Anyone using mediation for their divorce?

Bad Chariot

Established Member
Nov 20, 2005
Reading, MA
My soon to be ex wife and I are going to meet with the mediator to iron out our divorce the end of next month. This is a non-contested divorce.

I would like to keep this topic free of advice of "Do this and Get THAT". I have worked as a case worker for 2 different state child support agencies so I know how to write a Separation Agreement/Divorce Decree and how to not get myself screwed.

What I would like to know is what people went thru with their own experiences of using a mediator. While we can no longer work as a team as husband and wife, we are doing a real good job of co-parenting our 2 girls. We have written our own separation agreement that both of us are satisfied with. I will have 50% joint custody, she will be the custodial parent, and we are going to split the kids expenses equally. None of this me cutting her a check every mth to pay her rent, cell bill , car etc. When she works FT, she makes almost $30k more then me so she can support herself. Its the kid's expenses I will pay half of.

Is the mediator going to "interviewing" us to see what what wrong in the marriage, why we are divorcing, is this really the time that the "dirt" comes out and emotions can get the best of you?

These are more of the topics I want hear about not looking for legal advise.



Big Nerd
Established Member
Jul 21, 2004
Buddy of mine went through this about 2 yrs ago...I think. It was pretty painless as far as I remember. I had to go once, not sure why. They both had a support person there. We didn't say a word? Go figure. The mediation was pretty much putting down in writing all the crap they had agreed upon. Split assets right down the middle. 2 cars, 2 houses, etc. the only thing they didn't split up were the dogs. He kept them both. Hope all goes well for you.

Bad Chariot

Established Member
Nov 20, 2005
Reading, MA
Ok thanks. I had a feeling that was the process. Just hope she doesn't get stupid in the next 7 weeks and decide she is not going to honor the written agreement (it's not notarized).


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
You know why lawyers are so expensive in a divorce case? They are worth it!


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Mediation is a great option as long as both parties are equally committed to a fair resolution of the matter. Mediator will ask both parties their story and what they can agree on. Then after determining the issues that the parties dont agree the mediator will attempt to get each party to see the other party's side and help both parties come to an acceptable agreement.

The mediator will likely caucus with each side alone to find out details to use to come to an agreement without revealing details to the other side unless permitted.

Good luck.

Fast Freddy

GPS'D 225
Established Member
Jun 7, 2004
Tucson, Arizona
You know why lawyers are so expensive in a divorce case? They are worth it!

this is true!

i got the call from my attorney yesterday that i won my divorce case :dancenana: the ex-wife wouldn't take my $190,000 settlement offer as she gambled and took me court to try and get a $1,000,000 settlement from a judge :eek: after 3 days of trial the judge awarded her a mere $90,000 :loser: i spent ~ $140,000 on 2 laywers and she spent ~ $35,000 on one cheap lawyer :nonono: but it was worth it to me to have a legal defense team like O.J. as it saved me hundreds of thousands of $$$$$ :thumbsup:

Note: we were married for 12 years and had no kids....
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New Member
Established Member
Dec 24, 2011
North Carolina
this is true!

i got the call from my attorney yesterday that i won my divorce case :dancenana: the ex-wife wouldn't take my $190,000 settlement offer as she gambled and took me court to try and get a $1,000,000 settlement from a judge :eek: after 3 days of trial the judge awarded her a mere $90,000 :loser: i spent ~ $140,000 on 2 laywers and she spent ~ $35,000 on one cheap lawyer :nonono: but it was worth it to me to have a legal defense team like O.J. as it saved me hundreds of thousands of $$$$$ :thumbsup:

Note: we were married for 12 years and had no kids....

Holy shit. What do you do for a living?

Bad Chariot

Established Member
Nov 20, 2005
Reading, MA
Mediation is a great option as long as both parties are equally committed to a fair resolution of the matter. Mediator will ask both parties their story and what they can agree on. Then after determining the issues that the parties dont agree the mediator will attempt to get each party to see the other party's side and help both parties come to an acceptable agreement.

The mediator will likely caucus with each side alone to find out details to use to come to an agreement without revealing details to the other side unless permitted.

Good luck.

Oh that is good to know because (being honest here), she is the cause of the divorce and when the reasons that are causing this issue comes up she becomes VERY defensive & irrational so that is good to know I can talk with someone w/o her hearing it.

We have no assets right now, our house is being sold as a short sale and possibly facing huh..I hope she is happy about that one!! We bought at the height in 2007 and the asking price is $80k under what we owe.
Its been on the market for 6 mths, had 70+ showings and 6 offers, only 2 were accepted but both buyers backed out due to how long a short sale purchase takes. Yeah think they would have educated themselves BEFORE making the offer! We live in a great town in the best neighborhood in the town so for the price we are asking you would have thought this would have sold yesterday.

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