steg/stage 5 complaint

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Drive it like u STOLE IT
Established Member
Feb 18, 2006
Austin, TX
Wow this got bad really quick!

OP sorry to hear about the problems and I hope you get everything resolved. I would hit them up on their current offer.

And yes there is always 3 sides to every story. In this case there's Stieg's side, the OP's side and the truth. A little more clarification on the OP's part would really substantiate what many of us think here.

So who's Brian? I'm getting my blower ported and I might be a little apprehensive about going with Steig now.



E85 NutSwinger
Established Member
Sep 14, 2008
League City, TX
fug this port crap....i'm buying a whipple. these threads give the whole idea of porting a bad name...and i was contemplating it. :shrug:


Drive it like u STOLE IT
Established Member
Feb 18, 2006
Austin, TX
Username POSI

Thanks I just spoke to him and he sounds like a stand up guy. I'll be sending him my blower once I can get the car to Ohio!:banana:

I just don't do well when people yell at me like these other members say they had done to them. I guess it's a Marine thing:lol1:.

God forbid they yell and cuss at me.

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New Member
Established Member
Oct 19, 2009
East Coast
This isnt the first time a stg 5 plate has broken off.
This isnt the first time someone has been verbally abused by stieg over the phone without provication.
This isnt the first time someone has had an issue with a stieg port and this exact same scenario has played out
Will it be the last?

I'm going to state now in the open that this post is my opinion based upon the situation that the op described and has as much right to be said as everyone before me.

+1, and well said Digital.

That plate looks incredibly cheap! I had a stg 5 blower from steggy and it looked nothing like that. I'm not sure it was even that thin.

You should a pic of the steggy stamp and numbers as well.
I had a steggy blower and I talked to Bob on the phone as well... he did nothing but help me get to where I wanted to be. Not saying this didn't happen, as I'm sure the OP has nothing to lie about. I'm sure Steggy will chime in.

OP, Sorry to hear about that. I'm sure you were heated, I know I would've been. I'm sure POSI will straighten it out for you.

To the OP, separate paragraphs are your friend.
My Stage 5+ Torque Plate is alot thicker than that appears to be and the welds on mine are much better.

Wait a minute. If I understand this correctly, you paid $1,500 for a port, then when the blower came back, you just put on the car? How did it look out of the box? Anything significant happen during the install? Blower was turning freely without making any noise?

Giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, it looked fine at install time. So air moving through the blower knocked that chunk out? Really? No problem with the install? If a rotor knocked that chunk out, the damage should be visible when they are pulled out. Was it shipping damage? A chunk like that doesn't just fall out on it's own. If it did, then something should have been visible before it was installed.

I'm not saying that Bob is blameless because I don't know all of the facts, I just suspect that something is missing from the picture.
Good question.

I believe the above link shows Stiegemeier Porting's dedication to customer service. The supercharger in question was ported by us over a year and a half ago and is a very early Stage 5. The OP has been offered a full repair and update to our current Stage 5 configuration along with shipping both ways which he declined. We also offered to send out a new Stage 5+ in exchange for his older design and he declined. We stand behind our products 100% and strive for customer satisfaction. If anyone has questions or concerns please feel free to call me or PM me and I will answer you personally.

Thank you,

Robert D. Stiegemeier
Once again Very Professional

There it is guys. The "other" side of the story. Thanks Bob. :rockon:
+1 L.L.:beer:

so he states his side its automatically the right side? why because he is a vendor? no bashing...just a question...
That's just typical responce from you again many cars out there have this and dont even know it? extremely dangerous for peoples high dollar engines that most of them prob cannot afford to have the car down (DD) or afford to build a new motor.
Sounds like Toyota's situation, their customers didn't have a clue until it was nationaly broadcasted on TV.

Apparently its the customer who is always wrong :rollseyes
That statement applies to every business

:shrug: So whats his bitching about than? This is a more than satisfactory offer..
I totally agree.

I was personally out of the shop until after 6 pm last night. And no, not everyone knows what is really going on here. OP's reciept is dated 06-23-08.
My offer is still available to the OP, to make the supercharger right or to send him another in exchange. This is the original offer that was extended even after the warranty is expired. Like I've always stated "We stand behind our work 100%". The small weld in question is only a tack weld meant to hold the plate in place while we weld the sides. The revised weld procedure extends the weld across the front for added stability. The plate has also been revised and is thicker . I personally have never seen one with a section broken out but our current design has shown 0 failures.

Once again, another professional reply.

Your views are totally one sided. But I'll answer you anyway.

You said, "right side". Not me. I said, "other side".

There are always at least 2 sides.
Correct agin L.L.

Deleted? Really? :shrug: Please take another look.
Sid has stated many many times constructive criticism is fine. But all out vendor bashing will be removed.

