1/2 Mile Race Event near Chicago June 21st and 22nd


Established Member
Apr 13, 2004
Northern Illinois
Hey guys, I'm bringing my 2014 GT500 to this event in June. They were sold out for Saturday so I'm racing on Sunday and spectating on Saturday. From what I've seen, there isn't a big turnout of Shelby's or Mustang's for that matter. It would be nice to see some more 662HP beasts out there to represent. I'll be doing my part. There are a lot of crazy high horsepower cars at these events. Last year, the AMS Alpha GTR had the fastest MPH.

wannaGOFAST - High-Speed Racing - Home


My brother is showing up with his CTS-V wagon so there will be cars slower than ours :poke:

But seriously, I looked at the results from last year and I think our cars just from the factory are at least in the top 40th percentile of cars. It looks like a great event.
Anyone else going?

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