Maryland Trooper Pulls Gun on Biker


New Member
Established Member
Apr 22, 2005
you didnt read the legal limit of that tint in the link you posted did you? That clearly is not 35 % tinton the car. Thats about 15% or possibly 5% limo. Nice try though

Like I said, I'm sure there's an exception to the law concerning tints on police vehicles. There is in most states.


Established Member
Jul 7, 2005
Yea as much as we all know the news is ALWAYS right. And once again I will state that there is not enough facts at all in this thread or on this to come to a conclusion. They both messed up, if he wasnt breaking the law it woulda never happened. None of us were there to give insight to what actually happened. I also still think that if the cars were not stopped in front of him he MIGHT, once again I repeat, MIGHT have tried to run. Hard to say either way, just my observation and my thoughts. :beer:


Brown Recluse Slayer
Established Member
Feb 14, 2008
Hunting spiders
The off duty police officer should have pulled out his badge INSTEAD of the gun. He had no reason to draw his weapon. IDK how I would have reacted if I was him. Theres a ton of ****ed up people out there on the road that could just be pissed because the biker was racing on the highway. AKA road rage.

Why didnt the officer behind him have his lights on also? :shrug:

The biker was wrong for speeding on the highway and was stupid for doing it AFTER he saw a police officer in the median.

Hope the police officer gets suspended and learns his lesson as well as the biker. I think both were wrong, but the officer over reacted. He was not in uniform and shouldnt have the right to pull a gun on someone just for speeding either. Just my $.02


Established Member
Jul 13, 2008
Gainesville, FL
i had a cop out of uniform try to stop me the other day to let another cop back out of a driveway and i kept going. oh well. if they called it in and had me pulled over..i would've said i thought he was a crackhead.


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
Wow I love some of the comments on here. Does anyone on this site actually know the guy on the bike? Do we know the whole story, as if was the guy running and we couldnt see it in the video? To me it looked like the only reason he stopped is because traffic in front of him was stopped. Myself I seen the badge. Without knowing the complete story and facts I wont say if the cop was right or wrong, but if you ask me it looks like the rider was trying to bug outta there. Just my .02

He wasn't running and that is the reason he only received a citation... The arrest came later after the cops realized their screw up was caught on camera.


Active Member
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Nov 20, 2008
Did the officer need to draw his gun? Maybe not, but it sure is a good tool to grab attention fast, and being as he wasn't in uniform is a way to show who you are.

Are you insane? What kind of attention is he trying to grab?? And by pulling the gun, he is accurately identifying himself as a cop?? He is more likely to be taken for some psycho taking part in road rage than a police officer.

There is no defending this cop, AT ALL, in this situation. Had the story turned out where this biker was wanted for armed robbery, attempted murder, child abduction or any other serious crime I would have had no problem with what the cop did. For crimes like that, sometimes caution gets thrown to the wind.

But in this case, it was just a biker riding like a moron. He was pulled over and not resisting. If it was me, I'd get out of the car, flash my badge and ridicule him a little bit.

As for the cop not seeing the camera....that has more to do with his putting on a show than his lack of attention to detail.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2002
nothing wrong in this vid.. he VERBALLY identified himself as a police officer and you can see his badge when he holsters his gun. the guy was clearly riding like a jackass and got pulled over. then he tried to back away from the officer who drew his firearm because a motorcycle can be used as a weapon if he tries to run him over with it.. dont see the big deal. he holstered once there wasnt an immenient threat.
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New Member
Established Member
Apr 7, 2009
West Grove, Pa
It'd be nice to know the whole story. The unmarked car may have had a light on the dash or something.

first, i live close to MD... and ive seen them pulling people over on the highway in all sorts of vehicles... actually i just saw two of them in f150 extended cabs with caps on the bed!

problem with a "dash light"... regulations require visible lighting 360* in most states i believe.. any unmarked unit you see will have rear deck lights and tail strobes at a minimum for a 180* compliance... even the f150s had 360* lights
-its unacceptable and just shady for a cop to pull someone over in a car with just a dash light... i wouldnt pull over for that... ill go back to my story about the vic w/ the magnet rotator pulling young women over...

