COVID cops


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Jan 18, 2018
So I am on my way into the office this AM and there is a trooper sitting in the left lane going 54 in a 55. Traffic is backed up behind him because everyone is too big of a pussy to pass him. He is causing an obstruction so I set my cruise control at 57 and pass him in the right lane.

A mile down the road he lights me up and I pull right over. He runs up on me and demands to know if I knew how fast I was going. "Yep" I say. "I had it on cruise control at 57." He states that this is untrue and that I "flew" by him. Again I said "well, I had it on cruise control at 57. I looked right at you as I went past, it is not like I would intentionally fly by a trooper. You were crating a hazard so I took the initiative." He gets all pissed and throws my license back at me and says that I have to slow it down.

I hate to generalize but god I hate cops (I am sure there are some good ones out there though).


I hate Wrist Pins
Established Member
Jun 3, 2007
Dedham MA
So you openly admit to the trooper that you broke the law. Even to the point of admitting guilt and providing the evidence and statement that you did break the law. Then want to complain that the trooper “throws my license back at me” and let you off with a verbal warning? You also openly admit to hating cops so I’m sure you had your mind made up about how the interaction was going to go.

Don’t get me wrong, some times troopers can get all high and mighty, but in your situation you came out with a win.

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Party Liquor Posse
Jul 29, 2019
I'm surprised he pulled you over at all under the circumstances. Couple of my cop friends say they hardly make any traffic stops nowadays unless someone's doing something excessive.

Similar thing happened to me a few years back. State Trooper in the center lane doing the speed limit, everyone too afraid to pass... I once heard that they're told not be "rolling road blocks" so I assumed this trooper missed that part of training or was feeling extra powerful. Set the cruise just like you did and crept by her over the course of 2-3 miles. Flipped my signal on for the exit ramp and blammo, she pulled me over. Hit me for everything she could except a moving violation. No front plate, window tint...etc. Cost me about $180 in nonsense fines. Gives me a stack of paperwork and sends me on my way. Two minutes later she's pulling me over again. "You forgot your license, sir." HA! The balls on that old braud...


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Jan 18, 2018
So you openly admit to the trooper that you broke the law. Even to the point of admitting guilt and providing the evidence and statement that you did break the law. Then want to complain that the trooper “throws my license back at me” and let you off with a verbal warning? You also openly admit to hating cops so I’m sure you had your mind made up about how the interaction was going to go.

Don’t get me wrong, some times troopers can get all high and mighty, but in your situation you came out with a win.

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You and I are going to have to disagree on this. The point of speed limits is to make the roads safer. That is the spirit of the law. In this instance, a strict adherence to the speed limit actually made the roads less safe. So the letter of the law was at odds with the spirit of the law. I would have happily taken the ticket just to fight it. I am pretty sure that my argument would have won the day.

And like I said there are plenty of good cops out there but there are also plenty of straight up assholes. In this case my opinion did not shape the interaction, I was to the point, factual and unemotional. This is not how the officer reacted. It is especially annoying that he straight up lied when he stated that I "flew" by him. This is not the only time this has happened to me by the way, I have caught cops lying on numerous occasions.


I hate Wrist Pins
Established Member
Jun 3, 2007
Dedham MA
You do know that when you see a trooper doing the speed limit in the left lane, that they are actively engaged in traffic enforcement or interdiction techniques to see if and when someone passes them, on the right (which is illegal in my state) and above the posted speed limit. White signs with posted speed limit is the letter of the law and not a suggested speed like the yellow/orange signs which are spirit of the law because they may be otherwise different from the white posted limit.

The phrase flew by him is not a lie. An exaggeration perhaps. The phrase at its basis is a statement with an adjective to describe the action to which there was disagreement about it. Should the trooper have written you a ticket with a recorded or estimated a speed greater than what he observed that would have been a lie.

And I somewhat agree on the good cops bad cops statement. That applies to all walks of life and can be manipulated to fit a narrative.

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Sep 29, 2015
Northeast Florida
Op, have you verified that your speedometer is dead accurate? My wife and I have a Volkswagen GTI that was 5 mph off from the factory.

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Mostly Peaceful
Established Member
Nov 17, 2018
So you openly admit to the trooper that you broke the law. Even to the point of admitting guilt and providing the evidence and statement that you did break the law. Then want to complain that the trooper “throws my license back at me” and let you off with a verbal warning? You also openly admit to hating cops so I’m sure you had your mind made up about how the interaction was going to go.

Don’t get me wrong, some times troopers can get all high and mighty, but in your situation you came out with a win.

1. that isn't a broken law
2. i believe he was complaining about the turd's entire performance from start to finish
3. anyone can argue that going 2mph over the limit to get around someone driving like a douche is more than reasonable.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 18, 2018
You do know that when you see a trooper doing the speed limit in the left lane, that they are actively engaged in traffic enforcement or interdiction techniques to see if and when someone passes them, on the right (which is illegal in my state) and above the posted speed limit.

Why are you nut hugging on cops? In MN the statute only draws a distinction for passing an authorized vehicle with its emergency, flashing, or warning lights activated or that is parked on a street or highway having only one lane in the same direction. In this case, the driver must reduce his speed to one that is "prudent and reasonable."

You are absolutely correct in that I was 2 mph over. I do not know what to tell you if you think that pulling me over somehow made the world a better place.


Well-Known Member
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May 17, 2018
AB, Canada
Fun story. I can only imagine what that's like for the cop. If I'm him I would be thinking, "Holy crap, can you believe this guy?" Then I'd have to light you up to show my female partner that I had balls, too. Not sure if it works this way but in my mind I'd be hoping for maybe a handy from her later as a reward.

Change your speed limit down to 50 mph. Clearly write it into the regulations that vehicles must travel the limit +/- 5mph. Then rules guy cop will go precisely 50 and you can ease past him at 55.

Problem solved. Everyone's happy (But there's one HJ less in the world).


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Apr 11, 2003
I an all my years as a LEO I never saw an officer throw a license back at a driver....Now days most officers have body cams and car video cams...


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 21, 2007
So I am on my way into the office this AM and there is a trooper sitting in the left lane going 54 in a 55. Traffic is backed up behind him because everyone is too big of a pussy to pass him. He is causing an obstruction so I set my cruise control at 57 and pass him in the right lane.

A mile down the road he lights me up and I pull right over. He runs up on me and demands to know if I knew how fast I was going. "Yep" I say. "I had it on cruise control at 57." He states that this is untrue and that I "flew" by him. Again I said "well, I had it on cruise control at 57. I looked right at you as I went past, it is not like I would intentionally fly by a trooper. You were crating a hazard so I took the initiative." He gets all pissed and throws my license back at me and says that I have to slow it down.

I hate to generalize but god I hate cops (I am sure there are some good ones out there though).

Lol tell us how you really feel haha.

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