Photo enforced intersection on Lake ave and Union in Pasadena, CA


Established Member
Nov 29, 2003
Los Angeles
Does anyone have any suggestions for fighting a photo enforced intersection ticket. I haven't gotten the ticket, but on my way to work today I crossed the intersection and I know it was red. What to do. I have 2 pts on the license.....hyow many until they take it away???? Any suggestions


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 11, 2003

Here they can't access points for "photo violations" as the photo doesn't show the driver, just the car and tag #. They just get your money...kinda like parking ticket. Revenue collecting at a different level. :cuss:


New Member
Established Member
May 31, 2004
Romeo, MI
Dude, you ran a red light. I would suggest not running them in the future, next time it could be another car not another photo.


Snake Charmer
Established Member
Apr 8, 2003
Originally posted by 10thTerminator
Dude, you ran a red light. I would suggest not running them in the future, next time it could be another car not another photo.
I agree, are you in that big of a hurry to get to work that you willing to risk your life and that of others? If you know you ran it, be a man and take responsibility for your actions.


All set
Established Member
Jun 21, 2004
Stoughton Ma.
I know someone that happened to while they were visiting Ca., he got the ticket in the mail along with the picture of him running the red light, you could actually see his face, I thought it was pretty funny.


Active Member
Established Member
May 22, 2003
hopefully you dont have a front plate!! If you dont have a front plate, you are ok


Established Member
Nov 29, 2003
Los Angeles
damn!!!! I guess I will just be more careful. $340 it has posted on the intersection for violation. Not bad considering no one got hurt. I don't have a front plate and my windshield is tinted so I don't think they got my face or anything but I think they probably have a rear camera and I'm sure that's enough. I guess I'll just wait for it in the mail. THanks all!!!!!!!


New Member
Established Member
May 20, 2004
This brings back memories for me... last September I was cruising along a back road near Nordwijk-an-Zee about 30 miles from Amsterdam in a Hertz rental car and suddenly saw a flash. I had heard that they had photo boxes over there but hadn't seen any previously. Anyway they got me for doing 51 km/h in a 45 km/h zone. There were no speed signs and the speed limit varies by 10 km/h or so depending on whether it was considered one type of rural highway or another. Given that I was a stupid American I frankly wasn't too sure what I was driving on. Anyway, the Justiteel Incassobureau or whatever it was called tracked me down through Hertz, and sent a nice citation to me back in the US. It was only 35 Euros or something like that so I just paid it.


New Member
Established Member
May 10, 2004
Wilsonville, Or
Originally posted by FangShui
This brings back memories for me... last September I was cruising along a back road near Nordwijk-an-Zee about 30 miles from Amsterdam in a Hertz rental car and suddenly saw a flash. I had heard that they had photo boxes over there but hadn't seen any previously. Anyway they got me for doing 51 km/h in a 45 km/h zone. There were no speed signs and the speed limit varies by 10 km/h or so depending on whether it was considered one type of rural highway or another. Given that I was a stupid American I frankly wasn't too sure what I was driving on. Anyway, the Justiteel Incassobureau or whatever it was called tracked me down through Hertz, and sent a nice citation to me back in the US. It was only 35 Euros or something like that so I just paid it.

Korea is too lazy to track down Americans.. I got 10-12 camera speeding tickets a day there for about 3 months..

One time when I am going through customs they are going to hand me a 6ft stack of tickets. LOL


Established Member
Jul 3, 2003
Murder capital of USA
I'm not sure I believe in the accuracy of photo enforced intersections. Something about sending a ticket in the mail based on a picture is just not right. I've seen many write-ups about how they shorten the length of the yellow light after red-light cameras are installed. This is a scam to generate revenue and is dishonest.

Also, how can any law enforcement agency be sure of what actually happened at the red light? Here are two examples of what happened to me at a particular intersection that I must cross every day. Fortunately, it does not have a camera, but what if it did?

Example 1: As I approached the intersection, the light was green and I proceeded to go through. Just at that moment, a couple of young girls decided to jaywalk across the street right in front of me. I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting them and ended up partway in the intersection, right in front of the crosswalk. They stopped for a moment, probably in shock, but then proceeded to slowly continue across the road. During that time, the stoplight had cycled and was now red. I was still in the middle of the intersection waiting for these idiots to get out of my way. If there was a camera, there would be no doubt that it would have snapped my picture and I probably would have received a ticket. Fair? Hardly.

Example 2: Same intersection, one week later. As I approached, the light was green, so I proceeded through following a truck that was ahead of me. All of a sudden, the truck stopped immediately after the intersection and decided to back into a parking space. I was again trapped in the middle of the intersection waiting for this moron to finish his parking maneuver. Actually, what he did was illegal, but what would the red-light camera show? I'd probably get a ticket again for being in the middle of the intersection.

If red-light cameras are to be fair, they should not be allowed to monkey with the yellow light timing. Also, instead of still cameras which are most commonly used, they need to use video cameras to record everything in motion. Also, these cameras need to show the intersection, plus an additional 30 to 50 feet beyond. This *might* be more fair.

But red-light cameras aren't about being fair. It's about revenue.


Dark Side Poster
Established Member
Dec 4, 2000
Central Valley, CA
The systems in use today in CA are pretty fool-proof from the point of view if the courts.

The photos are tied to the activation of the red light and sensors. The cameras take an array of high-speed photos of the driver, front and back of the car. The photos are processed by the company that owns the cameras and only the ones that contain usable images are passed on to the local authorities.

Local police then scrutinize the photos even closer and only send out the ones that they know they can make stick. If there is any question at all, you get a pass.

Bottom line is they are a necessary evil due to the fact so many drivers run red lights leading to collisions that take lives of innocent people.

I don't like them, however I think they work very effectively.

Bottom line is they would not be needed if people would just slow down and obey the Law.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 11, 2003
Our system just photographs only the car and tag. Since there is no way to prove who is is treated as an "in rem" action. Much like a parking ticket, you pay a fine or your car gets impounded. A single intersection here draws $20,000 a month in revenue.

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