4v timing chain help


Established Member
Jul 8, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Ok, the engine's out of my car, and I am trying to get everything ready to put it back in. I removed the front cover to have it powder coated and I then noticed that the long chain on the passenger side of the engine (the one going from the crank to the cams) has a bit of slack in it. Now the chain on the drivers side is perfectly tight.

My question is this: Is this normal to have a bit of slack in these chains? The following pics will hopefully show you what I'm talking about. Now keep in mind I'm not too sure of the technical terms for a few of these parts, so be easy on me. In the first pic, the small cylinder in this "tensioner" on the passenger side isn't extended out nearly as far as the "tensioner" on the drivers side, as you will see in the second pic.



Would/could this be the problem in why there is a bit of slack on the passenger side chain?

Now in these next two pics you can see the tension of the chains that I am talking about. In this first pic I drew an arrow at the small gap between the chain and the red thing that the chain moves on, this is the chain on the passenger side (pay no attention to the other end of the arrow pointing at the A/C compressor, I didn't know how to get an arrow with only one point on it so I could just point at the small gap in the chain). In the next pic you can see the drivers side chain and clearly see it is tight and there is no gap between the chain and the red thing the chain moves on.



Again, this is just something I noticed when I removed the front cover to have it powder coated. Is there anything wrong with that slack, or anything I need to worry about? If so, what is the problem and how do I fix it. Will the slack go away once the engine is started back up and the small cylinder in the "tensioner" pushes on the chain? Any and all help would be appreciated.


Active Member
Established Member
Jan 17, 2006
spin the motor over by hand and it should tighten up ... i ran into the (exact) same thing awhile back and from my searching on here i found that the pass.side tensioner is known to go bad, thats the one most have problems with ... in my case the tensioner was good it was just a little kick back from the cam lobes becasue the tensioner had bleed down oil pressure from sitting up .. once i spun mine over the slack would take up..


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 18, 2006
I ran into that too. Scared me also. Thing to remember there are only 4 events per cam and unlike a pushrod with all 16 on one stick to even it out, there will be times when the lobes will kick back.

At a running RPM there should be enough drag in the system plus pressure in the tensioner to keep that section taught.

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