What are the dimensions of our stock seats? Shoulder, kidney, leg width?


workin those 28's
Established Member
Dec 22, 2003
At the strip
I am in the market for some aftermarket seats. I am a pretty big guy 6'5" 250 lbs, but I am pretty comfy, size wise with the stock seats. I had Corbeau TRS seats (wide version) in my old 88 GT, and they were too wide.

Obviously I want lighter seats, but I like the width of the stockers. I tried to measure the seats myself, but I'm not sure if the seat companies measure from the inside edge, outside edge, or what?? Where are the companies measuring? What are the dimensions of our stock seats? Shoulder, kidney, leg width?

On that note, does anyone have Cobra seats or Recaros. I did a search and could only find a few results? I really dont want to spend $2k on seats, what are some good middle of the road seats, pricewise, like $1000-$1500 for a pair??

Trying to pull a few pounds outta this pig


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