Anyone sober?

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Established Member
Jun 5, 2007
I have been sober since October of 2007. Just thought I would see if any other members were also. I'm just interested to see. At times I feel like I'm the only one, I realize many are just wanted to ask.



Killing time at work.
Established Member
Mar 17, 2006
North Jersey
What kind of sober OP? I take being sober as not being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. I consider myself sober even though I down a 30 pack every week or so.


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 5, 2007
What kind of sober OP? I take being sober as not being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. I consider myself sober even though I down a 30 pack every week or so.
Sorry should have clarified. Sober from drugs and alchole. I'm sober from from alchole.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 4, 2008
I have been dealing with this honestly. I don't know if I would consider myself and alcoholic but I see it as a problem.

I drink everyday when I get off work. Usually something close to a 6 packs, sometimes just a few tall boys. My friends say I drink way too much but I never get drunk. A 6 packs will barely put a buzz on me. I know when I drink it does start to put me in a depressive pity party state...usually over a stupid bitch. I can't remember the last day I went without a drink.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 21, 2007
I only drink when the suns out and its hot as hell, can't drink in the winter. Nothings better then an ice cold beer after working in the heat all day to me, imo.


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Oct 3, 2013
^that's definitely a problem that has potential to spiral out of control.

+1 transamcoupe, find somebody that your comfortable talking to about this, that way you dont end up going in a downward spiral to something you do not wanna become. denial is probly the first stage.

drinking every now and then is okay, all in good fun and stuff. but its never a good thing to drink when your upset, ect.

anyways. yeah when 6pm hits on a friday night the drinking begins. all in good fun of course lol. i dont drink during the week tho.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 15, 2004
Central Fl
^that's definitely a problem that has potential to spiral out of control.


getting drunk doesnt have anything to do with it in some cases, theres lots of functional alcoholics running around out there. I know several people that never miss a day of work or anything like that but they cant go without having several beers after work every day. If you're dependent on it, you're addicted


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
I have been dealing with this honestly. I don't know if I would consider myself and alcoholic but I see it as a problem.

I drink everyday when I get off work. Usually something close to a 6 packs, sometimes just a few tall boys. My friends say I drink way too much but I never get drunk. A 6 packs will barely put a buzz on me. I know when I drink it does start to put me in a depressive pity party state...usually over a stupid bitch. I can't remember the last day I went without a drink.

If you think a 6 pack of beer is bad..

I guess I'm screwed with my long islands...


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 5, 2007
I have been dealing with this honestly. I don't know if I would consider myself and alcoholic but I see it as a problem.

I drink everyday when I get off work. Usually something close to a 6 packs, sometimes just a few tall boys. My friends say I drink way too much but I never get drunk. A 6 packs will barely put a buzz on me. I know when I drink it does start to put me in a depressive pity party state...usually over a stupid bitch. I can't remember the last day I went without a drink.

I was the same way. I started just before I went to college, and once I made some friends there it escalated. By my second year I was drinking every night, started at about ten drinks and moved up from there. If I had liquor In the house there was not much left of a 750ml bottle left.
As I went threw into my third year it got much worse. I began to detox some during the day. At that point I would pick a couple 40oz up on the way home just so I could sleep and not get sick, then it was on to the real drinking at night. I ignored what it was doing to me. No way was I an alcoholic at 21.

When I went home for Christmas break I drank in my room when everyone went to sleep. One night I was to tired to drink, the next morning I had my first detox seizure. I'm really lucky my parents were there. I woke up on the garage flood with paramedics over me. This did not get me to stop, I lost my license because of the seizure. I never drove drunk and driving around was an escape for me.
When I got back to school I would drink all day long. Wake up have a couple beers or shots. This went on until I went to treatment. Unfortunately I drank when I got out. Had more seizures and my body started to shut down. Terrible liver function, organ damge and terrible daily detox.

Thankfully I had lots of support many dont. I should have died and truly had little time left. I was drinking 25 or more drinks a day. But finaly after multiple rehabs and accepting that I was dying I got the help both mentally and medically that I needed. Today I'm in law school and married to the girl that stood by me threw all of this.
Addiction is hard people don't get it until they are exposed to it. I sure did not get it I thought it was a weakness. But now I understand the science behind it.
Good luck I'm sure you have been threw a lot being in the military. If you think it an issue seek out some help. You deserve a good like and the booze can and will take it from you.


Active Member
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Jul 22, 2009
Los Angeles
I've been sober since 2010....I don't like who I become when I drink so rather not...didn't like the hangovers either lol


Dapper as ****
Established Member
Oct 18, 2008
I was the same way. I started just before I went to college, and once I made some friends there it escalated. By my second year I was drinking every night, started at about ten drinks and moved up from there. If I had liquor In the house there was not much left of a 750ml bottle left.
As I went threw into my third year it got much worse. I began to detox some during the day. At that point I would pick a couple 40oz up on the way home just so I could sleep and not get sick, then it was on to the real drinking at night. I ignored what it was doing to me. No way was I an alcoholic at 21.

When I went home for Christmas break I drank in my room when everyone went to sleep. One night I was to tired to drink, the next morning I had my first detox seizure. I'm really lucky my parents were there. I woke up on the garage flood with paramedics over me. This did not get me to stop, I lost my license because of the seizure. I never drove drunk and driving around was an escape for me.
When I got back to school I would drink all day long. Wake up have a couple beers or shots. This went on until I went to treatment. Unfortunately I drank when I got out. Had more seizures and my body started to shut down. Terrible liver function, organ damge and terrible daily detox.

Thankfully I had lots of support many dont. I should have died and truly had little time left. I was drinking 25 or more drinks a day. But finaly after multiple rehabs and accepting that I was dying I got the help both mentally and medically that I needed. Today I'm in law school and married to the girl that stood by me threw all of this.
Addiction is hard people don't get it until they are exposed to it. I sure did not get it I thought it was a weakness. But now I understand the science behind it.
Good luck I'm sure you have been threw a lot being in the military. If you think it an issue seek out some help. You deserve a good like and the booze can and will take it from you.

Congrats man!

Looks like you are doing great.

Keep up the good work!


New Member
Established Member
Mar 3, 2009
I tend to drink more beer during the summer. Can't beat ice cold beer when it's 100+ degrees outside.

For a short period of time a few years ago, I drank every night for about a month straight. I didn't realize how much I was drinking until I saw the huge pile of bottles and cans in the garbage. It was kind of a wake-up call and I reduced my drinking drastically. I still drink occasionally during the week and on the weekends, there no specific day where I drink more than the other.
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