SVTPerformance Rules

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Mar 27, 2003
Myrtle Beach, SC
Revised SVTP Rules
Posting Guidlines (07-17-2002 until FOREVER!)

Welcome to SVTPerformance! In an effort to make your stay here the best experience possible, we have set a few simple guidelines.

1. Be respectful. No flaming (except in Smack Down).

2. Your posts should be constructive. Any member posting for the sole purpose of increasing their post count will have the posts deleted and the post count reset to zero.

3. Corrections to other’s information should not be condescending in nature. This is a forum for the exchange of ideas and information. You are expected to remain civil and express your thoughts in a mature manner.

4. Threads are expected to be kept on the original topic. If you want to discuss another subject, feel free to create a new thread in the proper forum.

5. Posting pornography (ANYTHING over PG13) is prohibited.

6. Discussion of illegal activities, including drugs, is prohibited.

7. Knowingly posting untrue information is prohibited and will result the immediate removal of your account.

8. Non-Supporting vendors are not allowed to post about available products or services on the forums. These posts will be deleted and the posters account disabled.

9. The SVTPerformance staff reserves the right to edit or delete any post/thread/etc we deem necessary.

10. If you disagree with the SVTPerformance Rules or the actions of the SVTPerformance Staff, express your concerns privately. We are always willing to listen, however, public bashing or criticism of the team will be deleted and possibly end in your banishment. If you comment in a thread on a PM or email sent to you by an SVTP staff member, without their permission, will result in an infraction or a ban.

11. No spam in sigs or anywhere else on SVTP. This includes banners or links to unauthorized vendors or other forums.

12. Bringing old threads and polls back to the top is prohibited. The definition of “old” will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the SVTP staff. If you can not reasonably infer what constitutes an “old thread” ask a moderator.

13. Rude and/or profane language is strictly prohibited in all forums except Smack Down, as is bypassing the profanity filter. If you have a concern that something you want to post may be beyond the accepted limits ask a moderator.

14. Racial slurs are prohibited in all forums.

15. Comments about the price or condition of an item for sale in The Market are prohibited so long as that information has been disclosed by the original poster. If you believe the price is too high express your concerns privately.

16. If you have been banned for any reason, even for one you believe to be incorrect, do not start another username. A ban is not an invitation to start a new account, and if the ban was temporary doing such could result in it being made permanent. If you have any questions or concerns about being banned or receiving infraction points privately contact the administrator/moderator that was responsible for the banning.

17. No one may post rude, obscene, lewd, and/or otherwise useless tags to any thread. Tags are not to be used for entertainment value. Tags are to only be used in a strictly informative manner for the purposes of future research and must contribute to the betterment of SVTP.

18. One SVTP usename per member.

Remember that the opinions expressed within this forum are not necessarily those of SVTPerformance or its affiliates.

Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy SVTPerformance!

[email protected]

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