The Minneapolis Police Choke an Unarmed Handcuffed Black Man to Death


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Mar 5, 2014
I am fine with reforms. Albeit it can't be a one way street. The way communities deal with police need to change too. A lot of police officers die too.

However, I am sorry to say these protest have lost their meaning. There has too much destruction going on. Not only that but many of the so called peaceful protest are filled with hate. They curse, yell and berate the police. Maybe not physically violent but definitely verbally abusive and violent.

I can't get behind those who hate. I don't care what their justification is. They ate no different than the ones they hate at that point.
They are pissed off man. This shit keeps happening and no matter what they do it keeps happening. If nothing else, can you empathize with the frustration they feel? How would you feel if the government kept killing your friends and neighbors and year after year, nothing changed and they kept getting away with it?

Edit for clarity, I'm talking about the people yelling and being rude, but non-violent
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Jan 18, 2018
All I see is protesters shouting slogans that were recycled from protests years ago. What actual demands and reform do they want? These protests are really poorly organized for people who seemingly want change.

They are protests not city council meetings. It is raw, visceral outrage at what they perceive as unacceptable injustice. Agree or disagree with it but that is what is happening The truth and reconciliation part comes after and will take years.

EDIT: And I am not disagreeing with you about there not being hope for any actual change occurring BTW. It is impossible to determine how much racism was truly factor in Floyd. It like was a factor but certainly was not the only factor...


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Mar 5, 2014
Had agreement with 99% of people, cop charged and the rioters blew it. Real protesters need to condemn it more. Maybe they are and the media ignores it... Media is shit
What do you mean by "rioters blew it"?
Do you mean you admit theres a problem that needs to be fixed, but you want it to remain a problem because some people decided to be dicks and take advantage of the situation?


The Man, Myth, The Legend
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Jan 7, 2005
fixed all the broken shit on my car in the first 3 weeks of the lockdown. Rewatched my favorite shows after that. Got nothing else to do right now :p

My SRT currently:(

Just pics. I left the area on Sunday (ironically to take a SWAT tactical rifle course...). I might go back today. The semi that went through the crowd freaked me out because I would have been where that happened.

Oh yeah, that was WILD. I've been thinking about going to the day protest here, I'm just burnt out on this year already so IDK if i will or not.


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Jul 28, 2006
@nomoretickets you must be bored bro lol. Stop trying to explain hings to these guys. Like I said earlier in the thread if they don't get it now they just don't want too. I don't think one person in this thread is OK with rioting and looting, but it's easier for them to focus on that than the actual reason all this is happening in the first place. The reform points you posted a page or so ago is EXACTLY what should have happened YEARS ago.

You posted those points and dudes response was "well that all fine and dandy" "what about the looters". You think he really cares about this shit?

Believe me when I say this, I do not condone the police killing anyone unless their lives or others are truly in danger. So it was completely unjustified for them to kill George Floyd. This is one of the most clear cut cases of wrongful death. However, many of the other examples are not so clear cut and I have a harder time getting behind protesting those killings.

I am a little disappointed though in what seems to be hypocrisy coming from you.

You make the claim that no one here cares about the reason for the protests but is only focused on the rioters. Yet, you do the same thing by only focusing on the reason of the protest and not the aftermath of the riots.

How about we agree both are bad and focus on stopping the rioting (the most immediate danger) and then focus on ways to help prevent these police shootings?


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Feb 9, 2020
What do you mean by "rioters blew it"?
Do you mean you admit theres a problem that needs to be fixed, but you want it to remain a problem because some people decided to be dicks and take advantage of the situation?
I mean your reforms aren't going to get the traction that they deserve until people stop getting the shit beat out of them in the streets and the burning stops.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Believe me when I say this, I do not condone the police killing anyone unless their lives or others are truly in danger. So it was completely unjustified for them to kill George Floyd. This is one of the most clear cut cases of wrongful death. However, many of the other examples are not so clear cut and I have a harder time getting behind protesting those killings.

