Be careful what you post on line....


Dumpster Baby
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
In a pineapple under the sea

out there where? he didn't specify an exact location. he didn't specify a date or time. he didn't even specify he was going to actually shoot it up, he just said he "may".

who did he threaten? what location was threatened? all he said was a there's a movie theatre out there. and I "may" shoot it up because of you people. with a ;-) icon.

that's not a threat. it's all totally subjective. it was smartass comment, and a very ill-advised one, and was intended to get a rise out of someone, which it did...just a poor decision really, bad judgement, but from what I've read, there was no intent behind it.

So do you feel the same way about someone making a joke on an airplane about blowing it up? I mean, their not really threatening anyone directly. What happens when you take no action and they really do, ya, o well I guess you ****ed up.

Sorry, but a normal person doesn't go around joking about killing people are going on mass murder sprees so you probably do need to take the comment as a possible indication of threat.

Do you ignore a kid who just randomly comes to school and makes a thread about coming in and shooting everyone. I guess if he said it online it doesn't matter because hey, that's his "freedom of speech" right... please. There isn't anything being taken away from anyone. It's not like the FEDS or someone was monitoring him. He was reported, isn't it's the job of the law enforcement to protect people from harm? The situation was dealt with appropriately.
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Established Member
Sep 30, 2009
North cent. Ohio
Total BS. Next? The thought police. It was a joke, yes a stupid joke, but a joke nonetheless. There was no sincerity to it, no action taken, no plans made (I assume due to the context) I don't condone saying things like this, but c'mon...REALLY?? And to think people support the nanny state BS. If it was a genuine threat, then its different, but we all know it was not. Soon you will be arrested for taking to many breaths in one day.


Show me your Members
Established Member
Jan 23, 2012
Toronto, ON
Total BS. Next? The thought police. It was a joke, yes a stupid joke, but a joke nonetheless. There was no sincerity to it, no action taken, no plans made (I assume due to the context) I don't condone saying things like this, but c'mon...REALLY?? And to think people support the nanny state BS. If it was a genuine threat, then its different, but we all know it was not. Soon you will be arrested for taking to many breaths in one day.

In order to be convicted of a crime, two elements must be proven: that the crime occurred –the guilty act—and that the defendant not only engaged in the criminal act, but intended to do so –the guilty mind.

The Actus Reus(guilty act) of a criminal act must be voluntary. He had posted that he intended to cause harm: “......that i may just shoot up because of you people!”

The Mens Rea(guilty mind) is the criminal intent. “Intent,” in the legal sense, can mean to carry out an act with intent, with knowledge, or by being reckless or wilfully blind to the consequences of the act. For most crimes, it must be shown that the accused meant to commit the crime. The accused, Terry Goble, had the specific intent to commit the crime. “Intent to Kill; Murder.” The accused's intent to commit murder is the fact that led to his conviction.
For a person to be convicted of reckless conduct, it must be shown that the accused was aware of the danger involved even if he did not intend the consequence. For example, if someone were to aim a pellet gun into a crowd of children and accidently shoot, injuring one seriously, that person may not have intended harm but should have foreseen the possibility and was taking a risk.

To sum it up, he had the intent to kill; Murder and it was voluntary.

Do I think this whole thing is overdone? Yeah...I do. Criminal law should be saved for the most serious of crimes, for those that involve grave moral fault.

Reno Five-O

New Member
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May 14, 2011
West Texas

You don't make any sense. So you email a black councilman calling him a bunch of racist name and whatnot then get pissed when you get arrested for it. You then go on to cry about how your freedom of speech and expression is being threatened. How about other people's rights not to put up with your bullshit? I don't agree that you should have been charged for a felony but you're retarded if you think you can say whatever you want and nothing will happen to you just because of your freedoms...To me it just sounds like you're all about rights and freedoms for yourself, you just don't give a damn about somebody else's.


Dumpster Baby
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
In a pineapple under the sea
People are acting like this guy just randomly got arrested by posting stuff online. The only reason it happened was because it was brought to the attention of the police. No bodys rights were taking away. It wouldn't be any different then if I was walking in the mall and heard someone make a similar comment and i felt threatened. I'm pretty sure they would detain the guy until they were able to establish he wasn't a threat but just a ****ing dumb ass that says stupid shit.


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
I'm appalled that you can actually be put in jail for a non-specific "threat". This country is so ****ed.

Non specific threat?!?!?! The guy said he might plan on shooting a damn theater up, i'd say that's pretty specific enough. Who says stuff like that, and for what purpose? Nothing funny about it so the joke excuse doesn't work.

If you're stupid enough to say something like that you deserve to be arrested.


Active Member
Established Member
May 13, 2010
Miami Beach
I'm appalled that you can actually be put in jail for a non-specific "threat". This country is so ****ed.

Better safe than sorry:bored:

If this guy did go postal the first thing you would see on TV is his mother crying saying "OMG he just needed someone to listen"

Well guess what??? Law enforcement listened and are giving him all the attention and intervention he desires:lol:


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'

You don't make any sense. So you email a black councilman calling him a bunch of racist name and whatnot then get pissed when you get arrested for it. You then go on to cry about how your freedom of speech and expression is being threatened. How about other people's rights not to put up with your bullshit? I don't agree that you should have been charged for a felony but you're retarded if you think you can say whatever you want and nothing will happen to you just because of your freedoms...To me it just sounds like you're all about rights and freedoms for yourself, you just don't give a damn about somebody else's.

where do you get that I care only for my own/myself and not anyone elses?


sorry, but our country was built upon the fact that you can voice your opinion however you want, as long as its not threatening. my email was never once threatening.

but by your logic If I were to email you calling you a ****** and a moron and an idiot and a white honkey piece of trash, I should have to answer for it legally? :dw:

Oh really? Quoted for the FBI.

:rollseyes selective quoting? you? naw....:nono:


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2012
Long Island, NY
It amazes me that some people still don't realize what kind of world we are living in. We can no longer joke about certain things. This guy probably was running his mouth but other people took him serious. I don't blame the guy who turned him in because these days you never know. At least, he will learn a lesson from now on.


Active Member
Established Member
May 17, 2012
It amazes me that some people still don't realize what kind of world we are living in. We can no longer joke about certain things. This guy probably was running his mouth but other people took him serious. I don't blame the guy who turned him in because these days you never know. At least, he will learn a lesson from now on.

How is the world today any more evil than it has ever been? There is evil throughout our entire history. Genocide, slavery, torture. I get what ya'll are saying but personally I think the long term effects of the erosion of any freedom, no matter how trivial or ridiculous it may seem, poses a greater threat to us and the following generations than any threat this man may have posed.
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Active Member
Established Member
May 28, 2005
Gilbert, AZ
How is this any different than someone calling someone on the telephone and threatening to kill them, or calling in a bomb threat? So if it isn't face to face or if it doesn't actually happen it should be ignored?

So if something is posted online when it comes to threats you're automatically supposed to just ignore it because it's the internet? You have freedom of speech but you also have the freedom of not being a dumb ass and posting threats of shooting people and places up online...

As said above, it's a double edged sword.

Pay attention, he didn't threaten anyone specific.


Active Member
Established Member
May 28, 2005
Gilbert, AZ
Better safe than sorry:bored:

If this guy did go postal the first thing you would see on TV is his mother crying saying "OMG he just needed someone to listen"

Well guess what??? Law enforcement listened and are giving him all the attention and intervention he desires:lol:

Oh yes, what I need is big government to keep me "safe". Make sure you check your closet for the boogey-man before bedtime sweetie.

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