My other snake (Viper) vs. cocky mofo on sport bike

Venom Lover

New Member
Established Member
Jul 2, 2002
Portola Valley, CA
I was cruising around at about 20 mph after going through a stop sign and this dude on a sport bike (sorry, I don't know what kind or how many cc -- maybe it was a Ninja, but I don't know sport bikes) is right next to me pacing me. Ok, obviously he wants to play, so I giv him a rev and he takes off.

I was still in first gear and I nailed it. He immediately pulled on me since he got the jump (about 1 car length), but once I nailed it he was only pulling slightly. Then I had to shift to 2nd and he immediately got another 1/2 car length on me. But at WOT in 2nd, he was no longer pulling. I got out of it somewhere in the middle of 2nd given that this behavior was foolish to begin with. He had me by 1 1/2 cars still when I let off.

We went again after rolling out of the next stop sign, same result. This was no surprise to me given what I'm sure was a significant power to weight ratio advantage for him.

Now here's the really great part.... As we're pulling up to the next stop sign, he gives me a thumbs down. :fm: I ask what that's for as we're stopped at the stop sign. He says "I wasn't even getting on it all the way. If I was, I would've popped a wheelie and flipped over. This thing does 0-60 in 2.4 sec." Then he rolls off and that was the end of it!

What a cocky bastard.
(1) I could give a S H I T what his bike does 0-60 in. 1/4 mile time might have been interesting, but that's all bench racing. He didn't pull me that hard to be so cocky about it.
(2) Saying he wasn't at WOT makes no difference to me. He admitted if he had gotten on it any harder, he would've lost it, so what do I care if he wasn't at WOT. That's like my saying "Well, if I would've gotten on it any harder, I would've smoked the tires...." BFD. If you can't put the power to the ground while staying in control, it doesn't matter -- you are still at the limits of the vehicle's capability!
(3) I'm sure this cocky mofo has never timed himself at 2.4 sec in 0-60, because I have timed myself at 3.6 sec in 0-60, and he didn't pull me hard enough in 1st and 2nd to be good for another 1.2 sec to 60 mph.... Quoting numbers out of a magazine doesn't impress me!

I said "Well, thanks for running me anyway" as he rolled off into the sunset. What a dweeb.



SVT "Cleaner"
Established Member
Nov 29, 2000
Lurking in the darkness,monitoring your every move
Kudos for running a sport bike,but as Clint Eastwood said "A man's got to know his limitations." Crotch rockets are totally different animals,I tend to let them be and vice versa. I have too many friends that run 10's on bikes(low 10's that is) to get "Pearl Harbored" by somebody on some monstrous street bike.

But in your case:shrug: who knows what the out come would be in a 1/4?

Venom Lover

New Member
Established Member
Jul 2, 2002
Portola Valley, CA
Well, I wish I could've shown him something more, but it was not meant to be. Still, I can do without the attitude. I don't gloat or give a thumbs down if I beat someone... I always give the thumbs up.

The thing is I don't mind losing. It's all in good fun, right? And I think this race was actually pretty close, all things considered. Certainly it wasn't such a blow-out that I deserved a thumbs down. If we could've run a standing 1/4, I think this cocky mofo might've been surprised, because it's quite possible his supposed 10-second bike might've gotten beat....

Whatever, I just don't go around giving slower cars a thumbs down, ya know? :)


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Originally posted by Hitman
Kudos for running a sport bike,but as Clint Eastwood said "A man's got to know his limitations." Crotch rockets are totally different animals,I tend to let them be and vice versa. I have too many friends that run 10's on bikes(low 10's that is) to get "Pearl Harbored" by somebody on some monstrous street bike.

But in your case:shrug: who knows what the out come would be in a 1/4?


My bike is no crotch rocket:nono: , thank god, but it turns low 10's unmoded.

I will be in the 9's after a few bolt ons:thumbsup:



New Member
Established Member
May 13, 2002
Venom Lover, reading stuff like that makes me cringe and embarrassed to own my ZX-11.

I mean, he would win regardless, 0-60, rollon, 1/4 mile, whathaveyou, but the attitude NEEDS to go. You showed great restraint.

