get him better. If that's not love, I don't know what is.
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Katy TX5.0

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Apr 13, 2013
Not everyone's as shallow and selfish as you.

Not trying to start an argument, as I personally would have the same debate in my head. She's a better person than both of us.

The girl even changed jobs and worked at his rehab facility to be there for him and to help get him better. If that's not love, I don't know what is.

So you would volunteer for a life without sex and basically having a burden? Life is a long time without sex. I'm inclined to think it's guilt she needs therapy for.

Katy TX5.0

Active Member
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Apr 13, 2013
What false guilt? So people with disabilities cant marry someone without disabilities and it not be considered charity or doing it out of false guilt?

From that article it seemed she loved him very much before and after the accident. I think this speaks more about you than anything. Also, people with disabilities can find ways to be intimate and can certainly be adventerous.

If you want to talk about a real issue, lets talk about why weddings need to cost THOUSANDS of dollars and be this huge social event, where the only important thing is two people getting married. Take that $20k and pay your damn bills? $20k for a ****ing wedding? The government really has all of you by the balls I swear...

I didn't say in every case it's out of guilt. 20k is a little outlandish though.


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Feb 22, 2009
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I'm man enough to admit I almost shed a tear when she walked into the room and saw him with the ring.

I don't think anyone can really know what they would do until they are put in that situation though it would certainly be an agonizing choice. I have witnessed something similar to this story in my life a few times.

When I was flying to Florida a couple months ago, on the flight was a well dressed mid 60's couple who had a (very) mentally handicapped woman, who was confined to a wheelchair, along with them who was probably in her early 30's. It dawned on me that was their daughter and they had been taking care of all her needs for her entire life. I'm sure they never planned on that happening in their life but they made it work. That is love and dedication if I've ever seen it.

Also, one of my dad's best friends from high school married his high school sweetheart and had 2 daughters close in age to me. We used to get together with his family to play games or have pool parties and the parents would eat/drink while the kids would all play. Well, when I was young, 7 or so, his wife had a stroke. She rehabbed like crazy to get back to (almost) normal. Unfortunately, 5 years later she had another stroke and that put her in a wheelchair and helpless for the rest of her life. He stood by her side and it's been almost 20 years since that happened. I'm sure the good memories they have together drive him to keep going when he could easily turn her over to some sort of a home to take. That is love and dedication.


CO No Mas
Established Member
Sep 12, 2007
So you would volunteer for a life without sex and basically having a burden? Life is a long time without sex. I'm inclined to think it's guilt she needs therapy for.

You really don't see the ignorance in this statement? What you see as a "burden", somebody else may see as an opportunity to be with the person they love and take care of them for the rest of their life. In my opinion it would be more of a burden to be with an ignorant person such as yourself over a physically handicapped person who may be wonderful to be around but limited in their ability to move around. And again, just because he cant stick his penis inside of her doesn't mean they cant be intimate or enjoy their sexuality together.

Apparently the part about "in sickness and in health" doesn't mean shit to you. Or maybe that just means the guy has to stay with you if YOU get sick, butt you would bail the second things get tough.


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
I would stay with my wife. Ya it would be a hard pill to swallow that your significant other is permanently disabled and needs care for the rest of their life, but that shouldn't matter. You don't marry someone because of the sex. The sex is just icing on the cake. They obviously love each others company far more than anything else on this planet, which is how it should be. You make sacrifices, just like every other day. There is no reason this should be frowned upon or judged negatively.


A Member Well Known
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Jan 18, 2007
I don't get caught up in the moment so no. I would feel like a total asshole proposing if I were that guy.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 19, 2010
what false guilt? So people with disabilities cant marry someone without disabilities and it not be considered charity or doing it out of false guilt?

From that article it seemed she loved him very much before and after the accident. I think this speaks more about you than anything. Also, people with disabilities can find ways to be intimate and can certainly be adventerous.

If you want to talk about a real issue, lets talk about why weddings need to cost thousands of dollars and be this huge social event, where the only important thing is two people getting married. Take that $20k and pay your damn bills? $20k for a ****ing wedding? The government really has all of you by the balls i swear...


Katy TX5.0

Active Member
Established Member
Apr 13, 2013
There is more to life than sex.

Didn't say there wasn't. Would you be willing to volunteer for a life without it though? I know folks like me are getting fewer in number, but no way would I think it's okay to cheat just because I volunteered for such a situation.
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Katy TX5.0

Active Member
Established Member
Apr 13, 2013
You really don't see the ignorance in this statement? What you see as a "burden", somebody else may see as an opportunity to be with the person they love and take care of them for the rest of their life. In my opinion it would be more of a burden to be with an ignorant person such as yourself over a physically handicapped person who may be wonderful to be around but limited in their ability to move around. And again, just because he cant stick his penis inside of her doesn't mean they cant be intimate or enjoy their sexuality together.

Apparently the part about "in sickness and in health" doesn't mean shit to you. Or maybe that just means the guy has to stay with you if YOU get sick, butt you would bail the second things get tough.

They're not married and I'm not talking about after marriage. Apparently the facts of the story don't mean .... to you. I simply asked if people would volunteer for that life. I wouldn't. I view my life as God's gift not to squander.
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James Snover

The Ill-Advised Physics Amplification Co
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Jan 23, 2008
Spending your life with the woman you love is not squandering it. Quite the opposite, I would think.

They're not married and I'm not talking about after marriage. Apparently the facts of the story don't mean .... to you. I simply asked if people would volunteer for that life. I wouldn't. I view my life as God's gift not to squander.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 16, 2006
kudos to her. I'm glad there are some people in this world that aren't selfish and conceded.

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