The 2013 Obama500


Walkin' on Sunshine
Established Member
Sep 8, 2002
Algonquin IL
You won't hear any argument from me about both administrations participating. That in no way conflicts with my statement that the federal government is still a key stockholder in Gub'ment Motors. I wasn't blaming Obama, just reminding everyone that the Referee is wearing the other team's jersey.

I can tell by your quick "blame Bush" trigger and rush to defend Obama from a perceived (as opposed to an actual) attack, we could have fun debating politics...but we should move that to a different forum.

Fair enough. I may have misunderstood your comment as partisan innuendo. To be fair the "#1 stockholder of GM" is the American Taxpayer, not the guy in the photo, hence my confusion.

My liberal friends call me a conservative and my conservative friends call me a liberal. Mostly because I never let partisanship stand in the way of facts. I can usually find both good and bad in any politicians actions, but hate partisan rhetoric. And yes, this is the wrong venue for such things. :beer:
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Walkin' on Sunshine
Established Member
Sep 8, 2002
Algonquin IL
First...I know damn well what an analogy is and us them quite often as I've been told I use them very well.
Second, I was illustrating the point that based on his personal history maybe he's not the big green nazi people try to paint him as. Third, you mean "redefine" his image into more of who he really may be or was before elected and drove V8's? Then you admit you said it wouldn't surprise you to be a stunt, yet say you never implied it? Yeah, thats logical. Nice after the fact disclaimer though. Liberals want him to be some big hero and are disappointed that he isn't liberal enough. Conservatives paint him as the ultimate pinko commie. He's a dude. He probably likes cool cars and is more "normal" then most who love or hate him can accept. Contrary to what many people making a lot of money in the process want you to believe, he probably doesn't want to destroy your way of life.
I spent some time arguing gun control with liberals today and all I can say is rigid ideologies serve no one but the politicians who ingeniously pander to those who hold them. ****ing politics+ the internet = disaster...I'm done.

HOLY $h!t! Someone who sees both sides of issues. You sir are a rare bird indeed! :beer::rockon::beer::rockon::beer::rockon:


Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
[1]First...I know damn well what an analogy is and us them quite often as I've been told I use them very well.
[2]Second, I was illustrating the point that based on his personal history maybe he's not the big green nazi people try to paint him as. [3]Third, you mean "redefine" his image into more of who he really may be or was before elected and drove V8's? [4]Then you admit you said it wouldn't surprise you to be a stunt, yet say you never implied it? Yeah, thats logical. Nice after the fact disclaimer though. Liberals want him to be some big hero and are disappointed that he isn't liberal enough. Conservatives paint him as the ultimate pinko commie. He's a dude. [5]He probably likes cool cars and is more "normal" then most who love or hate him can accept. Contrary to what many people making a lot of money in the process want you to believe, he probably doesn't want to destroy your way of life.
I spent some time arguing gun control with liberals today and all I can say is rigid ideologies serve no one but the politicians who ingeniously pander to those who hold them. ****ing politics+ the internet = disaster...[6]I'm done.
[1] wow, fooled me!
[2] again, whether or not he is a 'big green nazi' or not is irrelevent, because this is what his image is to the general public. image
[3] sure, if that's who he really is. it certainly wasn't his image when he ran for president, nor is it his image now.
[4] i said i wouldn't be surprised if that was the case - i never implied that it actually was the case. these are not mutually exclusive statements.
as far as 'after the fact disclaimer', it's not my fault you read into it. it's not my job to put disclaimers on every word i type when my position was clearly defined in the original post. pathetic critique.
[5] that's great, but, again, that's not what his image portrays.
[6] yea, i've heard that cop out a lot.

but don't mind me, i'm just a hardcore right wing, gingrich loving, close minded, bible thumping, ideologue, right? if only we could all be as perfect as you, so unbiased that you can't hear one persons opinion without immediately jumping to conclusions about their oh so obvious biased stance.


This too shall pass
Established Member
Jun 13, 2009
Columbus IN
I tend to agree that any time a politician creates a photo-op, it is to benefit his own image. They all do it. Nothing they do in view of a camera is accidental. Obama, the Bush(es), Clinton, Reagan...all presidents do this. It can be staged without being fake.

If he really does like those cars, I can't say I blame him. I do too! If his enthusiasm is real and the photo-op was merely him taking advantage of a good PR opportunity, then who can blame him?