I am a little disappointed though in what seems to be hypocrisy coming from you.

You make the claim that no one here cares about the reason for the protests but is only focused on the rioters. Yet, you do the same thing by only focusing on the reason of the protest and not the aftermath of the riots.

How about we agree both are bad and focus on stopping the rioting (the most immediate danger) and then focus on ways to help prevent these police shootings?

What more do you want me to say? I've said I don't agree with the rioting/looting, at all. You want me to yell and scream about how the police/army should kill them where they stand? I feel about them the way I fell about over zealous police, catch them and prosecute them. You've never seen me post in a vile way about the police I feel should have been arrested either. I just say they need to be arrested/charged and move on. I don't need to say it in a vile way to get my point across.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 28, 2006
They are pissed off man. This shit keeps happening and no matter what they do it keeps happening. If nothing else, can you empathize with the frustration they feel? How would you feel if the government kept killing your friends and neighbors and year after year, nothing changed and they kept getting away with it?

Edit for clarity, I'm talking about the people yelling and being rude, but non-violent

I definitely get that and can understand the frustration. We can agree people are definitely frustrated. People of all different ethnicities.

Lets be clear here though. Not all of those killings they are mad about were unjustified. Doesn't mean they don't grieve but not every killing was wrong given the circumstances.

I have to ask you though, how did you feel about the protestors of the stay at home orders? How did you feel about those that protested the strict gun laws being made in Virginia? The media made sure to paint them in the worst light possible and I saw plenty of the same people on social media who are all for these current protests berating them for their protests and mocking them for being mostly white.

I would think you would sympathize with them given how the media made them look horrible and you agree they are doing that now by focusing on the rioters.


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Feb 9, 2020
Weird anecdotal story. So my wife and I take the kids to get some ice cream this weekend. We are the only ones in there as we are still in Covid times. Two young people come in (probably early college age - white girl and black young man). They seemed very nice and asked to cut in front to talk to the workers. I said no problem. So they were asking post a flier. The people working said just leave it and they would ask the manager. The odd thing was that they were very obviously hiding it from us so we could not see. When they left, my wife asked the workers what the flier was. They showed it to us and it was for a BLM protest in town.

My mostly apolitical wife says - those mfer's, apparently we are not supposed to be on that team... How else would you take that? maybe embarrassment of what they were doing?


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Mar 5, 2014
I mean your reforms aren't going to get the traction that they deserve until people stop getting the shit beat out of them in the streets and the burning stops.
If there is a problem, and there are solutions, why should it matter that some people are taking advantage of the protests to incite violence? Its tragic that some people are being violent, but the problems with police brutality need to be addressed. The presence or absence of some violence at the protests is irrelevant to either the identification of the problem or the implementation of solutions to the problem.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 28, 2006
What more do you want me to say? I've said I don't agree with the rioting/looting, at all. You want me to yell and scream about how the police/army should kill them where they stand? I feel about them the way I fell about over zealous police, catch them and prosecute them. You've never seen me post in a vile way about the police I feel should have been arrested either. I just say they need to be arrested/charged and move on. I don't need to say it in a vile way to get my point across.

Ya I can agree that i haven't ever seen you promote violence in these situations.

My main point though was that we did the same as you. In the beginning of this thread, everyone was appalled at what happened yo George Floyd. It devolved into anger at the rioters because that is what the protest have unfortunately devolved into.

What more can we say about the police killing? The officer who did it is in custody. Yet the protesting and rioting continues.

I don't believe in mob justice. Allow the courts to give the officer his due process.


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Mar 5, 2014
I definitely get that and can understand the frustration. We can agree people are definitely frustrated. People of all different ethnicities.

Lets be clear here though. Not all of those killings they are mad about were unjustified. Doesn't mean they don't grieve but not every killing was wrong given the circumstances.

