Marine Corps Marathon and Operation Homefront


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Aug 14, 2005
Chattanooga, TN
Good Evening,

I'm running the Marine Corps Marathon this coming October(26.2mi in Washington DC). While the Marine Corps Marathon has some individual spots, the majority of runners participate as part of a team that works with a non-profit organization. This year I am being a part of the Operation Homefront Team. Operation Homefront is a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance to members of the military and their families. The goal for each participant is $500. I just signed up and am beginning to spread the word. For more information on Operation Homefront see

If you would like to donate please support through Donations

I appreciate anything you can donate, and while I don't normally do any fundraisers, I believe in the OH cause seeing how they have sent aid to personal friends.

Thank You,
Donald Furman

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