Sid owns this site and nothing is done that he doesn't approve. He has removed and reinstated Vendor problem threads. Depending on how they were written.

This thread is a perfect example. The OP made his point without bashing so the thread is still here.
Correct agian L.L. and incompliance with the Forum Rules.

Everyone can read them time and time again, not everyone interpets what they read the same, there for everyone post thier different opnions.

Personally to me there are too many variables, time line difference, install questionability, damaged during shipment and I really don't see how a chunk of alum of that size is just basically ripped off the Torque Plate in that shape, seems too jagged to me. If the problem was caused by the intense here were a stress crack formed duing the welding process, that chunk of the alum from the torque plate would have cleaner/shaper edges. And by no means am I perfect, nor anyone walking this earth is, only God himself is perfect:rockon:.


Established Member
Jun 5, 2008
i don't want anything from steg but for everyone to learn from my expereinces and what i have see. they can keep the money and they were given more than enough chances to make right. my point is i made the phone call several times trying to get too some sort of resolve and was treated like shit everytime. i have been dealing with this for over a year and a half and working 65 hours a week i dont have the time and patience that some of u do. I gave up on trying to fix and after talking with brian decided to pull the blower being worried about other damage it may cause and sure enough. i just wanted for ported blower owners to be aware of what's happening. there was a lot of time involved in diagnosing car and i'am just glad it's being fixed and it sucks it took me posting this on internet to get any kind of offer from steg. yeah great company lets wait till he posts or ****ed up prodcut before we try too take care of him. i dont care who believes what just wanted everyone to be aware if u had a steg blower. i'am done, just wanted everyone that has one too be aware of what there doing. Blower was installed and tuned the day after i recieved it from steg and was worked on for 3 straight weeks after and i simply gave up until i gained a little knowledge.


Established Member
May 24, 2006
Worcester, Ma
i don't want anything from steg but for everyone to learn from my expereinces and what i have see. they can keep the money and they were given more than enough chances to make right. my point is i made the phone call several times trying to get too some sort of resolve and was treated like shit everytime. i have been dealing with this for over a year and a half and working 65 hours a week i dont have the time and patience that some of u do. I gave up on trying to fix and after talking with brian decided to pull the blower being worried about other damage it may cause and sure enough. i just wanted for ported blower owners to be aware of what's happening. there was a lot of time involved in diagnosing car and i'am just glad it's being fixed and it sucks it took me posting this on internet to get any kind of offer from steg. yeah great company lets wait till he posts or ****ed up prodcut before we try too take care of him. i dont care who believes what just wanted everyone to be aware if u had a steg blower. i'am done, just wanted everyone that has one too be aware of what there doing. Blower was installed and tuned the day after i recieved it from steg and was worked on for 3 straight weeks after and i simply gave up until i gained a little knowledge.

I can understand that you were frustrated with Steggy and wouldn't nothing to do with their product or service any longer... thats completly understandable. However when he attempted to compensate you, was all of this offered "free of charge"? Could you have gotten a stage 5 ported eaton for free? Basically could you have gotten what you wanted in the first place (in that being a stage 5 ported blower for NO EXTRA charge to you)? I would say its fair for steggy to offer you a totally different eaton with a stage 5 port and shipping costs for free... its not completly fair to "repair" your already stage 5 blower... god only knows the destruction that the plate caused. If this is so and he did offer a 100% replacement at no cost to you then IMO Steggy stood by his work and thats acceptable IMO. That paper thin aluminum tq. plate is whats really innappropriate and I would be afraid to run my Cobra if I had an early stage 5. I wasn't there in person, but yelling at a customer over the phone is childish and ridiculous... no matter how you slice it.


New Member
Aug 26, 2004
st. charles mo
Billy we tried to work with you and the issues you were having we gave you Suggestions on what to look for NEVER told you to go out and buy anything,(if that were the case I would have sold the parts to you myself) and spent MANY hours on the phone with you we talked and were working together and with your tuner.
We were not able to work on your car since your are so far away from us but we did offer do this at no charge.
We never knew you were still having any problems until we got a pm from Sid saying you were not happy with us back in Nov.2009
I called you personally right away to see what we could do for you and you were mad and irate telling me how I cussed you out and ripped you off and you wanted NOTHING FROM US, before this conversation you were always very decent.
I do not know what happened in between then and now however I wish this could have been resolved.


Hot Rodding is a progression of perfection and here at Stiegemeier Porting we take it seriously, always striving to improve our products. We not only initiated the mass produced ported blower, we continue with testing and advancements to find you, the customer, the most horsepower per dollar. As you can see by these rarely seen photos, the quality is next to none. You can own this series for $395 for Stage 5 or opt for our Stage 4 for the same price. As alway's once you are a Stiegemeier Customer, you are for life. All work carries a 1 year warranty.






