Fullerton Police Beat Man to Death (Possibly NSFW)


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 22, 2010
Cincy, OH
Not gonna lie, I was half expecting you (04SCSaleen325) to get all huffy at me and feel attacked since you are a cop.


Established Member
Dec 3, 2010
whether he was resisting or not, im sure more then 2 cops would be able to control him after tasing him

if they beat him in the head with flashlights these miserable ****s should go to jail for murder, simple as that
just cuz u have a badge on doesnt mean u can assault people, ur there to protect and arrest those causing trouble, im sure beating someone in the head with a flashlights takes it WAY over what needs to be done to subdue someone

who ever is saying they are a cop and that because their job is tough trying to justify this ur a fu**** idiot man, u are there to protect and save, not take a life

sad that those cops probably wont even go to jail
again this is assuming thats what went down, from hearing what people said in video, it was deff way over what they shouldve done

again i was not trying to justify anything at all, i was simply trying to point out another way to look at the situation from someone who can relate, since there are always two sides of the story

5-6 cops should not need deadly force against an unarmed man.

Also, the majority of the time mentally unstable people are creatures of habit and I bet there is a good chance that one of the officers working their regular area knew of this man. This is an assumption, but I am willing to bet someone knew this guy.

No excuse for what happened. And as far as the comment, "we are told we can use our flashlights as a weapon and are not told how to use it." You are a moron if you think it is remotely a good idea to hit somebody in the back of the head multiple times with a steel flashlight. You should not have any job with any type of importance if you lack this type of common sense.

Talking about being a moron and common sense, if you read my post i simply just said that police officers are trained that in a situation you CAN use your flashlight in defense of a threat. It is NOT recommended to be the first choice of defense, ( ex mace/pepper spray - tazer ) and is NOT considered deadly physical force. I did not in any way shape or form try to justify them using them

Again, everyone here has good points and arguments on both sides, but for the people who are so against the cops ( again i am neutral in this matter ) but for the people who are so against the cops and wanna hang them for this, how can you justify saying they are at fault when you dont know all the facts and the video shows nothing, ( again i am neutral bc some people arent understanding that ). i mean cant you also say that its unfair your pointing your finger at the cops not knowing all the facts?


Super Moderator
Apr 5, 2003
South Louisiana
Not trying to justify anything with this statement just more of an FYI,

Most around here now use rechargable composite flashlights which are very light. Not that it makes a difference in this case but the days of the big metal 5d mag-lights are over.


Established Member
Dec 3, 2010
Not gonna lie, I was half expecting you (04SCSaleen325) to get all huffy at me and feel attacked since you are a cop.

lol not at all, trust me i am the most down to earth simple person. some people like cops, some dont. what can you do right?

everyone has their own opinion and their entitled to it, and im all for a fair and RESPECTFUL debate but be fair and open on other aspects of the situation,

again unless you were there you cant point fingers at either party not having any eye witness account or knowing ALL the facts


Established Member
Dec 3, 2010
I heard there were 5 cops there by someone in the video. Amazing how 5 cops with tazers couldn't manage to get one man in handcuffs and taken to jail. Instead they murder him with their flashlights by beating him to death. They will find some way to not see any jail time for this. Sad, just plain sad.

I'm not meaning to point you out so please don't take it personal, but this goes somewhat along with everyone else who are against the cops here. look at the first sentence of your post.

I HEARD there were 5 cops there by someone in the video.

The video shows nothing, everyone here who are against the cops are going by what they hear and read.

please take this into considerations as well, the reason why you cannot believe everything you read is simple. the investigating police department cannot releas all the facts of the incident because if this does go to trial, and all the facts were released to the public before the trial started, it has an extremely good chance of being a mistrial since the selected jury or judge have heard either true or untrue facts about the case from second hand party (public and media ) and have already made their own assumption and conclusion of what has happened
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King of Controversy
Established Member
Feb 23, 2007
I admit, as it has been stated many times in this thread that none of us know what happened. But I will also say, that I am not sure I have EVER seen some one take a taser and continue to resist arrest as any threat at all.

If the cops did act wrongly, as it appears they might have. I hope they are punished to the full extent of the law.

Rick James

Got Brimley???
Established Member
Jul 15, 2004
If the cops did act wrongly, as it appears they might have. I hope they are punished to the full extent of the law.

They won't be. If there is one thing I am sure of in this scenario, it is that.


New Member
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Apr 26, 2005
houston area
we are trained that you can use the flashlight in defense, also their is no guidlines on where to hit a "perp". they do advise not to hit in the head but it isnt against the rules.

I was just commenting on this I did not mean that YOU are a moron specifically. Anybody that thinks hitting somebody in the back of the head multiple times is a moron and it seemed like you were attempting to give rationale for the actions. When you say it isn't against the rules it seems as if you are giving an excuse to the cops for their lack of judgement when they are in a position to have heightened judgement. If one of those cops cant make a judgement call on common sense in regards to the consequences of hitting somebody in the back of the head multiple times they should not have the job.
Feb 15, 2004
This is where you are wrong....we aren't discussing the would've, should've, could've....we are discussing him being killed.

