What in the heck can I do, I'm SCRE#*D?

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Jul 2, 2003
Originally posted by sbro712
125 is not an automatic trip to jail as some here seem to believe. I caught a guy doing 105 in a 35 last year. I wrote him his ticket and sent him on his way because I was looking for bigger fish to fry.

Later that night I caught a fella with 100 vials of Ketamine....HE was a keeper :)

105 in a 35, not even a suspension?, I assume this was not a highway :shrug: 125 in a 65 seems not such a big deal.


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Aug 30, 2003
it reflects directly on the maturity level of a 19 year old.
I am 19, and I believe I am very mature for my age. I also understand that as one grows older, ages like 19, 20, 21 seem younger and younger, but they're not. All I ask is that you please not apply something to all teenagers. Thanks.


New Member
May 29, 2003
Originally posted by 95oRANGEcRUSH
It's nearly one in the morning and he paced you for 2-3 miles at 125+ MPH? :rollseyes . That's bullshit, to say the least.

In my eyes, that would be called a pursuit. What LEO would pace someone for more than a mile, let alone 2-3, at 125+ w/o calling it in to dispatch as a pursuit? If what your saying is entirely true, then this ticket has TONS of loopholes.

Also, seeing as how this is at night, you would have seen the lights from his cruiser for more than a mile behind you. That being said, for him to say he paced you at such dangerous speeds, w/o reporting it as a pursuit, w/o turning his flashers on, is just making him look bad. It makes him look bad for not doing anything but saying he paced someone for 2-3 miles at such a reckless speed.

Call an attorney and fight this. If this trooper did entirely what you said he did, and your telling the truth, then this ticket is bogus.


since your obviously not educated on what it takes for a traffic stop to evolve into a pursuit, ill fill you in. FIRST, the MARKED unit has to pull in behind you and turn its LIGHTS on. IF the violator refuses to pull over, which in this case the above violator obviously did, after the officer has sounded his siren then it becomes a pursuit. the key here is that when the trooper pulled in behind him and turned his lights on the violator pulled over. SO since that shot most of your post to hell, back up and try again.


Aug 6, 2002
Salem, New Hampshire
Originally posted by 95oRANGEcRUSH
Age has nothing to do with my post. Leave that and your condescending tone out of your respone, please.

I have two sons: 18 and 19 years of age. They are very bright boys, both in engineering school (EE and CE). They do some pretty dumb things and then they talk like 18 and 10 year olds. I't all about perspective. At this age, just getting out of mommy and daddy's daily care, you kids think you know everything. Guess what, YOU DON'T.

There are some valid points made on both sides here but I must say that the experience of the LEOs here certainly trumps and conjecture and supposition on the part of a 19-year-old. Sorry.

Remember, that cop that ticketed you may have, days or hours before, been involved in scraping one of your contemporaries, another invincible 19-year-old know it all, off the pavement. Perhaps the wake-up, regardless of how BOGUS you may think it is, will save a life down the road.

And yes, some cops are A$$HOLES. I haven't seen any here though. Listen and learn. Learn and perhaps live. These folks are offering thier words GRATIS. LISTEN!
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Established Member
May 11, 2003
Wahiawa, HI
Thanks for the support. Whatever the LEOs offer, take it and learn. It's not like we are getting paid to sit on here and run off at the mouth. We are all on our own time, taking time away from our personal lives and sharing experience/knowledge, etc. with those who have legitimate concern and questions. Hopefully for their benefit. I was 18 once, about 18 years ago. Man, if I had the resource of the internet, I'd be sooooo much better off, then again, I was 18, and one of those "gotta learn the hard way" guys. Nothing wrong wit hbeing one of those "learn the hard way" guys,.....as long as you learn.

Just remember, some of these LEOs have been LEOs longer than some of us have been alive. Benefit from others experience.


Who's that whore?
Established Member
Dec 11, 2002
Originally posted by SPEEDTRAPZ

since your obviously not educated on what it takes for a traffic stop to evolve into a pursuit, ill fill you in. FIRST, the MARKED unit has to pull in behind you and turn its LIGHTS on. IF the violator refuses to pull over, which in this case the above violator obviously did, after the officer has sounded his siren then it becomes a pursuit. the key here is that when the trooper pulled in behind him and turned his lights on the violator pulled over. SO since that shot most of your post to hell, back up and try again.