Thanks for looking, and if you have any questions you may call me at 636-949-2275 or PM me.

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Established Member
Jun 5, 2008
why didn't mine get this too start and how do u know this wont do the same thing ? test's or anything ?


Active Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
Orange County, CA
Billy we tried to work with you and the issues you were having we gave you Suggestions on what to look for NEVER told you to go out and buy anything,(if that were the case I would have sold the parts to you myself) and spent MANY hours on the phone with you we talked and were working together and with your tuner.
We were not able to work on your car since your are so far away from us but we did offer do this at no charge.
We never knew you were still having any problems until we got a pm from Sid saying you were not happy with us back in Nov.2009
I called you personally right away to see what we could do for you and you were mad and irate telling me how I cussed you out and ripped you off and you wanted NOTHING FROM US, before this conversation you were always very decent.
I do not know what happened in between then and now however I wish this could have been resolved.


I can honestly say that in every single situation, even when it was completely apparent that you were wrong, you blatantly disregard everything that is said and make it seem like you were not wrong. He called multiple times and gave you deadlines for a response.

Also you STILL haven't answered this question from many people, so I will make it more obvious....

Why did you cuss at your customer?? Is that what you feel is proper business etiquette??

I have personally seen and heard many of times where you have cussed at customers and many other members of the ford community and personally find that fact so incomprehensible.
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Established Member
Jun 5, 2008
i actually glad this happend to me and not anyone else because i have no idea how anyone who didn't have a shop or was able to work on cars would have afforded all this. best of luck to u and ur business bob, my point is proved that ur customer service is far from up too par(TM). thanks again to all who have posted positive comments and those who helped me out. this is still why the mustang community will always be my favorite and if u do us wrong everyone will know about it. shotty business beware ! really sad it had to come to all this, not what i wanted at all. i was tired of being jerked around and not listned too, so bob u did this too urself. like i said, best of luck too u. i really mean that, dont ever like to see a small business take a hit. all i wanted u too do is give me a stock blower at one point and u didn't. if i were u i would just aplogize and admit that u should have handled situation deifferent and everyone will still have some respect for u and ur business.

Black Talon

Established Member
Mar 24, 2006

I believe the above link shows Stiegemeier Porting's dedication to customer service. The supercharger in question was ported by us over a year and a half ago and is a very early Stage 5. The OP has been offered a full repair and update to our current Stage 5 configuration along with shipping both ways which he declined. We also offered to send out a new Stage 5+ in exchange for his older design and he declined. We stand behind our products 100% and strive for customer satisfaction. If anyone has questions or concerns please feel free to call me or PM me and I will answer you personally.

Thank you,

Robert D. Stiegemeier

That is Great customer service. IMO.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 19, 2009
East Coast
Billy we tried to work with you and the issues you were having we gave you Suggestions on what to look for NEVER told you to go out and buy anything,(if that were the case I would have sold the parts to you myself) and spent MANY hours on the phone with you we talked and were working together and with your tuner.
We were not able to work on your car since your are so far away from us but we did offer do this at no charge.
We never knew you were still having any problems until we got a pm from Sid saying you were not happy with us back in Nov.2009
I called you personally right away to see what we could do for you and you were mad and irate telling me how I cussed you out and ripped you off and you wanted NOTHING FROM US, before this conversation you were always very decent. I do not know what happened in between then and now however I wish this could have been resolved.


So when Stiegemeir called him HE "supercarkiller" bacame upset and irate. At that point the consumer"supercarkiller" basically shutdown and refused to hear anything Stiegmeir may have offered or service they may have been willing to provide and this is what it has come to.

I can honestly say that in every single situation, even when it was completely apparent that you were wrong, you blatantly disregard everything that is said and make it seem like you were not wrong. He called multiple times and gave you deadlines for a response.

Also you STILL haven't answered this question from many people, so I will make it more obvious....

Why did you cuss at your customer?? Is that what you feel is proper business etiquette??

I have personally seen and heard many of times where you have cussed at customers and many other members of the ford community and personally find that fact so incomprehensible.

So you ar making an assumption on what you have "heard":nono: So you are making it obvious that this is all an assumption based on hearsay and no proof of it for yourself or personally.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 23, 2002
Somewhere in 1945
I am glad I went POSI, no welds - just a nice port. Bob has done a lot for the community as well, I don't want to discount his contribution. However it would seem an early stage V and/or V+ recall might be in order - in light of the failures posted (not just at svtp). It also might be that a refund and a stock blower should be an option for any affected customers. The last thing I would want is for the Stiegmeier business to suffer, but things need to be made right. There was a design flaw, so let's fix it or offer an opt-out and return to stock option should someone want that.
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