Scary day driving!!


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Established Member
Jan 7, 2004
Los Gatos, California
The top part is the day leading up to what happened, it doesn't really matter so just skip to the bottom paragraph to read the main story.

It all started when I was getting my Jeep washed. I was pulling out of the carwash driveway and this bitch in an ML55 starts pulling out in front of me, I let it go cause she looked like all the facelifts have really messed up her head. So I get home and my girlfriend wants me to come over and set up her new IMac. My dad has taken my Yukon to work, needed to move something around or something like that. My Bullitt is in the storage garage, The Jeep is all clean and full of gas, however my aunt is picking it up so I couldn't drive that. I wasn't going to drive the Jag cause it was just washed and wasn't worth getting dirty to drive for a total of 20 minutes. So I drove my brothers 05 Mustang, I'm not complaining but it does attract a lot of attention.

So the story is that I was turning on to the street that I live on, it's a pretty busy street with a lot of traffic. So as I am turning right this guy in a Black Jeep Wrangler is right on my ass. I have a habit of messing with tailgaters, but this time I just pulled over to let him pass. As he passed I just said, "There you go" to myself and moved my arm in the direction of the road. The guy gets all pissed off, slams on his breaks and starts to get out of his car, so I just drove off, I turned on a side street that he wouldn't fallow me, the next thing I know he is driving in and out of traffic trying to chase me down. So I start flying down the street, but then I realized WTF am I doing so I slow down, he flies passed me and cuts me, stops and blocks the road. He gets out and starts yelling and screaming at me, I just say, "What are you doing?" He is all why did you flip me off? Blah Blah Blah I just say sorry if I pissed you off I was just letting you by. He delivers the typical F you comment and I complement his Jeep, that pissed him off. I hate your ****** Ass Car. OK so I drive down the road to my friend’s house. He fallowed me yelled some stupid comment, and now thinks that I live at my friends house. I really live around the corner and three houses down, but whatever. As I leave he drives by again and is all "I know where you live kid” Which is funny cause this guy is probable younger than me, but I don't look my age and am half the size of most people. 5'11 and 125 pounds. Anyways it is stressing me out cause this kid didn't look stable. I want to see him again and offer to buy him a drink and apologize for the whole misunderstanding. I feel bad for making the guy so pissed off over nothing.

Oh well if anything happens I know what he looks like his car and the fact that he has a buddy that lives farther down my street. Sorry for the long rant but I needed to get it out.


New Member
Established Member
Feb 18, 2004
Bethesda, MD
Sounds like 'roid rage. Good thing you were the "bigger" man and let it slide, otherwise it could've gotten ugly fast.


Nobody F's w/ a Lion
Established Member
Jun 14, 2004
I'm suprised you didn't get "little man syndrome" and yell at him telling him that you're going to kick his ass. Good job being the bigger man though. That kind of crap would probably get my testosterone racing, and ready to kick his ass. That would probably get me in trouble. Good for you.


Established Member
Feb 16, 2005
Charlotte, NC
good job at not getting pissed i know i would have but I wouldn't be worried about that idiot and instead of getting him a drink just explain the misunderstanding and if he doesn't want to listen then get pissed and kick his a$$


New Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2004
Los Gatos, California
Thanks guys you made me feel a little better about the whole thing. Seriously!

The only thing I worry about is if the jackass does do something to my friend's house thinking that I live there. I can't image he would do anything if he didn't see the Mustang parked out front.

O well time to go to bed got to get up early for the San Jose Grand Prix!!!


Established Member
Nov 3, 2002
Lake Villa, Il
Some dude gets out of his car and comes to mine in a threatening manner I will either pull my G27 and shoot his ass(if I feel the situation warrants it) and claim self defense if hes a big'un or get out and set him straight if hes not some sort of sasquatch. I dont have time or patience to deal with pointlessly violent people that do nothing but endanger other citizens with their explosive behavior. Same goes but allot less leniency for someone who would try to rob my house. I would not hesitate to do a double tap center mass and call the Police afterwards to report it. In this day and age I will not blink an eye if it means I got to take someone else life to protect my own or especially my family.
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Thomas @
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
I carry a bat in my Lightning... The one time I was in a similiar situation, this guy was just screaming his ass off going nuts, jumped out of his vehicle and was storming over... So I got out, pulled the bat out, and started walking towards him. Defused the situation.

You were definitely the bigger man. Props for the wanting to buy him a drink to apologize...but you've got nothing to apologize for.


93svt 4 me !!
Established Member
Sep 18, 2003
Monroe County
I would of took down his plate and called the local PD with all the info you just posted.


Some people are just tools...


حمدالله على نعمة العقل...
Established Member
Aug 5, 2004
I think its awesome that you kept your cool that way.. it is always hard to do that in those kinds of situations... You definatley shouldnt feel bad for getting him that pissed off, thats his own fault.


Established Member
Apr 6, 2004
Screw that asshat. I would've been courteous to begin with, but there should've been a problem when he followed you to your friend's house. Should've got his tags and called the cops right as he was screaming at you. Good thing that didn't happen to Larry. He'd have decked the guy with one punch.


New Member
Established Member
Mar 13, 2004
North San Diego County
03LGCOBRA said:
I was pulling out of the carwash driveway and this bitch in an ML55 starts pulling out in front of me, I let it go cause she looked like all the facelifts have really messed up her head.

:lol: :lol: :lol: The second I read this I knew you must live in California.

03LGCOBRA said:
OK so I drive down the road to my friend’s house. He fallowed me yelled some stupid comment, and now thinks that I live at my friends house.

:bash: I'd be pissed if I was your friend, you led this guy to his house???

I think it's great that you didn't overreact but you probably should have got his license plate and called the cops.

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