Weight Lifters, I Need Food Advice


Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
Protein absorbtion depends on body mass. The 30g rule is an old wives tale. As far as cutting the carbs, you will loose alot of fat but you will loose muscle too. Low carb diets are worthless in my opinion. It always comes down to what you want to look like though.

- Eat most of your carbs and fruits earlier in the day with an nice split of protein/carbs/fats depending on your goals. Eating 5-8 small meals to keep metabolism up.

- I cannot stress how important water is( at least a gallon a day or more if you can depending on size of course).

-To loose a nice amount of fat do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach 45-60min 3 times a week.

-Also weight lifting should be spread out with a day break in between workout sessions.

-Also last but not least if you drink, stop. There is virtually no point of taking in alcohol when your trying to get in shape. Even in moderation. Alcohol especially has huge effects on protein synthesis and testosterone levels along with dehydrating your body and adding shit calories to your diet. That goes for pop etc...

For example my states are 6'2, 215lbs fairly lean lower teens body fat%.

A typical day consists of
1. 8 whole eggs. 1 1/2 cup oats(non instant crap) with honey,strawberries, blueberries
Lunch either chicken breasts, ground turkey,beef,steak, with potatoes r wheat noodles

2. normally can of tuna, banana, plain shredded wheat.

3 post workout. Pineapple, aprox 40-45g protein whey.

4. Normally a steak and potatoes,

5. Turkey or fish somewhat of a lighter meat source.

6. cottage cheese with glass of milk and 3 spoons full of natural Peanut Butter.

The days diet depends on whether or not I am training with weights or doing something else. Do some research into starchy and non starchy carbs and when to consume them. Time of day is also important.

Just a few tips, good luck to you. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Good luck to you

Alright I normally stay out of cutting threads because I am not in the best shape but I cant stay quiet on this one.

Following this diet will kill you quickly. 8 whole eggs is the cholesterol intake for about 3.8 days and you want to do that FOR BREAKFAST!?


Captain Jackstands
Established Member
Jun 1, 2006
the moon
OP I too have been on a bit of a diet. I cut my calorie intake from well over 3500 per day down to around 2200 per day. I have slipped up a good amount of times and when my wife is off work I will basically eat whatever but my normal day will consist of whey protein shake for breakfast, mid morning/noon meal will be either honey bunches of oats, some fruit, or if I am craving fast food I will at least stick with some kind of chicken. ie: nuggets, subway chicken bacon ranch, etc. after lunch Ill usually have another protein shake in the mid evening, and then dinner can vary as it is usually my "anything I want" meal. If we go out i will try to eat lean steak, chicken, or fill u on salad before my meal gets to me. Also, I still drink the occasional soda but I try to keep it diet soda, and other than that I drink nothing but water. It has been just over 2 months and I have lost over 13lbs and gone down from a 42 to a 38 pant size, and have not been working out at all. I am also unemployed so I just sit at home most of the time. Having a job and just staying a little more active would make a TON of difference. Good luck.


Far Beyond Driven
Established Member
Oct 14, 2003
all good info here on nutrition, BUT you dont need to change anything in your gym routine. You don't need a light weight high rep routine. Keep your weight up and reps down. You only need to change your diet you don't need to change up your gym routine.


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 5, 2009
Definitely don't change up your weight routine. that light weight high rep thing is a myth. keep the weight heavy and reps normal. obviously you are going to lose some strength, and the weight/reps you are lifting will drop some, but be sure that if it drops too fast to up your calories some so that you don't lose too much muscle.

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