Staying ahead of headaches/migraines


Established Member
Apr 26, 2008
Check your testosterone
Did not think of that. I had to stop running because of a position change at work and they seem to have been more frequent since then. Two weeks ago I moved, again, to another department at work and can return to running again. I just haven't started back up yet. Thanks for the idea!
I'm not overweight, have a deviated septum and was diagnosed with really bad sleep apnea in my mid 30's, I was experiencing major headaches all the time, but was tired all the time, which I didn't read you had mentioned. I couldn't sleep with the cpap machine, I would rip it off in my sleep and wake up with scratches all over my face. I tried every type of mask, even the nostril pillows... No luck. I opted for the surgery to alleviate the sleep apnea. Nothing compared to the pain after the surgery, not even all the surgeries I went thru after after getting out of the Marines, nor the injuries. I lost 30 lbs in 30 days do to not being able to consume anything for the first 30 days, post surgery, except sipping water and jello. The outcome was like night and day. No more sleep apnea, no more head aches and not tired after waking up. Knowing how much pain I endured after the surgery, I would still get the surgery, rather than sleep with that damn machine. Every individual is different, but just sharing my experience with headaches, the cause and results. If I were in your situation, I would definately get a sleep study done to eliminate one major cause. Just like working on our cars, eliminate causes thru process of elimination, to get to the problem.

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That recovery sounds like it was hell. Im glad it ended up being with it too you though. Surgery, anesthesia, that whole thing freaks me the **** out. Always been squeamish of doctors, needles, blood etc. When I was a kid, it would take every nurse in the doctor's office to hold me down just to give me a shot. Lmao. Im serious..


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 25, 2012
Shawnee, OK
Wow... I do hope and pray you'll find the cause.
Did not think of that. I had to stop running because of a position change at work and they seem to have been more frequent since then. Two weeks ago I moved, again, to another department at work and can return to running again. I just haven't started back up yet. Thanks for the idea!

That recovery sounds like it was hell. Im glad it ended up being with it too you though. Surgery, anesthesia, that whole thing freaks me the **** out. Always been squeamish of doctors, needles, blood etc. When I was a kid, it would take every nurse in the doctor's office to hold me down just to give me a shot. Lmao. Im serious..

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Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
Did not think of that. I had to stop running because of a position change at work and they seem to have been more frequent since then. Two weeks ago I moved, again, to another department at work and can return to running again. I just haven't started back up yet. Thanks for the idea!

That recovery sounds like it was hell. Im glad it ended up being with it too you though. Surgery, anesthesia, that whole thing freaks me the **** out. Always been squeamish of doctors, needles, blood etc. When I was a kid, it would take every nurse in the doctor's office to hold me down just to give me a shot. Lmao. Im serious..

I’d def check your T levels then


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
I never had headaches until I was probably 30. Over the last couple years they've progressed to migraines, which as some of y'all surely know, come with nausea. They blow. HARD.

The only thing ive found that alleviates and helps me stay ahead of one is coffee. Has anyone else found a remedy, outside of pills, that works?
My wife had migraines, diabetes runs in her family and even though she is not overweight, it combined with blood pressure was causing hers.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 24, 2004
Arlington, TX
i get migraines if i dont sleep right, or sometimes if i try to take a nap during the day. sometimes i get them if i stay in bed for too long after waking up. usually it starts with a mild headache which turns into a really bad headache/migraine and is get nauseous . usually if i catch it at the mild headache and take some excedrin i start feeling fine within 2 hours or so.

excedrin (or its generic equivalent) is the only thing that seems to help me, ive taken advil or ibuprofen and those don't work. i assume its because excedrin has caffeine in it.

another thing is slow down on the coffee if youre a heaving coffee drinker. you'll probably feel like shit for the first few days as your body withdraws from it.


Established Member
Apr 26, 2008
My wife had migraines, diabetes runs in her family and even though she is not overweight, it combined with blood pressure was causing hers.
Glad to hear your wife got hers figured out. I wouldn't be surprised if it was high bp caused by stress at work. Sometimes people piss me off so bad at work.
i get migraines if i dont sleep right, or sometimes if i try to take a nap during the day. sometimes i get them if i stay in bed for too long after waking up. usually it starts with a mild headache which turns into a really bad headache/migraine and is get nauseous . usually if i catch it at the mild headache and take some excedrin i start feeling fine within 2 hours or so.

excedrin (or its generic equivalent) is the only thing that seems to help me, ive taken advil or ibuprofen and those don't work. i assume its because excedrin has caffeine in it.

another thing is slow down on the coffee if youre a heaving coffee drinker. you'll probably feel like shit for the first few days as your body withdraws from it.
Same here. On and off sleeping all night and then waking up for work during the wrong sleep cycle usually will do it. Naps, especially naps really late in the day like 5pm can do it. Yes on the excedrin or it's generic equivalent. it's the only otc pill that works (sometimes). When I figured out it was the caffeine in excedrin that set it apart from other pain relievers, that's when I started drinking coffee. I really don't like how coffee makes me feel, truth be told.

I woke up headache free this morning and so I chose not to drink coffee. Feels good. Hope it lasts all day.

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