If he has disdain for these vehicles, and actually called the Shelby 'sick' because he was ready to vomit, then I agree with RyTrapp: Just pass him off as a "hardcore liberal tree swinging solar panel wind turbine toyota pri..., chevy volt loving nut job". LOL.

Whether or not his comments were genuine only he knows. Even giving him the benefit of the doubt, however, I still have a problem. If he formerly drove high power cars, and likes high power cars, then why has he done everything in his power to starve them?

"Do as I say, not as I do"?

I think Congress should make a rule. The 'average fuel economy' of the land vehicles driven (or rode in) by the president, VP, cabinet members, and all senators and representatives has to meet the next tier of CAFE regulations. What are the chances that they are averaging today's mandated 35.5 mpg, let alone the future 54.5?


Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
i think he very well could be into these cars, but, like i said, that's irrelevant to his image. in fact, i'm sure it's the whole "do as i say, not..." thing, al gore is a great example.

LOL @ the congressional CAFE rule, i think the CAFE regs would be around 18MPG or so


I> /\/\
Established Member
Jun 13, 2007
state of confusion
Why is there a bunch of car guys in here arguing like girls over some stupid politics bullshit? Isn't there a forum for that?

You people who take all of that stuff way too seriously only to get online and bitch about it only kills the vibe for the rest of us. Take that shit elsewhere.


Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
Why is there a bunch of car guys in here arguing like girls over some stupid politics bullshit? Isn't there a forum for that?

You people who take all of that stuff way too seriously only to get online and bitch about it only kills the vibe for the rest of us. Take that shit elsewhere.
must suck for you then


PSR Major!
Established Member
Dec 25, 2011
Why is there a bunch of car guys in here arguing like girls over some stupid politics bullshit? Isn't there a forum for that?

You people who take all of that stuff way too seriously only to get online and bitch about it only kills the vibe for the rest of us. Take that shit elsewhere.

the whole point of these forums is to talk about anything under the sun...this is in the right section because its about the 2013 gt500...politics comes in because well we are talking about the President of the United States! so one has to wonder, as a guy, what does he think? or is it only about his image? does politics play a role? does this PR stunt help him or hurt him? quite frankly it helps Ford,I mean the President just said your new monster is sick...thats a win in my book! :banana:


The Real Minority
Established Member
Jul 11, 2009
Austin, TX, USA
Obama's got a good look at what a free market-driven product is all about. He's right about one thing... that car is SICK!

(He still sucks as a leader.)


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2007
Upper midwest
[1] wow, fooled me!

The only thing I asserted was that maybe obama's previous cars show he can appreciate detroit muscle regardless of "image", and that you obviously really hate the guy. That is all. I made no other judgements about your beliefs or character (which I obviously have no clue about), nor did I attack you in any way. I just pointed out that you seem to have a hard time accepting that BO might legitimately like '13 GT500. Thats is all this was ever about. You in turn respond claiming I dont understand analogies and logic escapes me without knowing the first thing about me. Then you call my critique "pathetic" by implying "wouldn't surprise me in any way what so ever" carries no suggestive connotations with it.

"you know, this seriously would not surprise me in any way what so ever if this was a PR stunt. shake his 'green' image some, make him more relatable to 'regular people'."

Ok, snark begetting snark, lets try this A-N-A-L-O-G-Y. What if someone says, in a discussion of your character after seeing pictures of you volunteering at the local humane society says "You know, I wouldn't be surprised in _any_way_what_so_ever_ if ry used thing photo op to cover up his penchant for nailing stray dogs he picks up to shake his "perv" image some, make him more relatable to decent people". Yeah, that totally isn't suggestive at all and I wouldn't be surprised in any-way-what-so-ever if you didn't appreciate that sort of comment in a non-hypothetical context. Then you put words in my mouth playing victim to assumptions I never made about your political leaning, preferred gop candidate, mental state and chosen faith. I just said you made it really clear that you really hate obama. Hell, there are liberals, muslims, ethnic minorities, and homosexuals that hate obama.
I had no beef with you (I typically enjoy or at least respect your posts) until you started insulting me, I just stated what cars BO drove previously and questioned the consistency of some statements that you made. Other people in this thread have no problem saying they can't stand the guy or they feel he is a horrible leader but maybe they agree with him on one thing… the '13 is badass. You couldn't do that without suggesting it was a sham, but then claim you didn't suggest that _actually was_ a sham… but it doesn't matter because its all about image vs policy. Policy aside, this story suggests BO got a kick out of the '13, no matter what people think of his tree-hugging-volt-driving image, the cars he drove until 2007 suggest this is plausible. That was my only point until you took it further.
I didn't cop out either, I made a priority call, and better uses of my time won at that moment. There is a reason I lurk primarily for info... arguing on the internet with concern trolls like SVTSUPERSNAKE can be fun and addictive. Then the buzz wears off and I wonder where all my time went and what I accomplished by trading barbs with what seems like a somewhat car savy highschool kid who is out of his league and keeps coming back for more. Instead I just roll my eyes and figure people like yourself will handle it. No backhanded compliment or sarcasm in that statement either. I better go back to just keeping to myself (like I have on this board since '03) and post when I come across something cool like a '07 gt500 factory IRS.
I know someone working on getting ford to make a '13 vert white with white interior an option. Not my thing, but I can't deny the visual impact would be intense.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2007
Upper midwest
I also just found out what target is, but can't say anything other then "surprisingly low". You know how most were pretty low on spec predictions and were pleasently surprised?Most are pretty high on price predictions and will be pleasantly surprised.


