Escort 360 malfunction, or cop lying?


Active Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2018
Not trying to be a dick about it, but a lot of people think they can argue their way out of getting the ticket. And most don't realize that the more you run your mouth on the side of the road, the more it hurts you in the court. I am a very strong advocate of people just being quiet and take the ticket. Fight it in court. The more you talk, the more you give to me.
Just suck it up, buttercup. At least you didn't lose your license. Once I wanted to go to court via Justice of the Peace. He had to be called from home. That went over like a turd in a punchbowl. You can imagine how that turned out.


Active Member
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Jan 7, 2018
Not trying to be a dick about it, but a lot of people think they can argue their way out of getting the ticket. And most don't realize that the more you run your mouth on the side of the road, the more it hurts you in the court. I am a very strong advocate of people just being quiet and take the ticket. Fight it in court. The more you talk, the more you give to me.
Agree 100%. The more you argue, the more you piss them off. And this is supposed to get you out of ticket? Remember, these people breed, vote and carry firearms.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 25, 2007
I have received my share of speed citations . Some were as was stated , " Do you know " others straight up stated " I clocked you at ...".
The courts in different jurisdictions are run at the "Pleasure of the Mayor " here . That means they are a revenue generation machine , where as the outcome is easy to determine in the opening statements by the officers .
Pay your fine , which is often less than on the summons , and move on .
Other Jurisdictions , when you arrive in Court , you will have a reasonable opportunity to present your facts after the officer .
These are still more expensive than just paying g the citation , but you do have the chance that the officer doesn't show up , and the case is dropped .
Do not piss and moan on the side of the road . Take your lumps like an adult .


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 29, 2019
North Texas
As a 21 year career LEO, let me set a few things straight from your original post.

Thanks for your service. It is one job I could not do.

1. NO radar detector/lidar detector/etc.... is 100% accurate. There will always be some point at which it won't pick up the device the LEO is using. It happens. I don't care what the manufacturer touts the reliability rate is, NONE are 100% accurate.

Never implied that it worked 100% of the time...just though it was funny how it picked it up once he was failing me before hitting his lights.

2. Most state do not have laws where the LEO must have any lights on at all to work stationary speed enforcement. Only state I know of is PA, and if it is dark outside, a stationary LEO must have the park lamps activated. This may have changed, and there may be more states, but I am not sure.

Don’t agree with this as it’s not safe for the officer. Often wonder who would be at fault if say a deer runs out in the road, driver swerves, and smokes the unseen cop car that’s just sitting there.

3. A majority of courts do not recognize GPS speeds as certified speed measurement devices. Same with using GPS to measure distances.

Never said I would bring that up in court, point is it’s always been accurate with my speedometer, therefore I know how fast I was going. Be nice if they would show there proof as to my speed without me having to spend $4k to see it. It’s bullshit.

4. Yes, you can always ask the officer to see the radar unit, however, there is no legal precedent that says you have "a right" to see it. Even if you did, many departments have policies that officers will NOT lock the speed in once a speed is obtained (keeps LEO from having a high speed locked in and writing everyone for that speed). So even if you got out and looked at it, you probably wouldn't see anything but a blank screen.

I have done this before and actually went and sat in the passenger seat of the cruiser while he showed me and finished the ticket while we sat there bullshitting. He proved it and I was fine with it. See how that works.

5. I'd be getting a little pissed with you too if you kept interrupting me while I tried to do my job. The roadside is NOT the place to argue or contest the ticket. The courtroom is the place for that. The LEO only makes the charge, and you have a right to disagree with it. But save the arguments and back talk for the courtroom.

Point is you pulled me over and started off acting like a dick...I’ll be one right back and waste as much of your time as I possibly can. If he had a good attitude then I wouldn’t have had a reason to be a dick back.

6. You have the legal right to send the officer's department a Motion for Discovery through the courts, or send them a FOIA request for any information about the case. The LEO does NOT have to comply with such requests on the roadside.

See above. Don’t be a Richard.

7. Trying to handle of all this stuff over the telephone normally doesn't work either. Due process is through the courtroom, not the telephone. It is innocent until proven guilty. The officer will have to prove the case in court. If you want to be found not guilty, then it is your job to prove that the officer's testimony is incorrect. You need solid evidence for that, not just opinions on how things are supposed to work.

Well I don’t have the time to go talk to some podunk court clerk or judge. I’ll happily pay the lawyer to deal with it. I have much better things to do with my time.

Good luck with whichever way you decide to handle it.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 29, 2019
North Texas
Agree 100%. The more you argue, the more you piss them off. And this is supposed to get you out of ticket? Remember, these people breed, vote and carry firearms.

Yep. I have breed, I vote, and I don’t leave home without my American Express or a firearm.

Relaxed Chaos

Just another Gen X Hero
Established Member
Premium Member
Oct 10, 2007
Best just to pay the $600 and avoid the points.

The system is stacked against us super naughty speeders, as old people lie in bed at night, shivering, all nervous about the reckless speeders, cops worrying about meeting their citizen harassment quota's, and government types salivating at all the taxes collected from these victimless crimes.

It's a machine built by stupidity, fueled by irrational fear and tax revenue, and executed by the mindless minions of a government gone crazy.

Squeezed out with help from the mobile app


Active Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2018
Best just to pay the $600 and avoid the points.

The system is stacked against us super naughty speeders, as old people lie in bed at night, shivering, all nervous about the reckless speeders, cops worrying about meeting their citizen harassment quota's, and government types salivating at all the taxes collected from these victimless crimes.

It's a machine built by stupidity, fueled by irrational fear and tax revenue, and executed by the mindless minions of a government gone crazy.

Squeezed out with help from the mobile app
Us old farts know you never outgrow your need for speed.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 29, 2019
North Texas
Oh but “speed kills!!”

Technically speed has never killed’s the sudden stop that kills.

**** em. It’s the price I pay for not agreeing with their speed limits.


Active Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2018
Oh but “speed kills!!”

Technically speed has never killed’s the sudden stop that kills.

**** em. It’s the price I pay for not agreeing with their speed limits.
There is also a law in physics that also applies. Two pieces of matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Also, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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