Recent content by Extremite

  1. Extremite

    lets see all the hot girlfriends/wives!

    I hate photo sharing sites. >.>
  2. Extremite

    lets see all the hot girlfriends/wives!

    Sigh...Stupid imgur. They were blocked on another car forum I frequent also. Time to switch it up, I reckon.
  3. Extremite

    lets see all the hot girlfriends/wives!

    Stretching on her pole. The Mrs. and I on New Years.
  4. Extremite

    Motor Trend BMW E30 love.

    Since I know how much the SVTP crowd likes Jason Cammisa. The car that ignited my passion for BMWs and continues to be one of the best drivers chassis on the planet.
  5. Extremite

    My little 1990 notch made it to the dyno today. It made 424/508 at the wheels. Kurgan is the man. Guy who shot the video didn't put it on youtube so that's the only link I have for the time being. :-D