if it only had a dash light then i seriously doubt its an MSP vehicle... too much liability to have a car with emergency lighting only on the front... he gets rear ended during a traffic stop theres gonna be definate problems..
and theres no reason for him to have red lights in his personal vehicle... he looks young to be a supervisor...
i doubt the chevy had lights on

the wiretapping is BULLSHIT... wheres the checks and balances on the cops? thats bs and i hope he gets away with it... its only a problem because the video is making bad PR for MSP

maryland sucks


Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
what the **** is wrong with some of you??? seriously, if the biker had a CCW permit then the cop very well could have gotten HIM SELF shot! i don't think anyone here gives a shit about tripping this cop up on some bullshit 'technicality'. i don't see anyone arguing 'entrapment' or anything stupid like that. all i see are people talking about common sense crap, like maybe pulling out your BADGE first instead of your GUN.

but no, the appologists have to come in here, ignoring all common sense. "but, but, but he identified himself as a state trooper!" yea, only after he pulled his gun out, told the guy to get off the bike 4 times, and put his hand on the bike. seems like identifying yourself verbally and/or with your badge would be step #1.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2004
Atlanta, GA
This is complete BS. A guy records the police and shows them acting in an un-professional matter and now they are trying to put him in jail. The ****ing police have laws passed so you can't record them because they don't want to get caught lying about what really happens. In some cases the police are worse then the criminals. I think if they can record you, you should be able to record them. It's funny how their videos will come up missing if it shows them in poor light. Wake up people we live in a police state.
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I'm not evil, Trust Me
Established Member
Sep 11, 2006
Las Vegas, NV.
This is one of the times when the OP's video is actually too short to make any sort of judgement. I realize there is more to the story, but the 30 second clip doesn't convince me of any right or wrong on the cop's behalf (or the biker's, for that matter).

Watch the second clip, it is much longer and shows what led up to the stop.


New Member
Established Member
May 1, 2006
Regardless, hopefully no one was injured throughout the whole thing. Has the officer's department made a statement about it?


New Member
Established Member
Sep 24, 2006
Austin , TX
Looks about normal cops over reacting if that cop hadnt have been the and that was me that guy would have had a motorcycle on top of him!

Hell if the guy didnt notice the cop behind him that could have been bad. Self defense by motorcycle!

He knew there were police behind him, he checked the mirrors about 50 times while going down the exit ramp. They may have thought he was fleeing, the police officer exited the vehicle brandishing the weapon because at that point the officer did not have control over the situation, when the biker took his hands off the controls and put them up, he holstered his weapon.

If that was you, you would of ran from the police? no wonder you are so used to normal cops pulling guns on you.


Established Member
Oct 12, 2004
Frankfort, IL
Well first off the first thing the undercover did was pull his gun grab the bike and repeat "get off the motorcycle". The first words out of his mouth should have been state police.

I agree completely that if someone approached my car with a gun drawn in plain clothes I would be grabbing for mine and trying to get out of there. Not many would notice the badge right away, they would notice the gun first.


Super Trooper
Established Member
Nov 9, 2003
Sacramento, California
well it's good many of you aren't LEOs, so you'll never get to have that sort of experience. judging by your responses, sounds like you already know what you're doing. :rollseyes


New Member
Established Member
Apr 7, 2009
West Grove, Pa
He knew there were police behind him, he checked the mirrors about 50 times while going down the exit ramp. They may have thought he was fleeing, the police officer exited the vehicle brandishing the weapon because at that point the officer did not have control over the situation, when the biker took his hands off the controls and put them up, he holstered his weapon.

If that was you, you would of ran from the police? no wonder you are so used to normal cops pulling guns on you.

im not sure you and I watched the same video:D


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2006
He knew there were police behind him, he checked the mirrors about 50 times while going down the exit ramp. They may have thought he was fleeing, the police officer exited the vehicle brandishing the weapon because at that point the officer did not have control over the situation, when the biker took his hands off the controls and put them up, he holstered his weapon.

If that was you, you would of ran from the police? no wonder you are so used to normal cops pulling guns on you.

Checking your mirrors, and looking around constantly is part of riding. You do it to stay alive because you need to ride as if everyone is out to kill you.
I don't think he knew what was going on when he stopped. To me it seemed like he was giving himself room to get out of the situation if someone was going to rear end him. I always stay in first gear and have a way out (stay to the side of a car usually) when I'm stopped in traffic especially on a highway, or off ramp.

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