I have to ask you though, how did you feel about the protestors of the stay at home orders? How did you feel about those that protested the strict gun laws being made in Virginia? The media made sure to paint them in the worst light possible and I saw plenty of the same people on social media who are all for these current protests berating them for their protests and mocking them for being mostly white.

I would think you would sympathize with them given how the media made them look horrible and you agree they are doing that now by focusing on the rioters.
You are right. Im sure a lot of police shootings are justified. But part of the problem is that the systems are not transparent. People dont trust the system to get to the correct result because for so long the system was used to cover up the bad ones.

As for those protests, I thought a lot of the COVID grievances were kinda petty and frankly ive never understood the open carry thing, but thats their right to protest. I know I might sound like a pinko-commie on here, but Im actually pretty moderate. Happy to listen and find consensus where it is.


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Feb 9, 2020
If there is a problem, and there are solutions, why should it matter that some people are taking advantage of the protests to incite violence? Its tragic that some people are being violent, but the problems with police brutality need to be addressed. The presence or absence of some violence at the protests is irrelevant to either the identification of the problem or the implementation of solutions to the problem.
Ok. Keep telling yourself that it won't matter.


Rapidly Losing Interest
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Jan 25, 2012
in the V6L
Relax, it'll all be calm soon. Your national government has announced that to restore order, it's planning to roll tanks down main streets across the nation. To ensure that nobody accidentally gets hurt, they'll probably be taking people's guns away. What could be better - it's a tried and true strategy for bringing calm to a troubled nation - it worked great for the CCP in Tianenmen Square and the Soviets in Prague in 1968. It'll be wonderful - civil unrest will be over and everyone will be smiling and happy, just like the folks in the press photos from North Korea. Just want to express my best wishes to all of you before your access to the internet stops working.


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Mar 5, 2014
What more can we say about the police killing? The officer who did it is in custody. Yet the protesting and rioting continues.
The protesting continues because the killing is the result of systems and institutions that condone and promote these things. A few years ago, he probably wouldnt have been charged. Heck, if there wasnt a bystander video, guy probably wouldnt have been charged. So the fact that he was charged is a start. But there are many problems still to be addressed. For example, the officer who committed the murder had eighteen (18!!!!!) internal affairs complaints in his record. This is such a common thing with these sorts of killings. The officer being charged is the starting line, not the finishing line.


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Nov 9, 2005
Don't know anymore
I am not saying I'm more upset with the protesters, or even the protesters at all. They have every right in this free nation to protest anything they want...peacefully.

What I have a problem with is the justification some people are making for the rioting and looting. The man's own family has stated that this is not doing any good, and yet it continues. If the people most closely hurt by this event are even saying to stop, yet people continue, then there us another reason for it than the man who was killed.

For that reason, that is what I have a problem with. People are hurting other people and businesses for reasons other than the loss of his life. They are doing to display or promote anger and hatred which is never going to solve anything. If the violent people actually cared about making things right together, they would be protesting peacefully.

It was refreshingly surprising when this thread first started to see SVTP uniformly in agreement that what that officer did was wrong.

Which only makes it more disappointing to see this thread fall back into the same tired tropes: bash the media, something about Soros, and an overwhelming focus on the reaction to police brutality rather than on police brutality itself. Have y'all already forgotten that barely a week ago a man was murdered in the streets on camera?

If you are more upset by the protests than the fact that a cop slowly killed a handcuffed man then you need to reflect on your priorities.


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Mar 5, 2014
Ok. Keep telling yourself that it won't matter.
Look, we arent really that far apart on what we are saying.

You are saying its tragic this unarmed man was killed by police, but the looting needs to stop.
I am saying its tragic there is looting, but the police need to stop killing unarmed men.

Just because we put one thing before the other in the statement doesnt mean that we cant work towards solutions for both. The solution to one is a known quantity and is being put in place. The solution to the other is open for debate, and requires a lot of work. I think we can fix both, dont you?

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