new to this board, and i like what i see


New Member
Established Member
Sep 1, 2004
well, i was brought to this board, from a link on supraforums(not bashing svts but bashing the guy in the "03 vs supra" thread talking about his 900hp mkiv:rollseyes

anyways, other than supraforums ive visited various other boards and am usually turned off by the seemingly imature aura coming from their members, but in my first 15 minutes here i like what i see, and i see actual inteligent(sp?, maybe not the best word to mispel lol)people here, which is something nice to see..

so, just givin a whats up and hows it goin:coolman:


oh yeah, and im not narrow minded....i love all cars as long as they are rwd, and actually have tq to back up the hp:thumbsup:

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