Next time, get in front of him and show him how sportscar BRAKES work. Or take him into some twisties with even a modicum of dirt or gravel on them. Completely different tune. you might enjoy watching him highside. "Tank slappers" as we call em are hilarious. Make a bet on his projected altitude when the bike pitches him.

Sportbikes have a VERY bad image to non-riders and jerks like that are the reason why. I'm sorry you ran across that jackass.


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May 13, 2002
Originally posted by FordSVTFan

My bike is no crotch rocket:nono: , thank god, but it turns low 10's unmoded.

V-Max's run 10's? I thought they were 12 second bikes stock.
Or thats what I read. Of course they could be faster than the rags post...

for example, I had some idiots calling BS when I said I could do 9's on my stock 1994 ZX-11D - bone stock.

Then they watched as I did it and shut up.

BTW the Warrior is a very nice plane. I'm almost closed on my first: a 1974 170. Post-72 so its got the upgraded engine. Can't wait.
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SVT "Cleaner"
Established Member
Nov 29, 2000
Lurking in the darkness,monitoring your every move
Sorry Adam,I had no idea a V-Max had such potential. Admittedly I am novice when it comes to bikes. Like I said though,bikes are different animals so I live and let live.

Venom, I agree the driver of that bike needs an attitude adjustment. The only time I have ever given a thumbs down was to some schmuck kids in an 80's Monte that trashed talked while we were at a red light about how they were gonna thrash me:rolleyes: I then stomped then into the ground. When they finally reached the next light all I heard was "we coulda' had you if he would have stayed in it.":rolleyes:
Those to goofs got a nice big thumbs down.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 13, 2000
Eastern PA
Sheeeot, I'd be happy just to see a Viper owner 'Get on it' on the street. The few that I do see are always just putzing around. Boring.:sleeping:

Win or lose (might get ya off the line w/ my Sy;-) ), I'd give most anyone the :thumbsup: just for taking part in a little fun. Prolly just laugh at the POS ricers though.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Originally posted by Mowgli

V-Max's run 10's? I thought they were 12 second bikes stock.
Or thats what I read. Of course they could be faster than the rags post...

for example, I had some idiots calling BS when I said I could do 9's on my stock 1994 ZX-11D - bone stock.

Then they watched as I did it and shut up.

BTW the Warrior is a very nice plane. I'm almost closed on my first: a 1974 170. Post-72 so its got the upgraded engine. Can't wait.

Oh yah, the New V Max is rated stock in the tens, the bike has 145HP stock.

There are a bunch of Max owners with 220HP using Turbos and some using nitrous. It is funny to see the blue bottle bolted to the side of the bike.

The Warrior is a lot of fun, I like the low wing aircraft. It's stall speeds are low and its inherent stability is awesome. Plus the 180 is fast. I was going to go for the complex plane but they wouldnt insure me as I dont have 50+ hours in a complex aircraft. All my time is in the warriors, 172's and alike. Plus this plane has all the bells and whistles including being IFR certed and having GPS with the moving map and new leather interior.

Good luck with the 170.

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New Member
Established Member
May 13, 2002
Originally posted by FordSVTFan

... Plus this plane has all the bells and whistles including being IFR certed and having GPS with the moving map and new leather interior.

Whew, that sounds like one nice plane. Pricey too with the IFR gear. But must be real nice to fly.

As you can tell I'm going the "low cost" route. Going in with my brother-in-law. We're even trying to unemotionally weigh the true cost/benefit of hanger over tie-down. That's a tough one to be unbiased about, obviously.
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Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Originally posted by Mowgli

Whew, that sounds like one nice plane. Pricey too with the IFR gear. But must be real nice to fly.

As you can tell I'm going the "low cost" route. Going in with my brother-in-law. We're even trying to unemotionally weigh the true cost/benefit of hanger over tie-down. That's a tough one to be unbiased about, obviously.

this plane was a steal. Unadvertised, word of mouth with a motivated seller.

It is pristine, just needs paint.

I am getting a tie down with the covers for the windows, the prop area etc. They get between $500 and $600 a month for a hanger.

Good luck


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