The state of New Jersey can lick my balls


ya freakin gavone
Established Member
Mar 26, 2004
returning videotapes,taking money out of ATM's, Se
So I'm 26 and building my first house in jersey right now. With the way house prices are around here I realy had no choice other than too search for property then do a modular and do all the finishing work myself or live in a shi*hole. So I searched for a year and a half before I found a sweet deal on a peice of property. It's lake front on lake hopatcong which is also 15 minutes away from work so it's adream come true for me. It was pretty expensive but doing all the work myself I can just barely afford it. Now getting to the point of the story I just got my variances from the town and applied for a contruction permit. The town was very coprative thruout this whole ordeal but now they tell me the state mandates that 1% of the mortgage accesed value be taxed on all new contruction to be used for low and moderate income housing. I only make about 10k more than what is considered moderate income,can hardley afford my house, and there gonna take 5-6k from me to subsidize some lazy sack of craps housing. How the hell is this not communism. Any lawyers out there could you give me some advise if I have any legal recourse against the state, I just don't understand how this is constitutional. Sorry for the Rant.


Red 2003 Mach 1
Established Member
Dec 6, 2004
Southern, NJ
There is nothing you can do. It is a Tax and there is no way out of it. Get out of Jersey now while you can. The taxes are only going to get worse. lake hopatcong is pretty decent I have family members that live there. Now that you have the permits to build on the property, you can sell it and get quite a bit of money for your troubles.


w00000t w00t!
Established Member
Nov 24, 2003
St. Louis
Wow, that sounds like complete bullshit. HAve you considered selling the property and moving out of state? What is it that you do for a living? Are there better places in the country that you may be paid more for the same job but the cost of living(or buying a nice house are less expensive)?


ya freakin gavone
Established Member
Mar 26, 2004
returning videotapes,taking money out of ATM's, Se
Wow, that sounds like complete bullshit. HAve you considered selling the property and moving out of state? What is it that you do for a living? Are there better places in the country that you may be paid more for the same job but the cost of living(or buying a nice house are less expensive)?

I'm an engineer, but since I work for the goverment I would lose money due to locality pay if I switch to another facility, but the main thing that keeps me in jersey is all my family is from here. The nice thing is the house is gonna be worth 150-200k more than what I have into, but I earned that in sweat equity, it just pisses me off that they can take money from me (like I said I'm just a 26 year old trying to get started)to subsidize some lazy shi*s housing costs. If you can't afford a house then move to an area you can afford or build one your damn self like I'm doing.


Red 2003 Mach 1
Established Member
Dec 6, 2004
Southern, NJ
You work for Federal or State?

You will have alot of equity in the place, but what you pay in state taxes on the property may be minimal to the pay cut for locality.


It's Not Your Concern
Super Moderator
Nov 19, 2000
it allows lazy people who mooch off the system to continually mooch off the system and not work.....good for you for working for them! :)


I miss my torque
Established Member
May 17, 2005
That blows dude. Taxes suck. It kills me to see 28% or so of my paycheck going to the government. I guess I can say the taxes keep my school up and running, but education hardly gets any money now, and my parents still have to pay more and more every year for tuition, regardless. Oh, and the bullshit $50 parking tickets at school in addition to the $330 I paid for an actually parking pass don't help matters. Down with the government, I'd say. Then again, I do work for them and they do pay well...

What kind of Engineer are you? Come down here to Indian Head or Dahlgren. You are in the DC metro area so you will still make plenty on locality pay.

merc lover

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 13, 2005
My state is similar. It puts aside like 15-25% of all new construction to low income housing, period. So if you want to buy it, and they haven't enough room because they have to make room for the lazy asses, tough tits......
Personally I think it sucks, like you said, if someone wants to build a home, then they should just save their money and build it, not mooch off the backs of the hard-working populace.
Great, now they're tring to bring a little bit of the shitty ghetto neigborhoods to EVERY SINGLE TOWN in my state.
It's law....every single town.

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