So, A Car Decides to Throw a Hub Cap...


"Detailing Devil Dog"
Established Member
Feb 2, 2015
Louisville, KY
... and you know that I was the car behind him! Check out the damage.




The sucky thing is that I couldn't hold him liable so I had to fix the damage myself. Luckily, I started buffing on cars a few days ago so I had some practice. A little Uno compound and polish later, she was good as new. Even the glass buffed out, but I had to use a rotary on that. Here's what we are looking like now. Perfect again. ;)




Nothing like looking up and seeing a big object flying toward your car. The last time that happened, I pulled over only to see this:


That was a fun fix but that's a totally different thread. :whine:
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"Detailing Devil Dog"
Established Member
Feb 2, 2015
Louisville, KY
Looks like I need to get some HD products! Nice work man!

You don't need any particular product as long as the product you choose is of decent quality. I could have used quite a few different products on my shelf to get these results. HD was just what I pulled off the shelf for no particular reason whatsoever. ;)


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
I am a little confused here junkman, it appears you are working voo doo magic on these cars. It is my underatanding that you can not detail out scratches once the clear coat has been penetrated. By the pics provided on this and another one of your recent threads, it appears that the clear on both cars had been damaged.

How are you able to get such magnificent results?

Are you doing paint correction as well?


"Detailing Devil Dog"
Established Member
Feb 2, 2015
Louisville, KY
How are you able to get such magnificent results? Are you doing paint correction as well?

I'll answer your two questions first and then I will elaborate.

1. Experience.
2. Yes.

Here's what you have to understand about what I do and know. I have been exposed to this stuff since the late 60's. My father did body work for 40 years and the chemicals nearly killed him. I never had a car until I was 20-something years old as cars never interested me but women did. Once I got old enough, I found out that chicks didn't want to ride on the handlebars of my Schwinn Varsity so I had to discover the joyous responsibility of owning a car. I was always a snazzy dresser (still am :D) so I wanted my car to be as snazzy as I was. That's what led me into making MY car look as good as possible. I have been dedicated to that desire since the early 80's and 30+ years later, I kinda know what I'm doing. Keep in mind that it is not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination as some people try to make it or I would have never bothered to learn it because I'm no rocket scientist. If you look at some of the most famous detailers in the world, you can tell that they are not rocket scientist either. I'm not saying that they are stupid or anything close to that but you can clearly tell that they are just as average as you and I.

So by obtaining a very basic understanding of what it takes to do this stuff (which is what I show in my many videos), you too can achieve the results that I get by putting some significant time behind a buffer. If you are good at paying attention, you will quickly realize what works and what doesn't. Some things you will catch on to RIGHT AWAY. I give you the example of sticking your hand it fire. That crap HURTS. You don't have to stick your hand in fire 20 times to come to that conclusion. A more related example would be taking someone's advice and wet sanding on a car that you care about although you have no experience wet sanding whatsoever. After picking your car up from the paint shop a thousand dollars lighter, you realize that was a stupid move and you won't make that mistake twice.

So experience is the secret to my success. My degree in electronic engineering technology does nothing to help me with this stuff. Neither does my size 7-3/8 head. It was nothing but the many years that I have spent rubbing on cars and the commitment to excellence that my father instilled within me during my upbringing that got me where I am today. There is no reason whatsoever that YOU can't be just as good as I am with this stuff because the only limitation is YOU. This is why I share what I know. I want other people to have at their disposal the tools and information necessary to be successful with this subject if that is their desire. I also want to dispel the many myths that are associated with this industry, some of which get regurgitated daily on detailing forums across the Internet (like wax is what makes paint shine).

So that's how I learned to do what I do and that's why I can achieve the level of success that I achieve. How I do that is covered in my many videos. It's not rocket science, most of it is nothing more than common sense. The repairs that you have seen in my threads did not consist of any damage that was THROUGH the clear coat. If it was, a repaint would have been necessary. What you saw was simple paint correction backed by years of practice.

Remember, perfect practice makes perfect. So if you are going to learn and takes someone's advice, at least let them prove to you THROUGH YOUR EYES that they know what they are talking about. I mean, people can say and claim anything on the Internet.

Of course, that doesn't make it true.
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Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
Thanks for the elaborate reaponse, I guess I better get to watching your videos!

Keep doing what you do.

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