Here's a million what-ifs for you...well if he had gotten an education, well if he was in a different neighborhood, well if he had taken his meds, well if he tried to rob a store instead of break into cars...I could go on forever...NONE of that changes the fact that he was beaten to death..don't try and spin this into something else. If you feel no remorse in any way for a human death of this fashion than you are a horrible person. I'm done arguing with you and your irrationalities.

+1 Its incredible how so many are inclined to always make excuses for police brutality and deflect the issue at hand. Regardless of how a person ended up homeless along the way, it doesn't serve as any justifiable reason to make light of their death at the hands os people that shouldn't be cops. We have some really cold hearted people in this country that think every deserves some kind of awful exit from this world just because they screwed up in life. Its sad people believe things like that.


Active Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
Orange County, CA
What amazes me are the people who think nothing of this because they "Dont know the whole story". Plain and simple, resisting or not, these officers beat an UNARMED man to death. If that many officers cant subdue a person without beating them to how thr man looked in the picture then they have NO right to wear a badge.

Just listen to the peoples reactions who are witnessing what is happening. Guys are sitting there saying how he is laying on his stomach with all of the officers on him yet they continue to beat him. A lady walks away saying she cant watch anymore because she is so disgusted.

If this had been a fight where a man was beaten to death without officers involved nobody would be saying they dont know the whole story, and if his skin was a different color it woild be an even bigger story.

I spoke with my friend who is a deputy for the Orange County Sherriffs and he said his whole department is completely disgusted by their actions, and he knows more about this incident than we do.


Established Member
Jul 19, 2004
What amazes me are the people who think nothing of this because they "Dont know the whole story". Plain and simple, resisting or not, these officers beat an UNARMED man to death.

It's also important to note that Kelly's father said his son weighed 135lbs and the coroner said he was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Established Member
Jul 19, 2004
lol not at all, trust me i am the most down to earth simple person. some people like cops, some dont. what can you do right?

everyone has their own opinion and their entitled to it, and im all for a fair and RESPECTFUL debate but be fair and open on other aspects of the situation,

again unless you were there you cant point fingers at either party not having any eye witness account or knowing ALL the facts

I'm curious to know what you think happened. I realize we're not working with all the facts here, but do you care to speculate?


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 27, 2008
san francisco
This is some sad shit.. man I could maybe see one or two cops and believing he could be a threat to them but 6 that's a gang beating


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 25, 2008
Long Beach, CA
The SVTP "we need the whole story before forming an opinion on an unarmed, sober man beaten to death by 6 cops while laying on his stomach crying for his life" crowd sickens me. What more to the story do you guys need? Six murders are walking free right now. Disgusting.


Established Member
Oct 24, 2005
My Problems with this whole thing.

"They kept beating him and Tasering him. I could hear zapping, and he wasn't even moving," said Turgeon. "He had one arm in front of him like this, he wasn't resisting. And they kept telling him, 'He's resisting, quit resisting,' and he wasn't resisting."

He was only hit with the taser one time from what the video shows. You can clearly hear the 5 second burst. So if the guy who took the video was so enraged why did he not start recording after the first time he was tased?or the second? or third? So obviously we are missing a good five minutes of video of what happened before all of the bystanders were able to gather around. I'll play devils advocate and assume they tased him 4 other times. obviously it had no effect on him if he is still able to resist. This leads me to believe he was more than likely having a psychotic episode making him feel no pain. Hell it even says in the article "some community members regarded him as scary and prone to angry outbursts, most people who saw him around town say otherwise". Has anyone here actually attempted to subdue a schizophrenic?


Active Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
Orange County, CA
Not trying to justify anything with this statement just more of an FYI,

Most around here now use rechargable composite flashlights which are very light. Not that it makes a difference in this case but the days of the big metal 5d mag-lights are over.

Most out here still have the bigger mag-lites :/ To do that much damage with smaller flashlights would almost seem worse! Definitely understand what youre saying though.


Active Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
Orange County, CA
My Problems with this whole thing.

"They kept beating him and Tasering him. I could hear zapping, and he wasn't even moving," said Turgeon. "He had one arm in front of him like this, he wasn't resisting. And they kept telling him, 'He's resisting, quit resisting,' and he wasn't resisting."

He was only hit with the taser one time from what the video shows. You can clearly hear the 5 second burst. So if the guy who took the video was so enraged why did he not start recording after the first time he was tased?or the second? or third? So obviously we are missing a good five minutes of video of what happened before all of the bystanders were able to gather around. I'll play devils advocate and assume they tased him 4 other times. obviously it had no effect on him if he is still able to resist. This leads me to believe he was more than likely having a psychotic episode making him feel no pain. Hell it even says in the article "some community members regarded him as scary and prone to angry outbursts, most people who saw him around town say otherwise". Has anyone here actually attempted to subdue a schizophrenic?

Yes my girlfriend is a nurse in a mental hospital and she has subdued many schizophrenic patients and others having psychotic breakdowns WITHOUT the use of drugs by herself and with the use of one other sometimes...and she is 5'2" and 110lbs. And no she didnt have to beat them to death to subdue them.

Also in the video you hear a random lady even comment "they have already tazed him like 5 times, stop tazing him!" Maybe you just choose to see and hear what you want to. Also the guy obviously started the camera late, you even hear him ask his friend "how do you zoom in?"
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