Walkin' on Sunshine
Established Member
Sep 8, 2002
Algonquin IL
I also just found out what target is, but can't say anything other then "surprisingly low". You know how most were pretty low on spec predictions and were pleasently surprised?Most are pretty high on price predictions and will be pleasantly surprised.

That is interesting. Will GM faithful be upset at what MSRP is? On a scale of 1-10 how credible is your source?

I'm with the camp that predicts a $3-4K bump over 2012's MSRP and a $1.5-2K bump on the PP. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised.
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New Member
Established Member
Jan 24, 2012
Detroit, Michigan
I also just found out what target is, but can't say anything other then "surprisingly low". You know how most were pretty low on spec predictions and were pleasently surprised?Most are pretty high on price predictions and will be pleasantly surprised.

Great news. The dream is still alive. :burnout:


Super Moderator
Mar 17, 2009
The Ville
"The...uh....Camaro over there helps tell the story."

[nomedia=""]Obama Touts American Made At Auto Show - YouTube[/nomedia]

Apparently nobody informed Mr President that the Camaro is manufactured in Canada...


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2007
Upper midwest
I would say very credible. I read a few more speculative posts on here and it looks like some people made pretty reasonable educated guesses. Aside from the whole ADM issue (of which I know very little) I wouldnt say the GM crowd will be too disappointed, but one of their current speculative talking points will quickly go away. I'm not saying anything else. I already feel a little dirty for sharing what I have.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2007
Upper midwest
Detroit has had plants across the river for how long now?
There is a reason I specify that products I make and others I retail are "made in the usa" vs "made in america". Technically "made in america" could mean canada, mexico, chile, the US....
I've noticed that most retailers and mfgs are pretty specific and say USA, because these distinctions matter.
He uses both "american" and "US". American workers/designers etc, US companies.

On the other hand, he says "american eagle and american flag", technically that would be the "american eagle" and the flag of the United States of America", but we all know "american flag" is a widely used and accepted abbreviation.

He may be clueless it was made in canada, he may know damn well and used "america" to be technically correct but a little deceptive. Its an "America f**k yeah, we bailed out GM, please re-elect me" fluff piece, but I'd guess its also a bit calculated. The camaro is a bit of "told you so" for all the people who assumed "gov't motors" was going to build nothing but transportation pods fueled by unicorn farts that need a paid break every 100 miles and still fall apart.


PSR Major!
Established Member
Dec 25, 2011
I would say very credible. I read a few more speculative posts on here and it looks like some people made pretty reasonable educated guesses. Aside from the whole ADM issue (of which I know very little) I wouldnt say the GM crowd will be too disappointed, but one of their current speculative talking points will quickly go away. I'm not saying anything else. I already feel a little dirty for sharing what I have.

i love it when you talk dirty!!!! 53K msrp FTW!!!!


New Member
Established Member
Nov 20, 2005
Ffld, CT
I would say very credible. I read a few more speculative posts on here and it looks like some people made pretty reasonable educated guesses. Aside from the whole ADM issue (of which I know very little) I wouldnt say the GM crowd will be too disappointed, but one of their current speculative talking points will quickly go away. I'm not saying anything else. I already feel a little dirty for sharing what I have.

My estimate on the 2013GT500 coupe...

Did you hear anything on the cost of the "Track Pack" ?

From what I heard "unofficially" of course....

Base price about $53,000

SVT package about $5995

Recaro seats about $1595

Glass Roof about $1995

Electronics about $2500

Track Pack ?? nothing yet?

Again not official but should be close to actual prices.

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