Help Me Understand PBJ


Bite The Bullitt...
Established Member
Dec 1, 2004
On the road again...just can't wait to get on the
I admit that I was speeding and didn't give the LEO any bs. He walked up to my car and asked if I was running late (which I was) so I replied, "Yes, sir. Just trying to get to work."

I was clocked at 70 in a 55mph zone but he told me to go to the Administ. Court and tell them that I was running late one morning and it should get reduced.

My question is, should I try to use a PBJ and if so, how long would the probationary period be? I only ask becuase I just got my car ~2 monthes ago and the last thing I need is an insurance hike. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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