Maybe I should educate you in some common sense. First off, I know what a pursuit consists of. I'm going to be blunt for all you simple-minded, egotistical people who are spouting at the mouth in this thread. I think it is reckless of anyone, cop or not, to do 120+ MPH to pace someone for a 1/4 mile, let alone 2-3 miles.

Also, I was implying that most of the time that any officer has to do 120+ to catch an offender, it would likely be a pursuit. Read my third paragraph that you so effortlessly neglected to read the first time around.

I don't understand how an officer can pace someone from more than a mile back at 120+ when such speeds were NEVER reached by Josh, which he testified to. Josh admits to speeding and in quite a few posts up, which I'm sure you neglected to read, by a pretty good amount, but not 125+.

I've stated from all of my replies that I'm going by what is presented, and I know theres another side to the story. But Josh's statement clearly indicates that this trooper is ticketing him for speeds never achieved.

Future reference for you, read ALL of the posts carefully. Maybe this way you won't flame someone w/o knowing the whole thread.


Who's that whore?
Established Member
Dec 11, 2002
Originally posted by taronis

Remember, that cop that ticketed you may have, days or hours before, been involved in scraping one of your contemporaries, another invincible 19-year-old know it all, off the pavement. Perhaps the wake-up, regardless of how BOGUS you may think it is, will save a life down the road.

I do not care if that cop had to scrape another 19-year-old know it all off the pavement anytime prior to my being pulled over. Yes, I do feel bad that he/she would have to witness something like that, but yet, they chose their profession. Certain risks go with certain occupations, no? I'm not trying to justify that they deserve to see that, just saying that is a risk of the business.

On another note, if an officer had just scraped another person of my age off the road, I don't think he has the right to come down on me any differently than the other offender. Most police officers that I have spoken with and read posts from say that the initial attitude of the driver determines the punishment, along with the obvious act of deviance. Coming at a teen harder than anyone else, simply due to being a teen, is profiling.

Punish me for what I've done; not for what I am.


New Member
Established Member
May 11, 2003
Wahiawa, HI
Originally posted by 95oRANGEcRUSH
I do not care if that cop had to scrape another 19-year-old know it all off the pavement anytime prior to my being pulled over. Yes, I do feel bad that he/she would have to witness something like that, but yet, they chose their profession. Certain risks go with certain occupations, no? I'm not trying to justify that they deserve to see that, just saying that is a risk of the business.

On another note, if an officer had just scraped another person of my age off the road, I don't think he has the right to come down on me any differently than the other offender. Most police officers that I have spoken with and read posts from say that the initial attitude of the driver determines the punishment, along with the obvious act of deviance. Coming at a teen harder than anyone else, simply due to being a teen, is profiling.

Punish me for what I've done; not for what I am.
Dude, you just show your immaturity every time you open your mouth. Flame me if you want, but you are showing your age here. I do hope you stay safe thru these years though.


Who's that whore?
Established Member
Dec 11, 2002
Originally posted by ROADWARRIORSVT
Dude, you just show your immaturity every time you open your mouth. Flame me if you want, but you are showing your age here. I do hope you stay safe thru these years though.

I don't think I do. It's funny how most of my friends are people that are 25 yrs old+. Not to mention how many people say I act older than my age. Don't get pissed because I'm in this thread offering my opinion, that's what the good 'ole US of A is for.

As for staying safe, I've had my GT for two years so far. No tickets or accidents, and no close calls, either. I was 17 when I got it, and to not have any tickets and accidents 2 years later must say something. Hmmm, maybe it's due to the fact that I drive smart behind the wheel? I bought my car w/ my money that I worked 3 jobs to save up, I fixed it w/ the help of my father, and now I maintain it.

FYI, I'm extremely mature for my age, more so than any other 19 year old I've come across. Unlike most other people of my age, I don't put myself in a position to jeopardize my safety.

And if you think my initial reply to your first post was a flame, you're wrong. It was sarcastic, but far from a flame. Smackdown is where all the flaming goes down.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
It is nice to hear you think you are very mature, but the people here tend not to agree with you!

Once again you keep referencing things that should have been done during the stop and actions that should or should not have been taken, but you truly have no idea since you have no experience, training or education in the field.

Please stop posting your arguments and supposition as it is a done deal. Josh thanked us for the help and it is over.

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