Feds got no chill


It's to big to move FAST!
Established Member
Sep 4, 2002
Here/there/some other silly place
I was just thinking of something.

Wouldn't it be great if the President told the worthless Governor and Mayor both that you can pay to repair, replace, and fix the courthouse and if they refuse then say fine no Fed funds for your city or state as they are going to go to fixing, repairing the courthouse. That would be so epic and a thumb right in the eye of these worthless spineless idiots running Oregon and a warning to any future leaders of that state to either do their dang jobs or else.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 29, 2005
Just to be clear , this is not how the majority of Oregonian's act .

But the state and local leadership are joining them, saying "goodness me, we can't have protestors getting arrested by federal police" Yes. Yes we can, when you take the teeth out of the local police, somebody's gotta do it. They should have been clubbing these ****ers like baby seals from the very first night. You can protest all you want. You can do it loudly and make people uncomfortable. But when you start burning and looting and hurting people over nebulous and impossible-to-meet demands? **** you, you purple-haired twunt. It's on.

At least that's the way it should have been. Too late now. Not sure how we come back from this.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 29, 2005
Meanwhile, Seattle's "leadership" has resolved that the Seattle PD can no longer use less-lethal rounds even against violent protestors, leaving them with nothing but batons and shields. The SPD Chief of Police sent a letter to the mayor and council and basically, nicely, but firmly, told them she's not going to put her officers in a position of having to engage violent protestors with no tools. And by the way, she says there are known protests planned for this weekend that are likely to turn violent just like two recent ones did. Bottom line? **** you, mayor and you too, city council. You're on your own.

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