Recent content by crazyj0n

  1. crazyj0n

    Time and date issue?

    I've tried messing with my DST settings/time settings but the past week or so i've had crazy inaccuracies in the time and date. Example: within the thread, it may be an hour off but after posting and going back to the subforum it can be up to 6 hours off (will say last post 6 hours ahead of...
  2. crazyj0n

    Name changes with new layout?

    Does this effect the no name change policy any? If so can i change my tag to "ChillWheel"? If not ill take the infraction for disobeying the rules, thanks.
  3. crazyj0n

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    guy deserves a surfboard and wetsuit...
  4. crazyj0n

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    At first i thought it was a picture of a pregnant person that was stating just because you can "kick?" doesn't mean you are alive (looked like a fresh tattoo) , suggesting that abortion is logical because the baby isn't alive yet.
  5. crazyj0n

    Svtp redirecting to 'anon' site?

    Looks like svtp keeps redirecting me to a site about "anti-banksters" with a video embe dded. I got svtp working on my phone but it seems either svtp got hacked or my network did. And all other sites are working besides svtp? Looks like work from anonymous as the r vendetta mask is on the page
  6. crazyj0n

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    Those are union laborers, if there was an accident they would lose flagging rights. And it actually looks like the further flagger has a stop sign pointing toward the camera signaling the away flaggers (oncoming) traffic to "slow" (2 sided paddle) which means the flagger with his thumbs up is...
  7. crazyj0n

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    I just realized Anne Frank totally looks like Bear Grylls.
  8. crazyj0n

    Xbox 360 2 player games?

    Hey i was wondering if anyone can recommend any good 2 player games,(Any genre) or even ones that haven't released yet. Seems like all the 360 games are online only, which is alright but they don't even offer 2 player anymore.
  9. crazyj0n

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    They did not send the wrong size. He wore a medium (which chafed) and they shipped him a large. FOTLFTW
  10. crazyj0n

    Halloween constumes?

    Anyone dressing up this year? I'm thinking about being mike tyson. Only problem is i'm white... Maybe a bathtub with food coloring? What about you? Spelling fail
  11. crazyj0n

    NWS Pics that make you :lol: every time you see them NWS

    I think red94 just won. hahaha
  12. crazyj0n

    Help on math problems please!

    Before anyone gives me shit about not doing my own homework, i just want to say I've been doing the pascals triangle/perfect squares crap all day and i don't know how they relate with these problems. If anyone can answer any of these it would be greatly appreciated. If a family has 10 children...
